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2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
from util import hook, http
api_url = ""
def get_weather(location_id):
"""uses the yahoo weather API to get weather information for a location"""
xml = http.get_xml(api_url, p=location_id)
data = xml.xpath('//y:location', \
namespaces={'y': ''})[0]
# create a dictionary for weather data
weather = {}
weather['city'] = data.get('city')
weather['region'] = data.get('region')
weather['country'] = data.get('country')
# get wind information
wind = xml.xpath('//y:wind', \
namespaces={'y': ''})[0]
# wind chill
weather['chill_f'] = wind.get('chill')
weather['chill_c'] = int(round((int(wind.get('chill')) - 32) / 1.8, 0))
# wind speed
weather['wind_speed_kph'] = int(round(float(wind.get('speed')) * 1.609344))
weather['wind_speed_mph'] = wind.get('speed')
# wind_direction
weather['wind_direction'] = wind.get('direction')
# textual wind direction
direction = weather['wind_direction']
if direction >= 0 and direction < 45:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'N'
elif direction >= 45 and direction < 90:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'NE'
elif direction >= 90 and direction < 135:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'E'
elif direction >= 135 and direction < 180:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'SE'
elif direction >= 180 and direction < 225:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'S'
elif direction >= 225 and direction < 270:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'SW'
elif direction >= 270 and direction < 315:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'W'
elif direction >= 315 and direction < 360:
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'NW'
weather['wind_direction_text'] = 'N'
# humidity, visibility and pressure
atmosphere = xml.xpath('//y:atmosphere', \
namespaces={'y': ''})[0]
weather['humidity'] = atmosphere.get('humidity') + "%"
weather['visibility_mi'] = atmosphere.get('visibility')
weather['visibility_km'] = \
int(round(float(atmosphere.get('visibility')) * 1.609344))
weather['pressure_in'] = atmosphere.get('pressure')
weather['pressure_mb'] = \
str(round((float(atmosphere.get('pressure')) * 33.8637526), 2))
# textual value for air pressure
rising = int(atmosphere.get('rising'))
if rising == 0:
weather['pressure_tendancy'] = 'steady'
elif rising == 1:
weather['pressure_tendancy'] = 'rising'
elif rising == 2:
weather['pressure_tendancy'] = 'falling'
# weather condition code, temperature, summary text
condition = xml.xpath('//y:condition', \
namespaces={'y': ''})[0]
weather['code'] = condition.get('code')
weather['temp_f'] = condition.get('temp')
weather['temp_c'] = \
int(round(((float(condition.get('temp')) - 32) / 9) * 5))
weather['conditions'] = condition.get('text')
# sunset and sunrise
sun = xml.xpath('//y:astronomy', \
namespaces={'y': ''})[0]
weather['sunrise'] = sun.get('sunrise')
weather['sunset'] = sun.get('sunset')
return weather
2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
2012-02-29 07:09:19 +01:00
2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None, notice=None):
2012-05-16 05:07:27 +02:00
"weather <location> [dontsave] -- Gets weather data"\
2012-02-29 07:09:19 +01:00
" for <location> from Google."
2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
# initalise weather DB
db.execute("create table if not exists yahoo_weather(nick primary key, location_id)")
2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
# if there is no input, try getting the users last location from the DB
if not inp:
location_id = db.execute("select location_id from yahoo_weather where nick=lower(?)",
if not location_id:
# no location saved in the database, send the user help text
2011-11-20 10:23:31 +01:00
location_id = location_id[0]
# no need to save a location, we already have it
dontsave = True
# see if the input ends with "dontsave"
dontsave = inp.endswith(" dontsave")
# remove "dontsave" from the input string after checking for it
if dontsave:
location = inp[:-9].strip().lower()
location = inp
# get the location id from the location
w = http.get_xml('', where=location)
location_id = w.find('loc').get('id')
except AttributeError:
return "Unknown location."
# now, to get the actual weather
data = get_weather(location_id)
reply('Current Conditions for \x02%(city)s\x02 - %(conditions)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC, %(humidity)s, ' \
'Wind: %(wind_speed_kph)sKPH/%(wind_speed_mph)sMPH %(wind_direction_text)s.' % data)
if location_id and not dontsave:
db.execute("insert or replace into yahoo_weather(nick, location_id) values (?,?)",
(nick.lower(), location_id))