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2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
from util import hook
import re
import random
nick_re = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$")
slaps = []
slap_items = []
with open("plugins/data/slaps.txt") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith("//"):
with open("plugins/data/slap_items.txt") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith("//"):
2012-03-03 23:14:40 +01:00
larts = ["swaps <who>'s shampoo with glue.",
"installs Windows on <who>'s computer.",
"forces <who> to use perl for 3 weeks.",
"registers <who>'s name with 50 known spammers.",
"resizes <who>'s console to 40x24.",
"takes <who>'s drink.",
"dispenses <who>'s email address to a few hundred 'bulk mailing services'.",
"pokes <who> in the eye.",
"beats <who> senseless with a 50lb Linux manual.",
"cats /dev/random into <who>'s ear.",
"signs <who> up for AOL.",
"downvotes <who> on Reddit.",
"enrolls <who> in Visual Basic 101.",
"sporks <who>.",
"drops a truckload of support tickets on <who>.",
"judo chops <who>.",
"sets <who>'s resolution to 800x600.",
"formats <who>'s harddrive to fat12.",
"rm -rf's <who>.",
"stabs <who>.",
"makes <who> learn C++.",
"steals <who>'s mojo.",
"strangles <who> with a doohicky mouse cord.",
"whacks <who> with the cluebat.",
"sells <who> on EBay.",
"drops creepers on <who>'s house.",
"throws all of <who>'s diamond gear into lava.",
"uses <who> as a biological warfare study.",
"uses the 'Customer Appreciation Bat' on <who>.",
"puts <who> in the Total Perspective Vortex.",
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
"casts <who> into the fires of Mt. Doom.",
2012-03-03 23:14:40 +01:00
"gives <who> a melvin.",
"turns <who> over to the Fun Police.",
"turns over <who> to Agent Smith to be 'bugged'.",
"takes away <who>'s internet connection.",
"pushes <who> past the Shoe Event Horizon.",
"counts '1, 2, 5... er... 3!' and hurls the Holy Handgrenade Of Antioch at <who>.",
"puts <who> in a nest of camel spiders.",
"makes <who> read slashdot at -1.",
"puts 'alias vim=emacs' in <who>'s /etc/profile.",
"uninstalls every web browser from <who>'s system.",
"locks <who> in the Chateau d'If.",
"signs <who> up for getting hit on the head lessons.",
"makes <who> try to set up a Lexmark printer.",
"fills <who>'s eyedrop bottle with lime juice.",
"casts <who> into the fires of Mt. Doom.",
"gives <who> a Flying Dutchman.",
"rips off <who>'s arm, and uses it to beat them to death.",
"pierces <who>'s nose with a rusty paper hole puncher.",
"pokes <who> with a rusty nail.",
"puts sugar between <who>'s bedsheets.",
"pours sand into <who>'s breakfast.",
"mixes epoxy into <who>'s toothpaste.",
"puts Icy-Hot in <who>'s lube container.",
"straps <who> to a chair, and plays a endless low bitrate MP3 loop of \"the world's most annoying sound\" from \"Dumb and Dumber\".",
"tells Dr. Dre that <who> was talking smack.",
"forces <who> to use a Commodore 64 for all their word processing.",
"smacks <who> in the face with a burlap sack full of broken glass.",
"puts <who> in a room with several heavily armed manic depressives.",
"makes <who> watch reruns of \"Blue's Clues\".",
"puts lye in <who>'s coffee.",
"introduces <who> to the clue-by-four.",
"tattoos the Windows symbol on <who>'s ass.",
"lets Borg have his way with <who>.",
"signs <who> up for line dancing classes at the local senior center.",
"wakes <who> out of a sound sleep with some brand new nipple piercings.",
"gives <who> a 2 gauge Prince Albert.",
"forces <who> to eat all their veggies.",
"covers <who>'s toilet paper with lemon-pepper.",
"fills <who>'s ketchup bottle with Dave's Insanity sauce.",
"forces <who> to stare at an incredibly frustrating and seemingly never-ending IRC political debate.",
"knocks two of <who>'s teeth out with a 2x4.",
"removes Debian from <who>'s system.",
"switches <who> over to CentOS.",
"uses <who>'s iPod for skeet shooting practice.",
"gives <who>'s phone number to Borg.",
"posts <who>'s IP, username(s), and password(s) on 4chan.",
"forces <who> to use words like 'irregardless' and 'administrate' (thereby sounding like a real dumbass).",
"tickles <who> until they wet their pants and pass out.",
"replaces <who>'s KY with elmer's clear wood glue.",
"replaces <who>'s TUMS with alka-seltzer tablets.",
"squeezes habanero pepper juice into <who>'s tub of vaseline.",
"forces <who> to learn the Win32 API.",
"gives <who> an atomic wedgie.",
"ties <who> to a chair and forces them to listen to 'N Sync at full blast.",
"forces <who> to use notepad for text editing.",
"frowns at <who> really, really hard.",
"jabs a hot lighter into <who>'s eye sockets.",
"forces <who> to browse the web with IE6.",
"takes <who> out at the knees with a broken pool cue.",
"forces <who> to listen to emo music.",
"lets a few creepers into <who>'s house.",
"signs <who> up for the Iowa State Ferret Legging Championship.",
"attempts to hotswap <who>'s RAM.",
"dragon punches <who>.",
"puts railroad spikes into <who>'s side.",
"replaces <who>'s Astroglide with JB Weld.",
"replaces <who>'s stress pills with rat poison pellets.",
"replaces <who>'s crotch itch cream with Nair.",
"does the Australian Death Grip on <who>.",
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
"dances upon the grave of <who>'s ancestors.",
2012-03-03 23:14:40 +01:00
"farts in <who>'s general direction.",
"flogs <who> with stinging nettle.",
"intoduces <who> to the Knights who say Ni.",
"assigns all of the permissions tickets on the BeastNode support system to <who>.",
"hands <who> a poison ivy joint."]
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
kills = ["rips off <who>'s <body> and leaves them to die.",
"grabs <who>'s head and rips it clean off their body.",
"grabs a machine gun and riddles <who>'s body with bullets.",
"sends The Terminator on a mission to retrieve <who>'s <body>.",
"gags and ties <who> then throws them off a bridge.",
"crushes <who> with a huge spiked boulder.",
"glares at <who> until they die of boredom.",
"stuffs a few TNT blocks under <who>'s bed and sets them off.",
"shivs <who> in the <body>.",
"rams a rocket launcher up <who>'s ass and lets off a few rounds.",
"crushes <who>'s skull in with a spiked mace.",
"unleashes the armies of Isengard on <who>.",
"packs <who> into a SVN repo.",
2012-03-13 19:53:04 +01:00
"slices <who>'s <body> off with a Katana.",
"throws <who> to Cthulu!",
"feeds <who> to an owlbear.",
"turns <who> into a snail and salts them.",
"snacks on <who>'s <body>.",
"puts <who> into a sack, throws the sack in the river, and hurls the river into space.",
"goes bowling with <who>'s head.",
"uses <who>'s <body> as a back-scratcher.",
"sends <who> to /dev/null!",
"feeds <who> coke and mentos till they pop!"]
body = ['head',
'"special parts"']
def slap(inp, me=None, nick=None, input=None, notice=None):
".slap <user> -- Makes the bot slap <user>."
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match(nick_re, inp.lower()):
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
target = re.sub ('<who>', nick, random.choice(slaps))
target = re.sub ('<who>', inp, random.choice(slaps))
msg = re.sub ('<item>', random.choice(slap_items), target)
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
def lart(inp, me=None, nick=None, input=None, notice=None):
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
".lart <user> -- Makes the bot LART <user>."
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match(nick_re, inp.lower()):
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
target = nick
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
target = inp
msg = re.sub ('<who>', target, random.choice(larts))
2012-02-29 08:31:42 +01:00
def kill(inp, me=None, nick=None, input=None, notice=None):
".kill <user> -- Makes the bot kill <user>."
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match(nick_re, inp.lower()):
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
target = nick
2012-03-06 19:17:49 +01:00
target = inp
msg = random.choice(kills)
2012-03-06 19:17:49 +01:00
msg = re.sub ('<who>', target, msg)
msg = re.sub ('<body>', random.choice(body), msg)