This commit is contained in:
Luke Rogers 2011-11-20 22:23:31 +13:00
commit 37588421f3
100 changed files with 22673 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* CloudBot 3.2DEV
* Copyright Luke Rogers 2011
This file is part of CloudBot.
CloudBot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CloudBot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CloudBot. If not, see <>.

README.creole Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
= CloudBot - A fork of SkyBot =
* simplicity
** little boilerplate
** minimal magic
* power
** multithreading
** automatic reloading
** extensibility
* Multithreaded dispatch and the ability to connect to multiple networks at a time.
* Easy plugin development with automatic reloading and a simple hooking API.
Skybot runs on Python SOMESHIT. Many of the plugins require [[|lxml]] and BeautifulSoup. It is developed on Ubuntu 11.10 with Python LOLWUT.

64 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import Queue
import sys
import time
sys.path += ['plugins'] # so 'import hook' works without duplication
sys.path += ['lib']
os.chdir(sys.path[0] or '.') # do stuff relative to the install directory
class Bot(object):
bot = Bot()
print 'Loading plugins'
# bootstrap the reloader
eval(compile(open(os.path.join('core', ''), 'U').read(),
os.path.join('core', ''), 'exec'))
if not hasattr(bot, 'config'):
print 'Connecting to IRC'
bot.conns = {}
for name, conf in bot.config['connections'].iteritems():
if conf.get('ssl'):
bot.conns[name] = SSLIRC(conf['server'], conf['nick'], conf=conf,
port=conf.get('port', 6667), channels=conf['channels'],
ignore_certificate_errors=conf.get('ignore_cert', True))
bot.conns[name] = IRC(conf['server'], conf['nick'], conf=conf,
port=conf.get('port', 6667), channels=conf['channels'])
except Exception, e:
print 'ERROR: malformed config file', e
bot.persist_dir = os.path.abspath('persist')
if not os.path.exists(bot.persist_dir):
print 'Running main loop'
while True:
reload() # these functions only do things
config() # if changes have occured
for conn in bot.conns.itervalues():
out = conn.out.get_nowait()
main(conn, out)
except Queue.Empty:
while all(conn.out.empty() for conn in bot.conns.itervalues()):

config Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"server": "",
"nick": "",
"user": "",
"realname": "",
"nickserv_password": "",
"channels": ["#CHANNEL","#CHANNEL"]
"disabled_plugins": [],
"disabled_commands": [],
"acls": {},
"api_keys": {"geoip":"NULL","mc":["USER","PASS"]},
"!tell /x"
"admins": ["TheLuke","Luke"]

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import inspect
import json
import os
def save(conf):
json.dump(conf, open('config', 'w'), sort_keys=True, indent=2)
if not os.path.exists('config'):
open('config', 'w').write(inspect.cleandoc(
"local irc":
"server": "localhost",
"nick": "skybot",
"channels": ["#test"]
"disabled_plugins": [],
"disabled_commands": [],
"acls": {},
"api_keys": {},
"!tell /x"
"admins": []
}''') + '\n')
def config():
# reload config from file if file has changed
config_mtime = os.stat('config').st_mtime
if bot._config_mtime != config_mtime:
bot.config = json.load(open('config'))
bot._config_mtime = config_mtime
except ValueError, e:
print 'ERROR: malformed config!', e
bot._config_mtime = 0

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import os
import sqlite3
import thread
def get_db_connection(conn, name=''):
"returns an sqlite3 connection to a persistent database"
if not name:
name = '%s.%s.db' % (conn.nick, conn.server)
threadid = thread.get_ident()
if name in threaddbs and threadid in threaddbs[name]:
return threaddbs[name][threadid]
filename = os.path.join(bot.persist_dir, name)
db = sqlite3.connect(filename, timeout=10)
if name in threaddbs:
threaddbs[name][threadid] = db
threaddbs[name] = {threadid: db}
return db
bot.get_db_connection = get_db_connection

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import re
import socket
import time
import thread
import Queue
from ssl import wrap_socket, CERT_NONE, CERT_REQUIRED, SSLError
def decode(txt):
for codec in ('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'shift_jis', 'cp1252'):
return txt.decode(codec)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return txt.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
def censor(text):
replacement = '[censored]'
if 'censored_strings' in bot.config:
words = map(re.escape, bot.config['censored_strings'])
regex = re.compile('(%s)' % "|".join(words))
text = regex.sub(replacement, text)
return text
class crlf_tcp(object):
"Handles tcp connections that consist of utf-8 lines ending with crlf"
def __init__(self, host, port, timeout=300):
self.ibuffer = ""
self.obuffer = ""
self.oqueue = Queue.Queue() # lines to be sent out
self.iqueue = Queue.Queue() # lines that were received
self.socket = self.create_socket() = host
self.port = port
self.timeout = timeout
def create_socket(self):
return socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.TCP_NODELAY)
def run(self):
self.socket.connect((, self.port))
thread.start_new_thread(self.recv_loop, ())
thread.start_new_thread(self.send_loop, ())
def recv_from_socket(self, nbytes):
return self.socket.recv(nbytes)
def get_timeout_exception_type(self):
return socket.timeout
def handle_receive_exception(self, error, last_timestamp):
if time.time() - last_timestamp > self.timeout:
return True
return False
def recv_loop(self):
last_timestamp = time.time()
while True:
data = self.recv_from_socket(4096)
self.ibuffer += data
if data:
last_timestamp = time.time()
if time.time() - last_timestamp > self.timeout:
except (self.get_timeout_exception_type(), socket.error) as e:
if self.handle_receive_exception(e, last_timestamp):
while '\r\n' in self.ibuffer:
line, self.ibuffer = self.ibuffer.split('\r\n', 1)
def send_loop(self):
while True:
line = self.oqueue.get().splitlines()[0][:500]
print ">>> %r" % line
self.obuffer += line.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\r\n'
while self.obuffer:
sent = self.socket.send(self.obuffer)
self.obuffer = self.obuffer[sent:]
class crlf_ssl_tcp(crlf_tcp):
"Handles ssl tcp connetions that consist of utf-8 lines ending with crlf"
def __init__(self, host, port, ignore_cert_errors, timeout=300):
self.ignore_cert_errors = ignore_cert_errors
crlf_tcp.__init__(self, host, port, timeout)
def create_socket(self):
return wrap_socket(crlf_tcp.create_socket(self), server_side=False,
cert_reqs=CERT_NONE if self.ignore_cert_errors else
def recv_from_socket(self, nbytes):
def get_timeout_exception_type(self):
return SSLError
def handle_receive_exception(self, error, last_timestamp):
# this is terrible
if not "timed out" in error.args[0]:
return crlf_tcp.handle_receive_exception(self, error, last_timestamp)
irc_prefix_rem = re.compile(r'(.*?) (.*?) (.*)').match
irc_noprefix_rem = re.compile(r'()(.*?) (.*)').match
irc_netmask_rem = re.compile(r':?([^!@]*)!?([^@]*)@?(.*)').match
irc_param_ref = re.compile(r'(?:^|(?<= ))(:.*|[^ ]+)').findall
class IRC(object):
"handles the IRC protocol"
#see the docs/ folder for more information on the protocol
def __init__(self, server, nick, port=6667, channels=[], conf={}):
self.channels = channels
self.conf = conf
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.nick = nick
self.out = Queue.Queue() # responses from the server are placed here
# format: [rawline, prefix, command, params,
# nick, user, host, paramlist, msg]
thread.start_new_thread(self.parse_loop, ())
def create_connection(self):
return crlf_tcp(self.server, self.port)
def connect(self):
self.conn = self.create_connection()
thread.start_new_thread(, ())
[conf.get('user', 'skybot'), "3", "*", conf.get('realname',
'Python bot -')])
def parse_loop(self):
while True:
msg = self.conn.iqueue.get()
if msg == StopIteration:
if msg.startswith(":"): # has a prefix
prefix, command, params = irc_prefix_rem(msg).groups()
prefix, command, params = irc_noprefix_rem(msg).groups()
nick, user, host = irc_netmask_rem(prefix).groups()
paramlist = irc_param_ref(params)
lastparam = ""
if paramlist:
if paramlist[-1].startswith(':'):
paramlist[-1] = paramlist[-1][1:]
lastparam = paramlist[-1]
self.out.put([msg, prefix, command, params, nick, user, host,
paramlist, lastparam])
if command == "PING":
self.cmd("PONG", paramlist)
def set_pass(self, password):
if password:
self.cmd("PASS", [password])
def set_nick(self, nick):
self.cmd("NICK", [nick])
def join(self, channel):
self.cmd("JOIN", [channel])
def msg(self, target, text):
self.cmd("PRIVMSG", [target, text])
def cmd(self, command, params=None):
if params:
params[-1] = ':' + params[-1]
self.send(command + ' ' + ' '.join(map(censor, params)))
def send(self, str):
class FakeIRC(IRC):
def __init__(self, server, nick, port=6667, channels=[], conf={}, fn=""):
self.channels = channels
self.conf = conf
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.nick = nick
self.out = Queue.Queue() # responses from the server are placed here
self.f = open(fn, 'rb')
thread.start_new_thread(self.parse_loop, ())
def parse_loop(self):
while True:
msg = decode(self.f.readline()[9:])
if msg == '':
print "!!!!DONE READING FILE!!!!"
if msg.startswith(":"): # has a prefix
prefix, command, params = irc_prefix_rem(msg).groups()
prefix, command, params = irc_noprefix_rem(msg).groups()
nick, user, host = irc_netmask_rem(prefix).groups()
paramlist = irc_param_ref(params)
lastparam = ""
if paramlist:
if paramlist[-1].startswith(':'):
paramlist[-1] = paramlist[-1][1:]
lastparam = paramlist[-1]
self.out.put([msg, prefix, command, params, nick, user, host,
paramlist, lastparam])
if command == "PING":
self.cmd("PONG", [params])
def cmd(self, command, params=None):
class SSLIRC(IRC):
def __init__(self, server, nick, port=6667, channels=[], conf={},
self.ignore_cert_errors = ignore_certificate_errors
IRC.__init__(self, server, nick, port, channels, conf)
def create_connection(self):
return crlf_ssl_tcp(self.server, self.port, self.ignore_cert_errors)

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import thread
import traceback
thread.stack_size(1024 * 512) # reduce vm size
class Input(dict):
def __init__(self, conn, raw, prefix, command, params,
nick, user, host, paraml, msg):
chan = paraml[0].lower()
if chan == conn.nick.lower(): # is a PM
chan = nick
def say(msg):
conn.msg(chan, msg)
def reply(msg):
if chan == nick: # PMs don't need prefixes
conn.msg(chan, msg)
conn.msg(chan, '(' + nick + ') ' + msg)
def pm(msg):
conn.msg(nick, msg)
def set_nick(nick):
def me(msg):
conn.msg(chan, "\x01%s %s\x01" % ("ACTION", msg))
def notice(msg):
conn.cmd('NOTICE', [nick, msg])
dict.__init__(self, conn=conn, raw=raw, prefix=prefix, command=command,
params=params, nick=nick, user=user, host=host,
paraml=paraml, msg=msg, server=conn.server, chan=chan,
notice=notice, say=say, reply=reply, pm=pm, bot=bot,
me=me, set_nick=set_nick, lastparam=paraml[-1])
# make dict keys accessible as attributes
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = value
def run(func, input):
args = func._args
if 'inp' not in input:
input.inp = input.paraml
if args:
if 'db' in args and 'db' not in input:
input.db = get_db_connection(input.conn)
if 'input' in args:
input.input = input
if 0 in args:
out = func(input.inp, **input)
kw = dict((key, input[key]) for key in args if key in input)
out = func(input.inp, **kw)
out = func(input.inp)
if out is not None:
def do_sieve(sieve, bot, input, func, type, args):
return sieve(bot, input, func, type, args)
except Exception:
print 'sieve error',
return None
class Handler(object):
'''Runs plugins in their own threads (ensures order)'''
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
self.input_queue = Queue.Queue()
thread.start_new_thread(self.start, ())
def start(self):
uses_db = 'db' in self.func._args
db_conns = {}
while True:
input = self.input_queue.get()
if input == StopIteration:
if uses_db:
db = db_conns.get(input.conn)
if db is None:
db = bot.get_db_connection(input.conn)
db_conns[input.conn] = db
input.db = db
run(self.func, input)
def stop(self):
def put(self, value):
def dispatch(input, kind, func, args, autohelp=False):
for sieve, in bot.plugs['sieve']:
input = do_sieve(sieve, bot, input, func, kind, args)
if input == None:
if autohelp and args.get('autohelp', True) and not input.inp \
and func.__doc__ is not None:
if func._thread:
thread.start_new_thread(run, (func, input))
def match_command(command):
commands = list(bot.commands)
# do some fuzzy matching
prefix = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(command), commands)
if len(prefix) == 1:
return prefix[0]
elif prefix and command not in prefix:
return prefix
return command
def main(conn, out):
inp = Input(conn, *out)
for func, args in[inp.command] +['*']:
dispatch(Input(conn, *out), "event", func, args)
if inp.command == 'PRIVMSG':
if inp.chan == inp.nick: # private message, no command prefix
prefix = r'^(?:[.]?|'
prefix = r'^(?:[.]|'
command_re = prefix + inp.conn.nick
command_re += r'[:]+\s+)(\w+)(?:$|\s+)(.*)'
m = re.match(command_re, inp.lastparam)
if m:
trigger =
command = match_command(trigger)
if isinstance(command, list): # multiple potential matches
input = Input(conn, *out)
input.notice("Did you mean %s or %s?" %
(', '.join(command[:-1]), command[-1]))
elif command in bot.commands:
input = Input(conn, *out)
input.trigger = trigger
input.inp_unstripped =
input.inp = input.inp_unstripped.strip()
func, args = bot.commands[command]
dispatch(input, "command", func, args, autohelp=True)
for func, args in bot.plugs['regex']:
m = args['re'].search(inp.lastparam)
if m:
input = Input(conn, *out)
input.inp = m
dispatch(input, "regex", func, args)

core/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
import collections
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
if 'mtimes' not in globals():
mtimes = {}
if 'lastfiles' not in globals():
lastfiles = set()
def make_signature(f):
return f.func_code.co_filename, f.func_name, f.func_code.co_firstlineno
def format_plug(plug, kind='', lpad=0, width=40):
out = ' ' * lpad + '%s:%s:%s' % make_signature(plug[0])
if kind == 'command':
out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + plug[1]['name']
if kind == 'event':
out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + ', '.join(plug[1]['events'])
if kind == 'regex':
out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + plug[1]['regex']
return out
def reload(init=False):
changed = False
if init:
bot.plugs = collections.defaultdict(list)
bot.threads = {}
core_fileset = set(glob.glob(os.path.join("core", "*.py")))
for filename in core_fileset:
mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
if mtime != mtimes.get(filename):
mtimes[filename] = mtime
changed = True
eval(compile(open(filename, 'U').read(), filename, 'exec'),
except Exception:
if init: # stop if there's an error (syntax?) in a core
sys.exit() # script on startup
if filename == os.path.join('core', ''):
fileset = set(glob.glob(os.path.join('plugins', '*.py')))
# remove deleted/moved plugins
for name, data in bot.plugs.iteritems():
bot.plugs[name] = [x for x in data if x[0]._filename in fileset]
for filename in list(mtimes):
if filename not in fileset and filename not in core_fileset:
for func, handler in list(bot.threads.iteritems()):
if func._filename not in fileset:
del bot.threads[func]
# compile new plugins
for filename in fileset:
mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
if mtime != mtimes.get(filename):
mtimes[filename] = mtime
changed = True
code = compile(open(filename, 'U').read(), filename, 'exec')
namespace = {}
eval(code, namespace)
except Exception:
# remove plugins already loaded from this filename
for name, data in bot.plugs.iteritems():
bot.plugs[name] = [x for x in data
if x[0]._filename != filename]
for func, handler in list(bot.threads.iteritems()):
if func._filename == filename:
del bot.threads[func]
for obj in namespace.itervalues():
if hasattr(obj, '_hook'): # check for magic
if obj._thread:
bot.threads[obj] = Handler(obj)
for type, data in obj._hook:
bot.plugs[type] += [data]
if not init:
print '### new plugin (type: %s) loaded:' % \
type, format_plug(data)
if changed:
bot.commands = {}
for plug in bot.plugs['command']:
name = plug[1]['name'].lower()
if not re.match(r'^\w+$', name):
print '### ERROR: invalid command name "%s" (%s)' % (name,
if name in bot.commands:
print "### ERROR: command '%s' already registered (%s, %s)" % \
(name, format_plug(bot.commands[name]),
bot.commands[name] = plug = collections.defaultdict(list)
for func, args in bot.plugs['event']:
for event in args['events']:[event].append((func, args))
if init:
print ' plugin listing:'
if bot.commands:
# hack to make commands with multiple aliases
# print nicely
print ' command:'
commands = collections.defaultdict(list)
for name, (func, args) in bot.commands.iteritems():
for sig, names in sorted(commands.iteritems()):
names.sort(key=lambda x: (-len(x), x)) # long names first
out = ' ' * 6 + '%s:%s:%s' % sig
out += ' ' * (50 - len(out)) + ', '.join(names)
print out
for kind, plugs in sorted(bot.plugs.iteritems()):
if kind == 'command':
print ' %s:' % kind
for plug in plugs:
print format_plug(plug, kind=kind, lpad=6)

View File

docs/bots Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Other bots we should "borrow" ideas from:
- horribly bloated plugin structure, each plugin has its own directory and 4 files (unit testing for plugins what)
- inspiration for skybot, too much magic and not easy enough to change
- interesting, but lots of magic
- Ruby
- lots of plugins
- very simple, not multithreaded
- poor use of regexes, skybot has much better parsing, but it implements many more irc control codes
- can convert irc colors to vt100 escape codes -- should implement this
- autoreconnect
- can handle multiple servers, but not multithreaded
- ugly modules
- too many external dependencies
- attempt at NLP

docs/interface Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
as little boilerplate and magic as possible
multithreaded dispatch
plugins are located in plugins/
nick -- string, the nickname of whoever sent the message
channel -- string, the channel the message was sent on. Equal to nick if it's a private message.
msg -- string, the line that was sent
raw -- string, the raw full line that was sent
re -- the result of doing re.match(hook, msg)
attributes and methods of bot:
say(msg): obvious
reply(msg): say(input.nick + ": " + msg)
msg(target, msg): sends msg to target
(other irc commands, like mode, topic, etc)

docs/plugins Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
All plugins need to 'from util import hook' if they want to be callable.
There are three ways to set when a plugin is called using
decorators. @hook.command causes it to be callable using normal command
syntax; an argument will register it under that name (so if my function is
called foo and I use @hook.command, .foo will work; if I use
@hook.command("bar"), .bar will work but not .foo). The first argument, inp,
will be the text that occurs after the command. (e.g., "bar" in ".foo bar").
@hook.regex takes an argument corresponding to the regex string (not the
compiled regex), followed by optional flags. It will attempt to match the regex
on all inputs; if so, the hooked function will be called with the match object.
@hook.event requires a parameter; if it's '*", it will trigger on every line. If
it's 'PRIVMSG', it'll trigger on only actual lines of chat (not
nick-changes). The first argument in these cases will be a two-element list of
the form ["#channel", "text"]; I don't know what it's like for NICK or other
@hook.singlethread indicates that the command should run in its own thread; this
means that you can't use the existing database connection object!
In addition to the standard argument, plugins can take other arguments; db is
the database object; input corresponds to the triggering line of text, and bot
is the bot itself.
TODO: describe what can be done with db, input, and bot.

docs/rfc/ctcp.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
Ed. Note: The following note is from the author's original email
announcing this CTCP specification file. All of this came after the
original RFC 1459 for the IRC protocol. -Jolo
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 94 00:21:54 edt
As part of documenting the ZenIRC client, I expanded, revised, and
merged two text files that have been around on IRC archive sites for
some time: ctcp.doc, and dcc.protocol. The file "ctcp.doc" by Klaus
Zeuge described the basic CTCP protocol, and most of the CTCP commands
other than DCC. The file Troy Rollo wrote, "dcc.protocol", contained
a description of the CTCP DCC messages as well as the protocols used
by DCC CHAT and DCC file transfers. I have merged the two documents to
produce this one, edited them for clarity, and expanded on them where I
found them unclear while implementing CTCP in the ZenIRC client.
The Client-To-Client Protocol (CTCP)
Klaus Zeuge <sojge@Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE>
Troy Rollo <>
Ben Mesander <>
The Client-To-Client Protocol is meant to be used as a way to
1/ in general send structured data (such as graphics,
voice and different font information) between users
clients, and in a more specific case:
2/ place a query to a users client and getting an answer.
Characters between an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client and server are
8 bit bytes (also known as octets) and can have numeric values from
octal \000 to \377 inclusive (0 to 255 decimal). Some characters are
CHARS ::= '\000' .. '\377'
NUL ::= '\000'
NL ::= '\n'
CR ::= '\r'
Note: `\' followed by three digits is used to denote an octal value in this
paper. `\' followed by an alphabetic character is used to denote a C
language style special character, and `..' denotes a range of characters.
A line sent to a server, or received from a server (here called "low
level messages") consist or zero or more octets (expcept NUL, NL or
CR) with either a NL or CR appended.
L-CHARS ::= '\001' .. '\011' | '\013' | '\014' |
'\016' .. '\377'
Note: The `*' is used here to denote "zero or more of the preceding class of
characters", and the `|' is used to denote alternation.
A NUL is never sent to the server.
Even though messages to and from IRC servers cannot contain NUL, NL,
or CR, it still might be desirable to send ANY character (in so called
"middle level messages") between clients. In order for this to be
possible, those three characters have to be quoted. Therefore a quote
character is needed. Of course, the quote character itself has to be
quoted too, since it is in-band.
M-QUOTE ::= '\020'
(Ie a CNTRL/P).
When sending a middle level message, if there is a character in the
set { NUL, NL, CR, M-QUOTE } present in the message, that character is
replaced by a two character sequence according to the following table:
NUL --> M-QUOTE '0'
NL --> M-QUOTE 'n'
CR --> M-QUOTE 'r'
When receiving a low level message, if there is a M-QUOTE, look at the
next character, and replace those two according to the following table
to get the corresponding middle level message:
M-QUOTE '0' --> NUL
M-QUOTE 'n' --> NL
M-QUOTE 'r' --> CR
If the character following M-QUOTE is not any of the listed
characters, that is an error, so drop the M-QUOTE character from the
message, optionally warning the user about it. For example, a string
'x' M-QUOTE 'y' 'z' from a server dequotes into 'x 'y' 'z'.
Before low level quoting, a message to the server (and in the opposite
direction: after low level dequoting, a message from the server) looks
To send both extended data and query/reply pairs between clients, an
extended data format is needed. The extended data are sent in the text
part of a middle level message (and after low level quoting, in the
text part of the low level message).
To send extended data inside the middle level message, we need some
way to delimit it. This is done by starting and ending extended data
with a delimiter character, defined as:
X-DELIM ::= '\001'
As both the starting and ending delimiter looks the same, the first
X-DELIM is called the odd delimiter, and the one that follows, the
even delimiter. The next one after that, an odd delimiter, then and
even, and so on.
When data are quoted (and conversely, before being dequoted) any number
of characters of any kind except X-DELIM can be used in the extended
data inside the X-DELIM pair.
X-CHR ::= '\000' | '\002' .. '\377'
An extended message is either empty (nothing between the odd and even
delimiter), has one or more non-space characters (any character but
'\040') or has one or more non-space characters followed by a space
followed by zero or more characters.
X-N-AS ::= '\000' | '\002' .. '\037' | '\041' .. '\377'
SPC ::= '\040'
X-MSG ::= | X-N-AS+ | X-N-AS+ SPC X-CHR*
Note: Here `+' is used to denote "one or more of the previous class of
characters", and `*' is used to denote "zero or more of the previous
class of characters".
The characters up until the first SPC (or if no SPC, all of the X-MSG)
is called the tag of the extended message. The tag is used to denote
what kind of extended data is used.
The tag can be *any* string of characters, and if it contains
alphabetics, it is case sensitive, so upper and lower case matters.
Extended data is only valid in PRIVMSG and NOTICE commands. If the
extended data is a reply to a query, it is sent in a NOTICE, otherwise
it is sent in a PRIVMSG. Both PRIVMSG and NOTICE to a user and to a
channel may contain extended data.
The text part of a PRIVMSG or NOTICE might contain zero or more
extended messages, intermixed with zero or more chunks of non-extended
In order to be able to send the delimiter X-DELIM inside an extended
data message, it has to be quoted. This introduces another quote
character (which differs from the low level quote character so it
won't have to be quoted yet again).
X-QUOTE ::= '\134'
(a back slash - `\').
When quoting on the CTCP level, only the actual CTCP message (extended
data, queries, replies) are quoted. This enables users to actually
send X-QUOTE characters at will. The following translations should be
and when dequoting on the CTCP level, only CTCP messages are dequoted
whereby the following table is used.
If an X-QUOTE is seen with a character following it other than the
ones above, that is an error and the X-QUOTE character should be
dropped. For example the CTCP-quoted string 'x' X-QUOTE 'y' 'z'
becomes after dequoting, the three character string 'x' 'y' 'z'.
If a X-DELIM is found outside a CTCP message, the message will contain
the X-DELIM. (This should only happen with the last X-DELIM when there
are an odd number of X-DELIM's in a middle level message.)
There are three levels of messages. The highest level (H) is the text
on the user-to-client level. The middle layer (M) is on the level
where CTCP quoting has been applied to the H-level message. The lowest
level (L) is on the client-to-server level, where low level quoting
has been applied to the M-level message.
The following relations are true, with lowQuote(message) being a
function doing the low level quoting, lowDequote(message) the low
level dequoting function, ctcpQuote(message) the CTCP level quoting
function, ctcpDequote(message) the CTCP level dequoting function, and
ctcpExtract(message) the function which removes all CTCP messages from
a message:
L = lowQuote(M)
M = ctcpDequote(L)
M = ctcpQuote(H)
H = ctcpDequote(ctcpExtract(M))
When sending a CTCP message embedded in normal text:
M = ctcpQuote(H1) || '\001' || ctcpQuote(X) || '\001' || ctcpQuote(H2)
Note: The operator || denotes string concatenation.
Of course, there might be zero or more normal text messages and zero
or more CTCP messages mixed.
- --- Example 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------
A user (called actor) wanting to send the string:
Hi there!\nHow are you?
to user victim, i.e. a message where the user has entered an inline
newline (how this is done, if at all, differs from client to client),
will result internaly in the client in the command:
PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\nHow are you? \K?
which will be CTCP quoted into:
PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\nHow are you? \\K?
which in turn will be low level quoted into:
PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\020nHow are you? \\K?
and sent to the server after appending a newline at the end.
This will arrive on victim's side as:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\020nHow are you? \\K?
(where the \\K would look similar to OK in SIS D47 et. al.) which after
low level dequoting becomes:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\nHow are you? \\K?
and after CTCP dequoting:
:actom PRIVMSG victim :Hi there!\nHow are you? \K?
How this is displayed differs from client to client, but it suggested
that a line break should occour between the words "there" and "How".
- --- Example 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
If actor's client wants to send the string "Emacs wins" this might
become the string "\n\t\big\020\001\000\\:" when being SED-encrypted
[SED is a simple encryption protocol between IRC clients implemented
with CTCP. I don't have any reference for it -- Ben] using some key,
so the client starts by CTCP-quoting this string into the string
"\n\t\big\020\\a\000\\\\:" and builds the M-level message:
PRIVMSG victim :\001SED \n\t\big\020\\a\000\\\\:\001
which after low level quoting becomes:
PRIVMSG victim :\001SED \020n\t\big\020\020\\a\0200\\\\:\001
which will be sent to the server, with a newline tacked on.
On victim's side, the string:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :\001SED \020n\t\big\020\020\\a\0200\\\\:\001
will be received from the server and low level dequoted into:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :\001SED \n\t\big\020\\a\000\\\\:\001
whereafter the string "\n\t\big\020\\a\000\\\\:" will be extracted
and first CTCP dequoted into "\n\t\big\020\001\000\\:" and then
SED decoded getting back "Emacs wins" when using the same key.
- --- Example 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------
If the user actor wants to query the USERINFO of user victim, and is
in the middle of a conversation, the client may decide to tack on
USERINFO request on the end of a normal text message. Let's say actor
wants to send the textmessage "Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor" and the CTCP
request "USERINFO" to victim:
PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor
which after CTCP quoting become:
PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor
which gets merged into:
PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001
and after low level quoting:
PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\020n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001
and sent off to the server.
On victim's side, the message:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\020n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001
arrives. This gets low level dequoted into:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001
and thereafter split up into:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor
After CTCP dequoting both, the message:
:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor
gets displayed, while the CTCP command:
gets replied to. The reply might be:
USERINFO :CS student\n\001test\001
which gets CTCP quoted into:
USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a
and sent in a NOTICE as it is a reply:
NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a\001
and low level quoted into:
NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\020n\\atest\\a\001
after which is it sent to victim's server.
When arriving on actor's side, the message:
:victim NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\020n\\atest\\a\001
gets low level dequoted into:
:victim NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a\001
At this point, all CTCP replies get extracted, giving 1 CTCP reply and
no normal NOTICE:
USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a
The remaining reply gets CTCP dequoted into:
USERINFO :CS student\n\001test\001
and presumly displayed to user actor.
Extended data passed between clients can be used to pass structured
information between them. Currently known extended data types are:
ACTION - Used to simulate "role playing" on IRC.
DCC - Negotiates file transfers and direct tcp chat
connections between clients.
SED - Used to send encrypted messages between clients.
This is used by losers on IRC to simulate "role playing" games. An
action message looks like the following:
\001ACTION barfs on the floor.\001
Clients that recieve such a message should format them to indicate the
user who did this is performing an "action". For example, if the user
"actor" sent the above message to the channel "#twilight_zone", other
users clients might display the message as:
[ACTION] actor->#twilight_zone: barfs on the floor.
Presumably other users on the channel are suitably impressed.
DCC stands for something like "Direct Client Connection". CTCP DCC
extended data messages are used to negotiate file transfers between
clients and to negotiate chat connections over tcp connections between
two clients, with no IRC server involved. Connections between clients
involve protocols other than the usual IRC protocol. Due to this
complexity, a full description of the DCC protocol is included
separately at the end of this document in Appendix A.
SED probably stands for something like "Simple Encryption D???". It is
used by clients to exchange encrypted messages between clients. A
message encoded by SED probably looks something like:
\001SED encrypted-text-goes-here\001
Clients which accept such messages should display them in decrypted
form. It would be nice if someone documented this, and included the
encryption scheme in an Appendix B.
A request/reply pair is sent between the two clients in two phases.
The first phase is to send the request. This is done with a "privmsg"
command (either to a nick or to a channel -- it doesn't matter).
The second phase is to send a reply. This is done with a "notice"
The known request/reply pairs are for the following commands.
FINGER - Returns the user's full name, and idle time.
VERSION - The version and type of the client.
SOURCE - Where to obtain a copy of a client.
USERINFO - A string set by the user (never the client coder)
CLIENTINFO - Dynamic master index of what a client knows.
ERRMSG - Used when an error needs to be replied with.
PING - Used to measure the delay of the IRC network
between clients.
TIME - Gets the local date and time from other clients.
This is used to get a user's real name, and perhaps also the idle time
of the user (this usage has been obsoleted by enhancements to the IRC
protocol. The request is in a "privmsg" and looks like
while the reply is in a "notice" and looks like
\001FINGER :#\001
where the # denotes contains information about the users real name,
login name at clientmachine and idle time and is of type X-N-AS.
This is used to get information about the name of the other client and
the version of it. The request in a "privmsg" is simply
and the reply
\001VERSION #:#:#\001
where the first # denotes the name of the client, the second # denotes
the version of the client, the third # the enviroment the client is
running in.
X-N-CLN ::= '\000' .. '\071' | '\073' .. '\377'
the client name is a string of type X-N-CLN saying things like "Kiwi"
or "ircII", the version saying things like "5.2" or "2.1.5c", the
enviroment saying things like "GNU Emacs 18.57.19 under SunOS 4.1.1 on
Sun SLC" or "Compiled with gcc -ansi under Ultrix 4.0 on VAX-11/730".
This is used to get information about where to get a copy of the
client. The request in a "privmsg" is simply
and the reply is zero or more CTCP replies of the form
\001SOURCE #:#:#\001
followed by an end marker
where the first # is the name of an Internet host where the client can
be gotten from with anonymous FTP the second # a directory names, and
the third # a space separated list of files to be gotten from that
X-N-SPC ::= '\000' .. '\037' | '\041' .. '\377'
the name of the FTP site is to be given by name like "" or
The file name field is a directory specification optionally followed
by one or more file names, delimited by spaces. If only a directory
name is given, all files in that directory should be copied when
retrieving the clients source. If some files are given, only those
files in that directpry should be copied. Note that the spcification
allows for all characters but space in the names, this includes
allowing :. Examples are "pub/emacs/irc/" to get all files in
directory pub/emacs/irc/, the client should be able to first login as
user "ftp" and the give the command "CD pub/emacs/irc/", followed by
the command "mget *". (It of course has to take care of binary and
prompt mode too). Another example is "/pub/irc Kiwi.5.2.el.Z" in which
case a "CD /pub/irc" and "get Kiwi.5.2.el.Z" is what should be done.
This is used to transmit a string which is settable by the user (and
never should be set by the client). The query is simply
with the reply
\001USERINFO :#\001
where the # is the value of the string the client's user has set.
This is for client developers use to make it easier to show other
client hackers what a certain client knows when it comes to CTCP. The
replies should be fairly verbose explaining what CTCP commands are
understood, what arguments are expected of what type, and what replies
might be expected from the client.
The query is the word CLIENTINFO in a "privmsg" optionally followed by
a colon and one or more specifying words delimited by spaces, where
the word CLIENTINFO by itself,
should be replied to by giving a list of known tags (see above in
section TAGGED DATA). This is only intended to be read by humans.
With one argument, the reply should be a description of how to use
that tag. With two arguments, a description of how to use that
tag's subcommand. And so on.
This is used as a reply whenever an unknown query is seen. Also, when
used as a query, the reply should echo back the text in the query,
together with an indication that no error has happened. Should the
query form be used, it is
\001ERRMSG #\001
where # is a string containing any character, with the reply
\001ERRMSG # :#\001
where the first # is the same string as in the query and the second #
a short text notifying the user that no error has occurred.
A normal ERRMSG reply which is sent when a corrupted query or some
corrupted extended data is received, looks like
\001ERRMSG # :#\001
where the first # is the the failed query or corrupted extended data
and the second # a text explaining what the problem is, like "unknown
query" or "failed decrypting text".
Ping is used to measure the time delay between clients on the IRC
network. A ping query is encoded in a privmsg, and has the form:
\001PING timestamp\001
where `timestamp' is the current time encoded in any form the querying
client finds convienent. The replying client sends back an identical
message inside a notice:
\001PING timestamp\001
The querying client can then subtract the recieved timestamp from the
current time to obtain the delay between clients over the IRC network.
Time queries are used to determine what time it is where another
user's client is running. This can be useful to determine if someone
is probably awake or not, or what timezone they are in. A time query
has the form:
On reciept of such a query in a privmsg, clients should reply with a
notice of the form:
\001TIME :human-readable-time-string\001
For example:
\001TIME :Thu Aug 11 22:52:51 1994 CST\001
PRIVMSG victim :\001FINGER\001
might return
:victim NOTICE actor :\001FINGER :Please check my USERINFO
instead :Klaus Zeuge (sojge@mizar) 1 second has passed since
victim gave a command last.\001
(this is only one line) or why not
:victim NOTICE actor :\001FINGER :Please check my USERINFO
instead :Klaus Zeuge (sojge@mizar) 427 seconds (7 minutes and
7 seconds) have passed since victim gave a command last.\001
if Klaus Zeuge happens to be lazy? :-)
PRIVMSG victim :\001CLIENTINFO\001
might return
:victim NOTICE actor :\001CLIENTINFO :You can request help of the
an argument to CLIENTINFO.\001
might return
:victim NOTICE actor :\001CLIENTINFO :CLIENTINFO with 0
arguments gives a list of known client query keywords. With 1
argument, a description of the client query keyword is
while sending
PRIVMSG victim :\001clientinfo clientinfo\001
probably will return something like
:victim NOTICE actor :\001ERRMSG clientinfo clientinfo :Query is
as tag "clientinfo" isn't known.
might return
:victim NOTICE actor :\001CLIENTINFO :ERRMSG is the given answer
on seeing an unknown keyword. When seeing the keyword ERRMSG,
it works like an echo.\001
PRIVMSG victim :\001USERINFO\001
might return the somewhat pathetically long
:victim NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :I'm studying computer
science in Uppsala, I'm male (somehow, that seems to be an
important matter on IRC:-) and I speak fluent swedish, decent
german, and some english.\001
PRIVMSG victim :\001VERSION\001
might return:
:victim NOTICE actor :\001VERSION Kiwi:5.2:GNU Emacs
18.57.19 under SunOS 4.1.1 on Sun
SLC:FTP.Lysator.LiU.SE:/pub/emacs Kiwi-5.2.el.Z
if the client is named Kiwi of version 5.2 and is used under GNU Emacs
18.57.19 running on a Sun SLCwith SunOS 4.1.1. The client claims a
copy of it can be found with anonymous FTP on FTP.Lysator.LiU.SE after
giving the FTP command "cd /pub/emacs/". There, one should get files
Kiwi-5.2.el.Z and Kiwi.README; presumably one of the files tells how to
proceed with building the client after having gotten the files.
Appendix A -- A description of the DCC protocol
By Troy Rollo (
Revised by Ben Mesander (
Troy Rollo, the original implementor of the DCC protocol, said
that the DCC protocol was never designed to be portable to clients
other than IRCII. However, time has shown that DCC is useable in
environments other than IRCII. IRC clients in diverse languages, such
as ksh, elisp, C, and perl have all had DCC implementations.
Why DCC?
DCC allows the user to overcome some limitations of the IRC
server network and to have a somewhat more secure chat connection
while still in an IRC-oriented protocol.
DCC uses direct TCP connections between the clients taking
part to carry data. There is no flood control, so packets can be sent
at full speed, and there is no dependance on server links (or load
imposed on them). In addition, since only the initial handshake for
DCC conections is passed through the IRC network, it makes it harder
for operators with cracked servers to spy on personal messages.
The initial socket for a DCC connection is created
by the side that initiates (Offers) the connection. This socket
should be a TCP socket bound to INADDR_ANY, listening for
The Initiating client, on creating the socket, should
send its details to the target client using the CTCP command
DCC. This command takes the form:
DCC type argument address port [size]
type - The connection type.
argument - The connectin type dependant argument.
address - The host address of the initiator as an integer.
port - The port or the socket on which the initiator expects
to receive the connection.
size - If the connection type is "SEND" (see below), then size
will indicate the size of the file being offered. Obsolete
IRCII clients do not send this, so be prepared if this is
not present.
The address, port, and size should be sent as ASCII representations of
the decimal integer formed by converting the values to host byte order
and treating them as an unsigned long, unsigned short, and unsigned
long respectively.
Implementations of the DCC protocol should be prepared to
accept further arguments in a CTCP DCC message. There has been some
discussion of adding another argument that would specify the type of
file being transferred - text, binary, and perhaps others if DCC is
implemented on operating systems other than UNIX. If additional
arguments are added to the protocol, they should have semantics such
that clients which ignore them will interoperate with clients that
don't in a sensible way.
The following DCC connection types are defined:
Type Purpose Argument
CHAT To carry on a semi-secure conversation the string "chat"
SEND To send a file to the recipient the file name
Although the following subcommand is included in the IRCII DCC command,
it does _not_ transmit a DCC request via IRC, and thus is not
discussed in this document:
TALK Establishes a TALK connection
The CHAT and SEND connection types should not be
accepted automatically as this would create the potential for
terrorism. Instead, they should notify the user that an
offer has been made, and allow the user to accept it.
The recipient should have the opportunity to rename a file
offered with the DCC SEND command prior to retrieving it. It is also
desirable to ensure that the offered file will not overwrite an
existing file.
Older IRCII clients send the entire pathname of the file being
transmitted. This is annoying, and newer clients should simply send
the filename portion of the file being transmitted.
The port number should be scrutinized - if the port number is
in the UNIX reserved port range, the connection should only be
accepted with caution.
If it is not possible in the client implementation language to
handle a 32-bit integer (for instance emacs 18 elisp and ksh 88), then
it is often possible to use the hostname in the originating PRIVMSG.
The following are the steps which should occur in the clients
(this description assumes use of the BSD socket interface on a UNIX
DCC command issued.
Create a socket, bind it to INADDR_ANY, port 0, and
make it passive (a listening socket).
Send the recipient a DCC request via CTCP supplying
the address and port of the socket. (This
is ideally taken from the address of the local
side of the socket which is connected to a
server. This is presumably the interface on
the host which is closest to the rest of
the net, and results in one less routing hop
in the case of gateway nodes).
Continue normally until a connection is received.
On a connection:
Accept the connection.
Close the original passive socket.
Conduct transaction on the new socket.
CTCP DCC request received.
Record information on the DCC request and notify the user.
At this point, the USER should be able to abort (close) the
request, or accept it. The request should be accepted with
a command specifying the sender, type, and argument, or
a subset of these where no ambiguity exists.
If accepted, create a TCP socket.
Connect the new socket to the address and port supplied.
Conduct the transaction over the socket.
Type specific details.
CHAT Data sent across a CHAT connection should be sent line-by-line
without any prefixes or commands. A CHAT connection ends when
one party issues the DCC CLOSE command to their clients, which
causes the socket to be closed and the information on the connection
to be discarded. The terminating character of each line is a
newline character, '\n'.
FILE Data is sent in packets, rather than dumped in a stream manner.
This allows the DCC SEND connection to survive where an FTP
connection might fail. The size of the packets is up to the
client, and may be set by the user. Smaller packets result
in a higher probability of survival over bad links.
The recipient should acknowledge each packet by transmitting
the total number of bytes received as an unsigned, 4 byte
integer in network byte order. The sender should not continue
to transmit until the recipient has acknowledged all data
already transmitted. Additionally, the sender should not
close the connection until the last byte has been
acknowledged by the recipient.
Older IRCII clients do not send the file size of the file
being transmitted via DCC. For those clients, note that it is
not possible for the recipient to tell if the entire file has
been received - only the sender has that information, although
IRCII does not report it. Users generally verify the transfer
by checking file sizes. Authors of clients are urged to use
the size feature.
Note also that no provision is made for text translation.
The original block size used by IRCII was 1024. Other clients
have adopted this. Note, however, that an implementation should accept
any blocksize. IRCII currently allows a user-settable blocksize.

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RFC 2810 (RFC2810)
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RFC 2810 - Internet Relay Chat: Architecture
Network Working Group C. Kalt
Request for Comments: 2810 April 2000
Updates: 1459
Category: Informational
Internet Relay Chat: Architecture
Status of this Memo
This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this
memo is unlimited.
Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.
The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol is for use with text based
conferencing. It has been developed since 1989 when it was originally
implemented as a mean for users on a BBS to chat amongst themselves.
First formally documented in May 1993 by RFC 1459 [IRC], the protocol
has kept evolving. This document is an update describing the
architecture of the current IRC protocol and the role of its
different components. Other documents describe in detail the
protocol used between the various components defined here.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................... 2
2. Components ................................................. 2
2.1 Servers ................................................ 2
2.2 Clients ................................................ 3
2.2.1 User Clients ...................................... 3
2.2.2 Service Clients ................................... 3
3. Architecture ............................................... 3
4. IRC Protocol Services ...................................... 4
4.1 Client Locator ......................................... 4
4.2 Message Relaying ....................................... 4
4.3 Channel Hosting And Management ......................... 4
5. IRC Concepts ............................................... 4
5.1 One-To-One Communication ............................... 5
5.2 One-To-Many ............................................ 5
5.2.1 To A Channel ...................................... 5
5.2.2 To A Host/Server Mask ............................. 6
5.2.3 To A List ......................................... 6
5.3 One-To-All ............................................. 6
5.3.1 Client-to-Client .................................. 6
5.3.2 Client-to-Server .................................. 7
5.3.3 Server-to-Server .................................. 7
6. Current Problems ........................................... 7
6.1 Scalability ............................................ 7
6.2 Reliability ............................................ 7
6.3 Network Congestion ..................................... 7
6.4 Privacy ................................................ 8
7. Security Considerations .................................... 8
8. Current Support And Availability ........................... 8
9. Acknowledgements ........................................... 8
10. References ................................................ 8
11. Author's Address .......................................... 9
12. Full Copyright Statement .................................. 10
1. Introduction
The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed over a
number of years for use with text based conferencing. This document
describes its current architecture.
The IRC Protocol is based on the client-server model, and is well
suited to running on many machines in a distributed fashion. A
typical setup involves a single process (the server) forming a
central point for clients (or other servers) to connect to,
performing the required message delivery/multiplexing and other
This distributed model, which requires each server to have a copy
of the global state information, is still the most flagrant problem
of the protocol as it is a serious handicap, which limits the maximum
size a network can reach. If the existing networks have been able to
keep growing at an incredible pace, we must thank hardware
manufacturers for giving us ever more powerful systems.
2. Components
The following paragraphs define the basic components of the IRC
2.1 Servers
The server forms the backbone of IRC as it is the only component
of the protocol which is able to link all the other components
together: it provides a point to which clients may connect to talk to
each other [IRC-CLIENT], and a point for other servers to connect to
[IRC-SERVER]. The server is also responsible for providing the basic
services defined by the IRC protocol.
2.2 Clients
A client is anything connecting to a server that is not another
server. There are two types of clients which both serve a different
2.2.1 User Clients
User clients are generally programs providing a text based
interface that is used to communicate interactively via IRC. This
particular type of clients is often referred as "users".
2.2.2 Service Clients
Unlike users, service clients are not intended to be used manually
nor for talking. They have a more limited access to the chat
functions of the protocol, while optionally having access to more
private data from the servers.
Services are typically automatons used to provide some kind of
service (not necessarily related to IRC itself) to users. An example
is a service collecting statistics about the origin of users
connected on the IRC network.
3. Architecture
An IRC network is defined by a group of servers connected to each
other. A single server forms the simplest IRC network.
The only network configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of
a spanning tree where each server acts as a central node for the rest
of the network it sees.
A D---4
2--/ \ /
/ \
3 E
Servers: A, B, C, D, E Clients: 1, 2, 3, 4
[ Fig. 1. Sample small IRC network ]
The IRC protocol provides no mean for two clients to directly
communicate. All communication between clients is relayed by the
4. IRC Protocol Services
This section describes the services offered by the IRC protocol. The
combination of these services allow real-time conferencing.
4.1 Client Locator
To be able to exchange messages, two clients must be able to locate
each other.
Upon connecting to a server, a client registers using a label which
is then used by other servers and clients to know where the client is
located. Servers are responsible for keeping track of all the labels
being used.
4.2 Message Relaying
The IRC protocol provides no mean for two clients to directly
communicate. All communication between clients is relayed by the
4.3 Channel Hosting And Management
A channel is a named group of one or more users which will all
receive messages addressed to that channel. A channel is
characterized by its name and current members, it also has a set of
properties which can be manipulated by (some of) its members.
Channels provide a mean for a message to be sent to several clients.
Servers host channels, providing the necessary message multiplexing.
Servers are also responsible for managing channels by keeping track
of the channel members. The exact role of servers is defined in
"Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management" [IRC-CHAN].
5. IRC Concepts
This section is devoted to describing the actual concepts behind the
organization of the IRC protocol and how different classes of
messages are delivered.
5.1 One-To-One Communication
Communication on a one-to-one basis is usually performed by clients,
since most server-server traffic is not a result of servers talking
only to each other. To provide a means for clients to talk to each
other, it is REQUIRED that all servers be able to send a message in
exactly one direction along the spanning tree in order to reach any
client. Thus the path of a message being delivered is the shortest
path between any two points on the spanning tree.
The following examples all refer to Figure 1 above.
Example 1: A message between clients 1 and 2 is only seen by server
A, which sends it straight to client 2.
Example 2: A message between clients 1 and 3 is seen by servers A &
B, and client 3. No other clients or servers are allowed see the
Example 3: A message between clients 2 and 4 is seen by servers A, B,
C & D and client 4 only.
5.2 One-To-Many
The main goal of IRC is to provide a forum which allows easy and
efficient conferencing (one to many conversations). IRC offers
several means to achieve this, each serving its own purpose.
5.2.1 To A Channel
In IRC the channel has a role equivalent to that of the multicast
group; their existence is dynamic and the actual conversation carried
out on a channel MUST only be sent to servers which are supporting
users on a given channel. Moreover, the message SHALL only be sent
once to every local link as each server is responsible to fan the
original message to ensure that it will reach all the recipients.
The following examples all refer to Figure 2.
Example 4: Any channel with 1 client in it. Messages to the channel
go to the server and then nowhere else.
Example 5: 2 clients in a channel. All messages traverse a path as if
they were private messages between the two clients outside a
Example 6: Clients 1, 2 and 3 in a channel. All messages to the
channel are sent to all clients and only those servers which must
be traversed by the message if it were a private message to a
single client. If client 1 sends a message, it goes back to
client 2 and then via server B to client 3.
5.2.2 To A Host/Server Mask
To provide with some mechanism to send messages to a large body of
related users, host and server mask messages are available. These
messages are sent to users whose host or server information match
that of the mask. The messages are only sent to locations where
users are, in a fashion similar to that of channels.
5.2.3 To A List
The least efficient style of one-to-many conversation is through
clients talking to a 'list' of targets (client, channel, mask). How
this is done is almost self explanatory: the client gives a list of
destinations to which the message is to be delivered and the server
breaks it up and dispatches a separate copy of the message to each
given destination.
This is not as efficient as using a channel since the destination
list MAY be broken up and the dispatch sent without checking to make
sure duplicates aren't sent down each path.
5.3 One-To-All
The one-to-all type of message is better described as a broadcast
message, sent to all clients or servers or both. On a large network
of users and servers, a single message can result in a lot of traffic
being sent over the network in an effort to reach all of the desired
For some class of messages, there is no option but to broadcast it to
all servers so that the state information held by each server is
consistent between servers.
5.3.1 Client-to-Client
There is no class of message which, from a single message, results in
a message being sent to every other client.
5.3.2 Client-to-Server
Most of the commands which result in a change of state information
(such as channel membership, channel mode, user status, etc.) MUST be
sent to all servers by default, and this distribution SHALL NOT be
changed by the client.
5.3.3 Server-to-Server
While most messages between servers are distributed to all 'other'
servers, this is only required for any message that affects a user,
channel or server. Since these are the basic items found in IRC,
nearly all messages originating from a server are broadcast to all
other connected servers.
6. Current Problems
There are a number of recognized problems with this protocol, this
section only addresses the problems related to the architecture of
the protocol.
6.1 Scalability
It is widely recognized that this protocol does not scale
sufficiently well when used in a large arena. The main problem comes
from the requirement that all servers know about all other servers,
clients and channels and that information regarding them be updated
as soon as it changes.
6.2 Reliability
As the only network configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of
a spanning tree, each link between two servers is an obvious and
quite serious point of failure. This particular issue is addressed
more in detail in "Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol" [IRC-
6.3 Network Congestion
Another problem related to the scalability and reliability issues, as
well as the spanning tree architecture, is that the protocol and
architecture for IRC are extremely vulnerable to network congestions.
This problem is endemic, and should be solved for the next
generation: if congestion and high traffic volume cause a link
between two servers to fail, not only this failure generates more
network traffic, but the reconnection (eventually elsewhere) of two
servers also generates more traffic.
In an attempt to minimize the impact of these problems, it is
strongly RECOMMENDED that servers do not automatically try to
reconnect too fast, in order to avoid aggravating the situation.
6.4 Privacy
Besides not scaling well, the fact that servers need to know all
information about other entities, the issue of privacy is also a
concern. This is in particular true for channels, as the related
information is quite a lot more revealing than whether a user is
online or not.
7. Security Considerations
Asides from the privacy concerns mentioned in section 6.4 (Privacy),
security is believed to be irrelevant to this document.
8. Current Support And Availability
Mailing lists for IRC related discussion:
General discussion:
Protocol development:
Software implementations:
Newsgroup: alt.irc
9. Acknowledgements
Parts of this document were copied from the RFC 1459 [IRC] which
first formally documented the IRC Protocol. It has also benefited
from many rounds of review and comments. In particular, the
following people have made significant contributions to this
Matthew Green, Michael Neumayer, Volker Paulsen, Kurt Roeckx, Vesa
Ruokonen, Magnus Tjernstrom, Stefan Zehl.
10. References
[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
[IRC] Oikarinen, J. and D. Reed, "Internet Relay Chat
Protocol", RFC 1459, May 1993.
[IRC-CLIENT] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol", RFC
2812, April 2000.
[IRC-SERVER] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol", RFC
2813, April 2000.
[IRC-CHAN] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management", RFC
2811, April 2000.
11. Author's Address
Christophe Kalt
99 Teaneck Rd, Apt #117
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
12. Full Copyright Statement
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
Internet Society.
Comments about this RFC:
* RFC 2810: Hi, Here goes the text in section 5.2.1 : "The following
examples all... by AkA (6/2/2007)
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RFC 2811 - Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management
Network Working Group C. Kalt
Request for Comments: 2811 April 2000
Updates: 1459
Category: Informational
Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management
Status of this Memo
This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this
memo is unlimited.
Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.
One of the most notable characteristics of the IRC (Internet Relay
Chat) protocol is to allow for users to be grouped in forums, called
channels, providing a mean for multiple users to communicate
There was originally a unique type of channels, but with the years,
new types appeared either as a response to a need, or for
experimental purposes.
This document specifies how channels, their characteristics and
properties are managed by IRC servers.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................... 2
2. Channel Characteristics .................................... 3
2.1 Namespace .............................................. 3
2.2 Channel Scope .......................................... 3
2.3 Channel Properties ..................................... 4
2.4 Privileged Channel Members ............................. 4
2.4.1 Channel Operators ................................. 5
2.4.2 Channel Creator ................................... 5
3. Channel lifetime ........................................... 5
3.1 Standard channels ...................................... 5
3.2 Safe Channels .......................................... 6
4. Channel Modes .............................................. 7
4.1 Member Status .......................................... 7
4.1.1 "Channel Creator" Status .......................... 7
4.1.2 Channel Operator Status ........................... 8
4.1.3 Voice Privilege ................................... 8
4.2 Channel Flags .......................................... 8
4.2.1 Anonymous Flag .................................... 8
4.2.2 Invite Only Flag .................................. 8
4.2.3 Moderated Channel Flag ............................ 9
4.2.4 No Messages To Channel From Clients On The Outside 9
4.2.5 Quiet Channel ..................................... 9
4.2.6 Private and Secret Channels ....................... 9
4.2.7 Server Reop Flag .................................. 10
4.2.8 Topic ............................................. 10
4.2.9 User Limit ........................................ 10
4.2.10 Channel Key ...................................... 10
4.3 Channel Access Control ................................. 10
4.3.1 Channel Ban and Exception ......................... 11
4.3.2 Channel Invitation ................................ 11
5. Current Implementations .................................... 11
5.1 Tracking Recently Used Channels ........................ 11
5.2 Safe Channels .......................................... 12
5.2.1 Channel Identifier ................................ 12
5.2.2 Channel Delay ..................................... 12
5.2.3 Abuse Window ...................................... 13
5.2.4 Preserving Sanity In The Name Space ............... 13
5.2.5 Server Reop Mechanism ............................. 13
6. Current problems ........................................... 14
6.1 Labels ................................................. 14
6.1.1 Channel Delay ..................................... 14
6.1.2 Safe Channels ..................................... 15
6.2 Mode Propagation Delays ................................ 15
6.3 Collisions And Channel Modes ........................... 15
6.4 Resource Exhaustion .................................... 16
7. Security Considerations .................................... 16
7.1 Access Control ......................................... 16
7.2 Channel Privacy ........................................ 16
7.3 Anonymity ............................................... 17
8. Current support and availability ........................... 17
9. Acknowledgements ........................................... 17
10. References ................................................ 18
11. Author's Address .......................................... 18
12. Full Copyright Statement ................................... 19
1. Introduction
This document defines in detail on how channels are managed by the
IRC servers and will be mostly useful to people working on
implementing an IRC server.
While the concepts defined here are an important part of IRC, they
remain non essential for implementing clients. While the trend seems
to be towards more and more complex and "intelligent" clients which
are able to take advantage of knowing the internal workings of
channels to provide the users with a more friendly interface, simple
clients can be implemented without reading this document.
Many of the concepts defined here were designed with the IRC
architecture [IRC-ARCH] in mind and mostly make sense in this
context. However, many others could be applied to other
architectures in order to provide forums for a conferencing system.
Finally, it is to be noted that IRC users may find some of the
following sections of interest, in particular sections 2 (Channel
Characteristics) and 4 (Channel Modes).
2. Channel Characteristics
A channel is a named group of one or more users which will all
receive messages addressed to that channel. A channel is
characterized by its name, properties and current members.
2.1 Namespace
Channels names are strings (beginning with a '&', '#', '+' or '!'
character) of length up to fifty (50) characters. Channel names are
case insensitive.
Apart from the the requirement that the first character being either
'&', '#', '+' or '!' (hereafter called "channel prefix"). The only
restriction on a channel name is that it SHALL NOT contain any spaces
(' '), a control G (^G or ASCII 7), a comma (',' which is used as a
list item separator by the protocol). Also, a colon (':') is used as
a delimiter for the channel mask. The exact syntax of a channel name
is defined in "IRC Server Protocol" [IRC-SERVER].
The use of different prefixes effectively creates four (4) distinct
namespaces for channel names. This is important because of the
protocol limitations regarding namespaces (in general). See section
6.1 (Labels) for more details on these limitations.
2.2 Channel Scope
A channel entity is known by one or more servers on the IRC network.
A user can only become member of a channel known by the server to
which the user is directly connected. The list of servers which know
of the existence of a particular channel MUST be a contiguous part of
the IRC network, in order for the messages addressed to the channel
to be sent to all the channel members.
Channels with '&' as prefix are local to the server where they are
Other channels are known to one (1) or more servers that are
connected to the network, depending on the channel mask:
If there is no channel mask, then the channel is known to all
the servers.
If there is a channel mask, then the channel MUST only be known
to servers which has a local user on the channel, and to its
neighbours if the mask matches both the local and neighbouring
server names. Since other servers have absolutely no knowledge of
the existence of such a channel, the area formed by the servers
having a name matching the mask has to be contiguous for the
channel to be known by all these servers. Channel masks are best
used in conjunction with server hostmasking [IRC-SERVER].
2.3 Channel Properties
Each channel has its own properties, which are defined by channel
modes. Channel modes can be manipulated by the channel members. The
modes affect the way servers manage the channels.
Channels with '+' as prefix do not support channel modes. This means
that all the modes are unset, with the exception of the 't' channel
flag which is set.
2.4 Privileged Channel Members
In order for the channel members to keep some control over a channel,
and some kind of sanity, some channel members are privileged. Only
these members are allowed to perform the following actions on the
INVITE - Invite a client to an invite-only channel (mode +i)
KICK - Eject a client from the channel
MODE - Change the channel's mode, as well as
members' privileges
PRIVMSG - Sending messages to the channel (mode +n, +m, +v)
TOPIC - Change the channel topic in a mode +t channel
2.4.1 Channel Operators
The channel operators (also referred to as a "chop" or "chanop") on a
given channel are considered to 'own' that channel. Ownership of a
channel is shared among channel operators.
Channel operators are identified by the '@' symbol next to their
nickname whenever it is associated with a channel (i.e., replies to
the NAMES, WHO and WHOIS commands).
Since channels starting with the character '+' as prefix do not
support channel modes, no member can therefore have the status of
channel operator.
2.4.2 Channel Creator
A user who creates a channel with the character '!' as prefix is
identified as the "channel creator". Upon creation of the channel,
this user is also given channel operator status.
In recognition of this status, the channel creators are endowed with
the ability to toggle certain modes of the channel which channel
operators may not manipulate.
A "channel creator" can be distinguished from a channel operator by
issuing the proper MODE command. See the "IRC Client Protocol"
[IRC-CLIENT] for more information on this topic.
3. Channel lifetime
In regard to the lifetime of a channel, there are typically two
groups of channels: standard channels which prefix is either '&', '#'
or '+', and "safe channels" which prefix is '!'.
3.1 Standard channels
These channels are created implicitly when the first user joins it,
and cease to exist when the last user leaves it. While the channel
exists, any client can reference the channel using the name of the
The user creating a channel automatically becomes channel operator
with the notable exception of channels which name is prefixed by the
character '+', see section 4 (Channel modes). See section 2.4.1
(Channel Operators) for more details on this title.
In order to avoid the creation of duplicate channels (typically when
the IRC network becomes disjoint because of a split between two
servers), channel names SHOULD NOT be allowed to be reused by a user
if a channel operator (See Section 2.4.1 (Channel Operators)) has
recently left the channel because of a network split. If this
happens, the channel name is temporarily unavailable. The duration
while a channel remains unavailable should be tuned on a per IRC
network basis. It is important to note that this prevents local
users from creating a channel using the same name, but does not
prevent the channel to be recreated by a remote user. The latter
typically happens when the IRC network rejoins. Obviously, this
mechanism only makes sense for channels which name begins with the
character '#', but MAY be used for channels which name begins with
the character '+'. This mechanism is commonly known as "Channel
3.2 Safe Channels
Unlike other channels, "safe channels" are not implicitly created. A
user wishing to create such a channel MUST request the creation by
sending a special JOIN command to the server in which the channel
identifier (then unknown) is replaced by the character '!'. The
creation process for this type of channel is strictly controlled.
The user only chooses part of the channel name (known as the channel
"short name"), the server automatically prepends the user provided
name with a channel identifier consisting of five (5) characters.
The channel name resulting from the combination of these two elements
is unique, making the channel safe from abuses based on network
The user who creates such a channel automatically becomes "channel
creator". See section 2.4.2 (Channel Creator) for more details on
this title.
A server MUST NOT allow the creation of a new channel if another
channel with the same short name exists; or if another channel with
the same short name existed recently AND any of its member(s) left
because of a network split. Such channel ceases to exist after last
user leaves AND no other member recently left the channel because of
a network split.
Unlike the mechanism described in section 5.2.2 (Channel Delay), in
this case, channel names do not become unavailable: these channels
may continue to exist after the last user left. Only the user
creating the channel becomes "channel creator", users joining an
existing empty channel do not automatically become "channel creator"
nor "channel operator".
To ensure the uniqueness of the channel names, the channel identifier
created by the server MUST follow specific rules. For more details
on this, see section 5.2.1 (Channel Identifier).
4. Channel Modes
The various modes available for channels are as follows:
O - give "channel creator" status;
o - give/take channel operator privilege;
v - give/take the voice privilege;
a - toggle the anonymous channel flag;
i - toggle the invite-only channel flag;
m - toggle the moderated channel;
n - toggle the no messages to channel from clients on the
q - toggle the quiet channel flag;
p - toggle the private channel flag;
s - toggle the secret channel flag;
r - toggle the server reop channel flag;
t - toggle the topic settable by channel operator only flag;
k - set/remove the channel key (password);
l - set/remove the user limit to channel;
b - set/remove ban mask to keep users out;
e - set/remove an exception mask to override a ban mask;
I - set/remove an invitation mask to automatically override
the invite-only flag;
Unless mentioned otherwise below, all these modes can be manipulated
by "channel operators" by using the MODE command defined in "IRC
Client Protocol" [IRC-CLIENT].
4.1 Member Status
The modes in this category take a channel member nickname as argument
and affect the privileges given to this user.
4.1.1 "Channel Creator" Status
The mode 'O' is only used in conjunction with "safe channels" and
SHALL NOT be manipulated by users. Servers use it to give the user
creating the channel the status of "channel creator".
4.1.2 Channel Operator Status
The mode 'o' is used to toggle the operator status of a channel
4.1.3 Voice Privilege
The mode 'v' is used to give and take voice privilege to/from a
channel member. Users with this privilege can talk on moderated
channels. (See section 4.2.3 (Moderated Channel Flag).
4.2 Channel Flags
The modes in this category are used to define properties which
affects how channels operate.
4.2.1 Anonymous Flag
The channel flag 'a' defines an anonymous channel. This means that
when a message sent to the channel is sent by the server to users,
and the origin is a user, then it MUST be masked. To mask the
message, the origin is changed to "anonymous!anonymous@anonymous."
(e.g., a user with the nickname "anonymous", the username "anonymous"
and from a host called "anonymous."). Because of this, servers MUST
forbid users from using the nickname "anonymous". Servers MUST also
NOT send QUIT messages for users leaving such channels to the other
channel members but generate a PART message instead.
On channels with the character '&' as prefix, this flag MAY be
toggled by channel operators, but on channels with the character '!'
as prefix, this flag can be set (but SHALL NOT be unset) by the
"channel creator" only. This flag MUST NOT be made available on
other types of channels.
Replies to the WHOIS, WHO and NAMES commands MUST NOT reveal the
presence of other users on channels for which the anonymous flag is
4.2.2 Invite Only Flag
When the channel flag 'i' is set, new members are only accepted if
their mask matches Invite-list (See section 4.3.2) or they have been
invited by a channel operator. This flag also restricts the usage of
the INVITE command (See "IRC Client Protocol" [IRC-CLIENT]) to
channel operators.
4.2.3 Moderated Channel Flag
The channel flag 'm' is used to control who may speak on a channel.
When it is set, only channel operators, and members who have been
given the voice privilege may send messages to the channel.
This flag only affects users.
4.2.4 No Messages To Channel From Clients On The Outside
When the channel flag 'n' is set, only channel members MAY send
messages to the channel.
This flag only affects users.
4.2.5 Quiet Channel
The channel flag 'q' is for use by servers only. When set, it
restricts the type of data sent to users about the channel
operations: other user joins, parts and nick changes are not sent.
From a user's point of view, the channel contains only one user.
This is typically used to create special local channels on which the
server sends notices related to its operations. This was used as a
more efficient and flexible way to replace the user mode 's' defined
in RFC 1459 [IRC].
4.2.6 Private and Secret Channels
The channel flag 'p' is used to mark a channel "private" and the
channel flag 's' to mark a channel "secret". Both properties are
similar and conceal the existence of the channel from other users.
This means that there is no way of getting this channel's name from
the server without being a member. In other words, these channels
MUST be omitted from replies to queries like the WHOIS command.
When a channel is "secret", in addition to the restriction above, the
server will act as if the channel does not exist for queries like the
TOPIC, LIST, NAMES commands. Note that there is one exception to
this rule: servers will correctly reply to the MODE command.
Finally, secret channels are not accounted for in the reply to the
LUSERS command (See "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol" [IRC-
CLIENT]) when the <mask> parameter is specified.
The channel flags 'p' and 's' MUST NOT both be set at the same time.
If a MODE message originating from a server sets the flag 'p' and the
flag 's' is already set for the channel, the change is silently
ignored. This should only happen during a split healing phase
(mentioned in the "IRC Server Protocol" document [IRC-SERVER]).
4.2.7 Server Reop Flag
The channel flag 'r' is only available on channels which name begins
with the character '!' and MAY only be toggled by the "channel
This flag is used to prevent a channel from having no channel
operator for an extended period of time. When this flag is set, any
channel that has lost all its channel operators for longer than the
"reop delay" period triggers a mechanism in servers to reop some or
all of the channel inhabitants. This mechanism is described more in
detail in section 5.2.4 (Channel Reop Mechanism).
4.2.8 Topic
The channel flag 't' is used to restrict the usage of the TOPIC
command to channel operators.
4.2.9 User Limit
A user limit may be set on channels by using the channel flag 'l'.
When the limit is reached, servers MUST forbid their local users to
join the channel.
The value of the limit MUST only be made available to the channel
members in the reply sent by the server to a MODE query.
4.2.10 Channel Key
When a channel key is set (by using the mode 'k'), servers MUST
reject their local users request to join the channel unless this key
is given.
The channel key MUST only be made visible to the channel members in
the reply sent by the server to a MODE query.
4.3 Channel Access Control
The last category of modes is used to control access to the channel,
they take a mask as argument.
In order to reduce the size of the global database for control access
modes set for channels, servers MAY put a maximum limit on the number
of such modes set for a particular channel. If such restriction is
imposed, it MUST only affect user requests. The limit SHOULD be
homogeneous on a per IRC network basis.
4.3.1 Channel Ban and Exception
When a user requests to join a channel, his local server checks if
the user's address matches any of the ban masks set for the channel.
If a match is found, the user request is denied unless the address
also matches an exception mask set for the channel.
Servers MUST NOT allow a channel member who is banned from the
channel to speak on the channel, unless this member is a channel
operator or has voice privilege. (See Section 4.1.3 (Voice
A user who is banned from a channel and who carries an invitation
sent by a channel operator is allowed to join the channel.
4.3.2 Channel Invitation
For channels which have the invite-only flag set (See Section 4.2.2
(Invite Only Flag)), users whose address matches an invitation mask
set for the channel are allowed to join the channel without any
5. Current Implementations
The only current implementation of these rules as part of the IRC
protocol is the IRC server, version 2.10.
The rest of this section deals with issues that are mostly of
importance to those who wish to implement a server but some parts may
also be of interest for client writers.
5.1 Tracking Recently Used Channels
This mechanism is commonly known as "Channel Delay" and generally
only applies to channels which names is prefixed with the character
'#' (See Section 3.1 "Standard channels").
When a network split occurs, servers SHOULD keep track of which
channels lost a "channel operator" as the result of the break. These
channels are then in a special state which lasts for a certain period
of time. In this particular state, the channels cannot cease to
exist. If all the channel members leave the channel, the channel
becomes unavailable: the server local clients cannot join the channel
as long as it is empty.
Once a channel is unavailable, it will become available again either
because a remote user has joined the channel (most likely because the
network is healing), or because the delay period has expired (in
which case the channel ceases to exist and may be re-created).
The duration for which a channel death is delayed SHOULD be set
considering many factors among which are the size (user wise) of the
IRC network, and the usual duration of network splits. It SHOULD be
uniform on all servers for a given IRC network.
5.2 Safe Channels
This document introduces the notion of "safe channels". These
channels have a name prefixed with the character '!' and great effort
is made to avoid collisions in this name space. Collisions are not
impossible, however they are very unlikely.
5.2.1 Channel Identifier
The channel identifier is a function of the time. The current time
(as defined under UNIX by the number of seconds elapsed since
00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970) is converted in a string of five (5)
characters using the following base:
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" (each character has a decimal
value starting from 0 for 'A' to 35 for '0').
The channel identifier therefore has a periodicity of 36^5 seconds
(about 700 days).
5.2.2 Channel Delay
These channels MUST be subject to the "channel delay" mechanism
described in section 5.1 (Channel Delay). However, the mechanism is
slightly adapted to fit better.
Servers MUST keep track of all such channels which lose members as
the result of a network split, no matter whether the user is a
"channel operator" or not.
However, these channels do NOT ever become unavailable, it is always
possible to join them even when they are empty.
5.2.3 Abuse Window
Because the periodicity is so long, attacks on a particular channel
(name) may only occur once in a very long while. However, with luck
and patience, it is still possible for a user to cause a channel
collision. In order to avoid this, servers MUST "look in the future"
and keep a list of channel names which identifier is about to be used
(in the coming few days for example). Such list should remain small,
not be a burden for servers to maintain and be used to avoid channel
collisions by preventing the re-creation of such channel for a longer
period of time than channel delay does.
Eventually a server MAY choose to extend this procedure to forbid
creation of channels with the same shortname only (then ignoring the
channel identifier).
5.2.4 Preserving Sanity In The Name Space
The combination of the mechanisms described in sections 5.2.2 and
5.2.3 makes it quite difficult for a user to create a channel
collision. However, another type of abuse consists of creating many
channels having the same shortname, but different identifiers. To
prevent this from happening, servers MUST forbid the creation of a
new channel which has the same shortname of a channel currently
5.2.5 Server Reop Mechanism
When a channel has been opless for longer than the "reop delay"
period and has the channel flag 'r' set (See Section 4.2.7 (Server
Reop Flag)), IRC servers are responsible for giving the channel
operator status randomly to some of the members.
The exact logic used for this mechanism by the current implementation
is described below. Servers MAY use a different logic, but that it
is strongly RECOMMENDED that all servers use the same logic on a
particular IRC network to maintain coherence as well as fairness.
For the same reason, the "reop delay" SHOULD be uniform on all
servers for a given IRC network. As for the "channel delay", the
value of the "reop delay" SHOULD be set considering many factors
among which are the size (user wise) of the IRC network, and the
usual duration of network splits.
a) the reop mechanism is triggered after a random time following the
expiration of the "reop delay". This should limit the eventuality
of the mechanism being triggered at the same time (for the same
channel) on two separate servers.
b) If the channel is small (five (5) users or less), and the "channel
delay" for this channel has expired,
Then reop all channel members if at least one member is local to
the server.
c) If the channel is small (five (5) users or less), and the "channel
delay" for this channel has expired, and the "reop delay" has
expired for longer than its value,
Then reop all channel members.
d) For other cases, reop at most one member on the channel, based on
some method build into the server. If you don't reop a member, the
method should be such that another server will probably op
someone. The method SHOULD be the same over the whole network. A
good heuristic could be just random reop.
(The current implementation actually tries to choose a member
local to the server who has not been idle for too long, eventually
postponing action, therefore letting other servers have a chance
to find a "not too idle" member. This is over complicated due to
the fact that servers only know the "idle" time of their local
6. Current problems
There are a number of recognized problems with the way IRC channels
are managed. Some of these can be directly attributed to the rules
defined in this document, while others are the result of the
underlying "IRC Server Protocol" [IRC-SERVER]. Although derived from
RFC 1459 [IRC], this document introduces several novelties in an
attempt to solve some of the known problems.
6.1 Labels
This document defines one of the many labels used by the IRC
protocol. Although there are several distinct namespaces (based on
the channel name prefix), duplicates inside each of these are not
allowed. Currently, it is possible for users on different servers to
pick the label which may result in collisions (with the exception of
channels known to only one server where they can be averted).
6.1.1 Channel Delay
The channel delay mechanism described in section 5.1 (Tracking
Recently Used Channels) and used for channels prefixed with the
character '#' is a simple attempt at preventing collisions from
happening. Experience has shown that, under normal circumstances, it
is very efficient; however, it obviously has severe limitations
keeping it from being an adequate solution to the problem discussed
6.1.2 Safe Channels
"Safe channels" described in section 3.2 (Safe Channels) are a better
way to prevent collisions from happening as it prevents users from
having total control over the label they choose. The obvious
drawback for such labels is that they are not user friendly.
However, it is fairly trivial for a client program to improve on
6.2 Mode Propagation Delays
Because of network delays induced by the network, and because each
server on the path is REQUIRED to check the validity of mode changes
(e.g., user exists and has the right privileges), it is not unusual
for a MODE message to only affect part of the network, often creating
a discrepancy between servers on the current state of a channel.
While this may seem easy to fix (by having only the original server
check the validity of mode changes), it was decided not to do so for
various reasons. One concern is that servers cannot trust each
other, and that a misbehaving servers can easily be detected. This
way of doing so also stops wave effects on channels which are out of
synch when mode changes are issued from different directions.
6.3 Collisions And Channel Modes
The "Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol" document [IRC-SERVER]
describes how channel data is exchanged when two servers connect to
each other. Channel collisions (either legitimate or not) are
treated as inclusive events, meaning that the resulting channel has
for members all the users who are members of the channel on either
server prior to the connection.
Similarly, each server sends the channel modes to the other one.
Therefore, each server also receives these channel modes. There are
three types of modes for a given channel: flags, masks, and data.
The first two types are easy to deal with as they are either set or
unset. If such a mode is set on one server, it MUST be set on the
other server as a result of the connection.
As topics are not sent as part of this exchange, they are not a
problem. However, channel modes 'l' and 'k' are exchanged, and if
they are set on both servers prior to the connection, there is no
mechanism to decide which of the two values takes precedence. It is
left up to the users to fix the resulting discrepancy.
6.4 Resource Exhaustion
The mode based on masks defined in section 4.3 make the IRC servers
(and network) vulnerable to a simple abuse of the system: a single
channel operator can set as many different masks as possible on a
particular channel. This can easily cause the server to waste
memory, as well as network bandwidth (since the info is propagated to
other servers). For this reason it is RECOMMENDED that a limit be
put on the number of such masks per channels as mentioned in section
Moreover, more complex mechanisms MAY be used to avoid having
redundant masks set for the same channel.
7. Security Considerations
7.1 Access Control
One of the main ways to control access to a channel is to use masks
which are based on the username and hostname of the user connections.
This mechanism can only be efficient and safe if the IRC servers have
an accurate way of authenticating user connections, and if users
cannot easily get around it. While it is in theory possible to
implement such a strict authentication mechanism, most IRC networks
(especially public networks) do not have anything like this in place
and provide little guaranty about the accuracy of the username and
hostname for a particular client connection.
Another way to control access is to use a channel key, but since this
key is sent in plaintext, it is vulnerable to traditional man in the
middle attacks.
7.2 Channel Privacy
Because channel collisions are treated as inclusive events (See
Section 6.3), it is possible for users to join a channel overriding
its access control settings. This method has long been used by
individuals to "take over" channels by "illegitimately" gaining
channel operator status on the channel. The same method can be used
to find out the exact list of members of a channel, as well as to
eventually receive some of the messages sent to the channel.
7.3 Anonymity
The anonymous channel flag (See Section 4.2.1) can be used to render
all users on such channel "anonymous" by presenting all messages to
the channel as originating from a pseudo user which nickname is
"anonymous". This is done at the client-server level, and no
anonymity is provided at the server-server level.
It should be obvious to readers, that the level of anonymity offered
is quite poor and insecure, and that clients SHOULD display strong
warnings for users joining such channels.
8. Current support and availability
Mailing lists for IRC related discussion:
General discussion:
Protocol development:
Software implementations:
Newsgroup: alt.irc
9. Acknowledgements
Parts of this document were copied from the RFC 1459 [IRC] which
first formally documented the IRC Protocol. It has also benefited
from many rounds of review and comments. In particular, the
following people have made significant contributions to this
Matthew Green, Michael Neumayer, Volker Paulsen, Kurt Roeckx, Vesa
Ruokonen, Magnus Tjernstrom, Stefan Zehl.
10. References
[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
[IRC] Oikarinen, J. and D. Reed, "Internet Relay Chat
Protocol", RFC 1459, May 1993.
[IRC-ARCH] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Architecture", RFC 2810,
April 2000.
[IRC-CLIENT] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol", RFC
2812, April 2000.
[IRC-SERVER] Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol", RFC
2813, April 2000.
11. Author's Address
Christophe Kalt
99 Teaneck Rd, Apt #117
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
12. Full Copyright Statement
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
Internet Society.
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Chat: Architecture Client Protocol
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from util import hook
import random
import re
r = "\x02\x0305" # red
g = "\x02\x0303" # green
y = "\x02\x0308" # yellow
answers = [g + "As I see it, yes",
g + "It is certain",
g + "It is decidedly so",
g + "Most likely",
g + "Outlook good",
g + "Signs point to yes",
g + "One would be wise to think so",#
g + "Naturally",#
g + "Without a doubt",
g + "Yes",
g + "Yes, definitely",
g + "You may rely on it",
y + "Reply hazy, try again",
y + "Ask again later",
y + "Better not tell you now",
y + "Cannot predict now",
y + "Concentrate and ask again",
y + "You know the answer better than I",#
y + "Maybe...",#
r + "You're kidding, right?",#
r + "Don't count on it",
r + "In your dreams", #
r + "My reply is no",
r + "My sources say no",
r + "Outlook not so good",
r + "Very doubtful"]
def ask(inp, me=None):
".8ball <question> - The all knowing magic eight ball, in electronic form. Ask a question and the answer shall be provided."
global nextresponsenumber
inp = inp.strip()
if re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]", inp[-1]):
inp += "?"
me("shakes the magic 8 ball... %s" % (random.choice(answers)))

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Shitty plugin made by iloveportalz0r
# Broken by The Noodle
from util import hook
def join(inp, input=None, db=None, notice=None):
".join <channel> -- joins a channel"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
chan = inp.split(' ', 1)
#if len(chan) != 1:
#return "Usage: omg please join <channel>"
notice("Joining " + inp)
input.conn.send("JOIN " + inp)
def cycle(inp, input=None, db=None, notice=None):
".cycle <channel> -- cycles a channel"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
notice("Cycling " + inp + ".")
input.conn.send("PART " + inp)
input.conn.send("JOIN " + inp)
def part(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".part <channel> -- leaves a channel"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
chan = inp.split(' ', 1)
#if len(chan) != 1:
#return "Usage: omg please part <channel>"
notice("Parting from " + inp + ".")
input.conn.send("PART " + inp)
def chnick(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".chnick <nick> - Change the nick!"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
chan = inp.split(' ', 1)
#if len(chan) != 1:
#return "Usage: omg please part <channel>"
notice("Changing nick to " + inp + ".")
input.conn.send("NICK " + inp)
def raw(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".raw <command> - Send a RAW IRC command!"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
chan = inp.split(' ', 1)
notice("Raw command sent.")
def kick(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".kick [channel] <user> [reason] -- kick a user!"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
stuff = inp.split(" ")
if stuff[0][0] == "#":
out = "KICK " + stuff[0] + " " + stuff[1]
if len(stuff) > 2:
reason = ""
for x in stuff[2:]:
reason = reason + x + " "
reason = reason[:-1]
out = out+" :"+reason
out = "KICK " + input.chan + " " + stuff[0]
if len(stuff) > 1:
reason = ""
for x in stuff[1:]:
reason = reason + x + " "
reason = reason[:-1]
out = out + " :" + reason
def say(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".say [channel] <message> -- makes the bot say <message> in [channel]. if [channel] is blank the bot will say the <message> in the channel the command was used in."
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
stuff = inp.split(" ")
if stuff[0][0] == "#":
message = ""
for x in stuff[1:]:
message = message + x + " "
message = message[:-1]
out = "PRIVMSG " + stuff[0] + " :" + message
message = ""
for x in stuff[0:]:
message = message + x + " "
message = message[:-1]
out = "PRIVMSG " + input.chan + " :" + message
def topic(inp, input=None, notice=None):
".topic [channel] <topic> -- change the topic of a channel"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
notice("Only bot admins can use this command!")
stuff = inp.split(" ")
if stuff[0][0] == "#":
out = "TOPIC " + stuff[0] + " :" + stuff[1]
out = "TOPIC " + input.chan + " :" + stuff[0]

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
def yaml_load(filename):
import yaml
fileHandle = open(filename, 'r')
stuff = yaml.load(
return stuff
def yaml_save(stuff, filename):
import yaml
fileHandle = open (filename, 'w' )
fileHandle.write (yaml.dump(stuff))
from util import hook
def tellinput(paraml, input=None, say=None):
# import time
# now = time.time()
# spam = yaml_load('spam')
# if spam[input.nick]:
# spam[input.nick].append(time.time())
# else:
# spam[input.nick] = [time.time()]
# for x in spam[input.nick]:
# if now - x > 5:
# spam[input.nick].pop(x)
# if len(spam[input.nick]) > 8:
# say(":O")
# say("HOW COULD YOU "+input.nick)
# say("lol!")
# yaml_save(spam,'spam')

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
'''brainfuck interpreter adapted from (public domain) code at'''
import re
import random
from util import hook
MAX_STEPS = 1000000
def bf(inp):
".bf <prog> -- executes brainfuck program <prog>"""
program = re.sub('[^][<>+-.,]', '', inp)
# create a dict of brackets pairs, for speed later on
brackets = {}
open_brackets = []
for pos in range(len(program)):
if program[pos] == '[':
elif program[pos] == ']':
if len(open_brackets) > 0:
brackets[pos] = open_brackets[-1]
brackets[open_brackets[-1]] = pos
return 'unbalanced brackets'
if len(open_brackets) != 0:
return 'unbalanced brackets'
# now we can start interpreting
ip = 0 # instruction pointer
mp = 0 # memory pointer
steps = 0
memory = [0] * BUFFER_SIZE # initial memory area
rightmost = 0
output = "" # we'll save the output here
# the main program loop:
while ip < len(program):
c = program[ip]
if c == '+':
memory[mp] = memory[mp] + 1 % 256
elif c == '-':
memory[mp] = memory[mp] - 1 % 256
elif c == '>':
mp += 1
if mp > rightmost:
rightmost = mp
if mp >= len(memory):
# no restriction on memory growth!
memory.extend([0] * BUFFER_SIZE)
elif c == '<':
mp = mp - 1 % len(memory)
elif c == '.':
output += chr(memory[mp])
if len(output) > 500:
elif c == ',':
memory[mp] = random.randint(1, 255)
elif c == '[':
if memory[mp] == 0:
ip = brackets[ip]
elif c == ']':
if memory[mp] != 0:
ip = brackets[ip]
ip += 1
steps += 1
if steps > MAX_STEPS:
if output == '':
output = '(no output)'
output += '[exceeded %d iterations]' % MAX_STEPS
stripped_output = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1F]', '', output)
if stripped_output == '':
if output != '':
return 'no printable output'
return 'no output'
return stripped_output[:430].decode('utf8', 'ignore')

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from util import http, hook
def bitcoin(inp, say=None):
".bitcoin -- gets current exchange rate for bitcoins from mtgox"
data = http.get_json("")
ticker = data['ticker']
say("Current: \x0307$%(buy).2f\x0f - High: \x0307$%(high).2f\x0f"
" - Low: \x0307$%(low).2f\x0f - Volume: %(vol)s" % ticker)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import re
import random
from util import hook
def choose(inp):
".choose <choice1>, <choice2>, ... <choicen> -- makes a decision"
c = re.findall(r'([^,]+)', inp)
if len(c) == 1:
c = re.findall(r'(\S+)', inp)
if len(c) == 1:
return 'the decision is up to you'
return random.choice(c).strip()

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# # Lukeroge
from util import hook
import random
def coin(inp):
".coin - Flips a coin and shares the result."
flip = random.randint(0,1)
if flip == 1:
sidename = "heads"
sidename = "tails"
message = "You flip a coin and it lands on " + sidename + "!"
return message
def coins(inp):
".coins - Flips two coins and shares the results."
flip2 = random.randint(0,1)
if flip2 == 1:
sidename2 = "heads"
sidename2 = "tails"
flip = random.randint(0,1)
if flip == 1:
sidename = "heads"
sidename = "tails"
message = "You flip two coins. You get a " + sidename + ", and a " + sidename2 + "!"
return message

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
""" written by Scaevolus 2008, updated 2009
simulates dicerolls
import re
import random
from util import hook
whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
valid_diceroll = r'^([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*d(?:\d+|F))(?:[+-](?:\d+|\d*d(?:\d+|F)))*)( .+)?$'
valid_diceroll_re = re.compile(valid_diceroll, re.I)
sign_re = re.compile(r'[+-]?(?:\d*d)?(?:\d+|F)', re.I)
split_re = re.compile(r'([\d+-]*)d?(F|\d*)', re.I)
def nrolls(count, n):
"roll an n-sided die count times"
if n == "F":
return [random.randint(-1, 1) for x in xrange(min(count, 100))]
if n < 2: # it's a coin
if count < 100:
return [random.randint(0, 1) for x in xrange(count)]
else: # fake it
return [int(random.normalvariate(.5*count, (.75*count)**.5))]
if count < 100:
return [random.randint(1, n) for x in xrange(count)]
else: # fake it
return [int(random.normalvariate(.5*(1+n)*count,
#@hook.regex(valid_diceroll, re.I)
def dice(inp):
".dice <diceroll> -- simulates dicerolls, e.g. .dice 2d20-d5+4 roll 2 " \
"D20s, subtract 1D5, add 4"
try: # if inp is a re.match object...
(inp, desc) = inp.groups()
except AttributeError:
(inp, desc) = valid_diceroll_re.match(inp).groups()
if "d" not in inp:
spec = whitespace_re.sub('', inp)
if not valid_diceroll_re.match(spec):
return "Invalid diceroll"
groups = sign_re.findall(spec)
total = 0
rolls = []
for roll in groups:
count, side = split_re.match(roll).groups()
count = int(count) if count not in " +-" else 1
if side.upper() == "F": # fudge dice are basically 1d3-2
for fudge in nrolls(count, "F"):
if fudge == 1:
elif fudge == -1:
total += fudge
elif side == "":
total += count
side = int(side)
if count > 0:
dice = nrolls(count, side)
rolls += map(str, dice)
total += sum(dice)
dice = nrolls(-count, side)
rolls += [str(-x) for x in dice]
total -= sum(dice)
except OverflowError:
return "Thanks for overflowing a float, jerk >:["
if desc:
return "%s: %d (%s=%s)" % (desc.strip(), total, inp, ", ".join(rolls))
return "%d (%s=%s)" % (total, inp, ", ".join(rolls))

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
def urban(inp):
'''.u/.urban <phrase> -- looks up <phrase> on'''
url = ''
page = http.get_html(url, term=inp)
words = page.xpath("//td[@class='word']")
defs = page.xpath("//div[@class='definition']")
if not defs:
return 'No definitions found :('
out = '' + words[0].text_content().strip() + ': ' + ' '.join(
if len(out) > 400:
out = out[:out.rfind(' ', 0, 400)] + '...'
return out
# define plugin by GhettoWizard & Scaevolus
def define(inp):
".define/.dictionary <word> -- fetches definition of <word>"
url = ''
h = http.get_html(url + http.quote_plus(inp))
definition = h.xpath('//dd[@class="article"] | '
'//div[@class="definition"] |'
if not definition:
return 'No results for ' + inp + ' :('
def format_output(show_examples):
result = '%s: ' % h.xpath('//dt[@class="title-word"]/a/text()')[0]
correction = h.xpath('//span[@class="correct-word"]/text()')
if correction:
result = 'definition for "%s": ' % correction[0]
sections = []
for section in definition:
if section.attrib['class'] == 'article':
sections += [[section.text_content() + ': ']]
elif section.attrib['class'] == 'example':
if show_examples:
sections[-1][-1] += ' ' + section.text_content()
sections[-1] += [section.text_content()]
for article in sections:
result += article[0]
if len(article) > 2:
result += ' '.join('%d. %s' % (n + 1, section)
for n, section in enumerate(article[1:]))
result += article[1] + ' '
synonyms = h.xpath('//dd[@class="synonyms"]')
if synonyms:
result += synonyms[0].text_content()
result = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result)
result = re.sub('\xb0', '', result)
return result
result = format_output(True)
if len(result) > 450:
result = format_output(False)
if len(result) > 450:
result = result[:result.rfind(' ', 0, 450)]
result = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z]+\.?$', '', result) + ' ...'
return result
def etymology(inp):
".e/.etymology <word> -- Retrieves the etymology of chosen word"
url = ''
h = http.get_html(url, term=inp)
etym = h.xpath('//dl')
if not etym:
return 'No etymology found for ' + inp + ' :('
etym = etym[0].text_content()
etym = ' '.join(etym.split())
if len(etym) > 400:
etym = etym[:etym.rfind(' ', 0, 400)] + ' ...'
return etym

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import urlparse
from util import hook, http
def down(inp):
'''.down <url> -- checks to see if the site is down'''
if 'http://' not in inp:
inp = 'http://' + inp
inp = 'http://' + urlparse.urlparse(inp).netloc
http.get(inp, get_method='HEAD')
return inp + ' seems to be up'
except http.URLError:
return inp + ' seems to be down'

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
""" written by Scaevolus 20101
from util import hook
import re
def db_init(db):
db.execute("create table if not exists mem(word, data, nick,"
" primary key(word))")
def get_memory(db, word):
row = db.execute("select data from mem where word=lower(?)", [word]).fetchone()
if row:
return row[0]
return None
@hook.regex(r'^\+ ?(.*)')
def remember(inp, nick='', db=None, say=None, input=None, notice=None):
"+<word> [+]<data> -- maps word to data in the memory"
if input.nick not in["admins"]:
binp =
bind = binp.replace('+', '', 1)
append = False
head, tail = bind.split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
return remember.__doc__
data = get_memory(db, head)
if tail[0] == '+':
append = True
# ignore + symbol
new = tail[1:]
_head, _tail = data.split(None, 1)
# data is stored with the input so ignore it when re-adding it
import string
if len(tail) > 1 and tail[1] in (string.punctuation + ' '):
tail = _tail + new
tail = _tail + ' ' + new
db.execute("replace into mem(word, data, nick) values"
" (lower(?),?,?)", (head, tail, nick))
if data:
if append:
notice("Appending %s to %s" % (new, data.replace('"', "''")))
notice('Forgetting existing data (%s), remembering this instead!' % \
data.replace('"', "''"))
def forget(inp, db=None):
"-<word> -- forgets the mapping that word had"
binp =
bind = binp.replace('-', '', 1)
print bind
head, tail = bind.split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
return remember.__doc__
data = get_memory(db, binp)
if data:
db.execute("delete from mem where word=lower(?)",
return 'forgot `%s`' % data.replace('`', "'")
return "I don't know about that."
@hook.regex(r'^\? ?(.+)')
def question(inp, say=None, db=None):
"?<word> -- shows what data is associated with word"
data = get_memory(db,
if data:

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from util import hook
import random
def flip(inp, flip_count=0, say = None):
".flip <text> -- flips the given text"
guy = unicode(random.choice(flips), 'utf8')
inp = inp.lower()
inp = inp[::-1]
reps = 0
for n in xrange(len(inp)):
rep = character_replacements.get(inp[n])
if rep:
inp = inp[:n] + rep.decode('utf8') + inp[n + 1:]
reps += 1
if reps == flip_count:
say(guy + u"" + inp)
flips = ["(屮ಠ︵ಠ)屮",
"( ノ♉︵♉ )ノ",
"( ノ⊙︵⊙)ノ"]
character_replacements = {
'a': 'ɐ',
'b': 'q',
'c': 'ɔ',
'd': 'p',
'e': 'ǝ',
'f': 'ɟ',
'g': 'b',
'h': 'ɥ',
'i': 'ı',
'j': 'ظ',
'k': 'ʞ',
'l': 'ן',
'm': 'ɯ',
'n': 'u',
'o': 'o',
'p': 'd',
'q': 'b',
'r': 'ɹ',
's': 's',
't': 'ʇ',
'u': 'n',
'v': 'ʌ',
'w': 'ʍ',
'x': 'x',
'y': 'ʎ',
'z': 'z',
'?': '¿',
'.': '˙',
'/': '\\',
'\\': '/',
'(': ')',
')': '(',
'<': '>',
'>': '<',
'[': ']',
']': '[',
'{': '}',
'}': '{',
'\'': ',',
'_': ''}

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
from util import hook
import re
import random
flirts = ["I bet your name's Mickey, 'cause you're so fine.",
"Hey, pretty mama. You smell kinda pretty, wanna smell me?",
"I better get out my library card, 'cause I'm checkin' you out.",
"If you were a booger, I'd pick you.",
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.",
"I've been bad, take me to your room.",
"I think Heaven's missing an angel.",
"That shirt looks good on you, it'd look better on my bedroom floor.",
"I cant help to notice but you look a lot like my next girlfriend",
"Aren't your feet tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day.",
"I must be asleep, 'cause you are a dream come true. Also, I'm slightly damp.",
"I like large posteriors and I cannot prevaricate.",
"How you doin'?",
"If I said you had a good body, would you hold it against me?",
"Hey, baby cakes.",
"Nice butt.",
"I love you like a fat kid loves cake.",
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again...?",
"Want to see my good side? Hahaha, that was a trick question, all I have are good sides.",
"You look like a woman who appreciates the finer things in life. Come over here and feel my velour bedspread.",
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos! I can't say I don't envy you.",
"I find that the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.",
"If you want to climb aboard the Love Train, you've got to stand on the Love Tracks. But you might just get smushed by a very sensual cow-catcher.",
"Lets say you and I knock some very /sensual/ boots.",
"I lost my phone number, can I have yours?",
"Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? ",
"I'm here, where are your other two wishes?",
"Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?",
"Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me. ",
"You got something on your chest: My eyes.",
"Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only TEN I see.",
"Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart.",
"Excuse me, but I think you dropped something!!! MY JAW!!",
"If I followed you home, would you keep me?",
"Where have you been all my life?",
"I'm just a love machine, and I don't work for nobody but you",
"Do you live on a chicken farm? Because you sure know how to raise cocks.",
"Are you wearing space pants? Because your ass is out of this world.",
"Nice legs. What time do they open?",
"Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a nice set of buns."]
def flirt(inp, nick=None, me=None, input=None):
".flirt -- make mau5bot flirt!"
msg = "flirts with " + nick + "... \"" + random.choice(flirts) + "\""
if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()) and inp != "":
msg = "flirts with " + inp + "... \"" + random.choice(flirts) + "\""
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
msg = "flirts with itself"

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import re
from util import hook, http, misc
from urlparse import urljoin
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
base_url = ''
rand_url = urljoin(base_url, 'random')
spec_url = urljoin(base_url, '%d')
error = 'Today I couldn\'t seem to access FML'
def fmylife(inp):
page = http.get(rand_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
soup.find('div', id='submit').extract()
post = soup.body.find('div', 'post')
id = int(post.find('a', 'fmllink')['href'].split('/')[-1])
body = strip_html(decode(' '.join(link.renderContents() for link in post('a', 'fmllink')), 'utf-8'))
return u'%s: (%d) %s' % (nick, id, body)

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
from util import hook
import re
import random
fortunes = ["Help! I'm stuck in the fortune cookie factory!",
"He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.",
"The world is your oyster.",
"Today will be a good day.",
"Only listen to the Hoss Fortune Cookies. Disregard all other fortune telling units.",
"Life's short, party naked.",
"Haters gonna hate.",
"You are amazing and let no one tell you otherwise.",
"A starship ride has been promised to you by the galactic wizard.",
"That wasnt chicken.",
"Dont fry bacon in the nude.",
"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.",
"You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Unless you have telekinesis.",
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.",
"Never lose the ability to find beauty in ordinary things.",
"Ignore previous fortune.",
"Smile more.",
"You are the dancing queen.",
"The cake is a lie.",
"Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.",
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.",
"Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.",
"Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.",
"What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.",
"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.",
"Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.",
"When in doubt, lubricate.",
"It is time for you to live up to your family name and face FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES.",
"It's a good day to do what has to be done.",
"Move near the countryside and you will be friends of John Freeman.",
"If you can't beat 'em, mock 'em.",
"Use gun. And if that don't work, use more gun.",
"This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.",
"You'll never know what you can do until you try.",
"You are talented in many ways",
"Be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.",
"A visit to a strange place will bring you renewed perspective.",
"A passionate new romance will appear in your life when you least expect it.",
"If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it.",
"To be loved, be loveable.",
"Step away from the power position for one day.",
"If you want to get a sure crop with a big yield, sow wild oats.",
"It doesn't take guts to quit.",
"You can expect a change for the better in job or status in the future.",
"As the wallet grows, so do the needs.",
"You have a reputation for being straightforward and honest.",
"Learn a new language and get a new soul.",
"A tall dark stranger will soon enter our life.",
"Keep staring. I'll do a trick."]
def fortune(inp, nick=None, say=None, input=None):
".fortune -- get your fortune"
msg = "(" + nick + ") " + random.choice(fortunes)
if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()) and inp != "":
msg = "(@" + inp + ") " + random.choice(fortunes)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import re
from util import hook, http, misc
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def calc(inp):
'''.calc <term> -- returns Google Calculator result'''
white_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
page = http.get('', q=inp)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
response = soup.find('h2', {'class' : 'r'})
if response is None:
return "Could not calculate " + inp
output = response.renderContents()
output = ' '.join(output.splitlines())
output = output.replace("\xa0", ",")
output = white_re.sub(' ', output.strip())
output = output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
output = misc.strip_html(output)
return output

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 by Guilherme Pinto Gonçalves, Ivan Sichmman Freitas
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from util import hook
import sys
import subprocess
from functools import partial
fortunes = {
'fortunes': 'fortunes',
'fortune': 'fortunes',
'quotes': 'literature',
'quote': 'literature',
'riddle': 'riddles',
'riddles': 'riddles',
'cookie': 'cookie',
'cookies': 'cookie',
'disclaimer': 'disclaimer',
'f': 'fortunes',
'q': 'literature',
'r': 'riddles'
# Use this later to replace the fortunes list workaaround
def get_installed_fortunes():
proc = subprocess.Popen(("/usr/bin/fortune", "-f"),
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError:
return set()
return set(proc.stderr)
# Use this later to replace the fortunes list workaaround
def get_fortune(inp):
proc = subprocess.Popen(("fortune", "-a", inp),
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError:
return set()
return set(proc.stderr)
def get(inp, say=None):
".get <what> -- uses fortune-mod to get something. <what> can be riddle, quote or fortune"
fortune = get_fortune(fortune[inp])
while fortune.length() =< 5:
fortune = get_fortune(fortune[inp])
if proc.wait() == 0:
for line in proc.stdout:
return "Fortune failed: " +

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import random
from util import hook, http
def api_get(kind, query):
url = '' \
return http.get_json(url % kind, q=query)
def gis(inp):
'''.gis <term> -- returns first google image result (safesearch off)'''
parsed = api_get('images', inp)
if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300:
raise IOError('error searching for images: %d: %s' % (
parsed['responseStatus'], ''))
if not parsed['responseData']['results']:
return 'no images found'
return random.choice(parsed['responseData']['results'][:10]) \
['unescapedUrl'] # squares is dumb
def google(inp):
'''.g/.google <query> -- returns first google search result'''
parsed = api_get('web', inp)
if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300:
raise IOError('error searching for pages: %d: %s' % (
parsed['responseStatus'], ''))
if not parsed['responseData']['results']:
return 'no results found'
result = parsed['responseData']['results'][0]
title = http.unescape(result['titleNoFormatting'])
content = http.unescape(result['content'])
if len(content) == 0:
content = "No description available"
content = http.html.fromstring(content).text_content()
out = '%s -- \x02%s\x02: "%s"' % (result['unescapedUrl'], title, content)
out = ' '.join(out.split())
if len(out) > 300:
out = out[:out.rfind(' ')] + '..."'
return out
def googleno(inp):
parsed = api_get('web', inp)
if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300:
raise IOError('error searching for pages: %d: %s' % (
parsed['responseStatus'], ''))
if not parsed['responseData']['results']:
return 'no results found'
result = parsed['responseData']['results'][0]
title = http.unescape(result['titleNoFormatting'])
content = http.unescape(result['content'])
if len(content) == 0:
content = "No description available"
content = http.html.fromstring(content).text_content()
out = '%s\x02: "%s"' % (title, content)
out = ' '.join(out.split())
if len(out) > 300:
out = out[:out.rfind(' ')] + '..."'
return out

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def clock(inp, say=None):
'''.time <area> -- gets the time in <area>'''
white_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
tags_re = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?>')
page = http.get('', q="time in " + inp)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
response = soup.find('td', {'style' : 'font-size:medium'})
if response is None:
return "Could not get the time for " + inp + "!"
output = response.renderContents()
output = ' '.join(output.splitlines())
output = output.replace("\xa0", ",")
output = white_re.sub(' ', output.strip())
output = tags_re.sub('\x02', output.strip())
output = output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
return output

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import hashlib
from util import hook
def md5(inp):
".hash <text> -- returns a md5 hash of <text>"
return hashlib.md5(inp).hexdigest()
def sha1(inp):
".hash <text> -- returns a sha1 hash of <text>"
return hashlib.sha1(inp).hexdigest()
def sha256(inp):
".hash <text> -- returns a sha256 hash of <text>"
return hashlib.sha256(inp).hexdigest()
def sha512(inp):
".hash <text> -- returns a sha512 hash of <text>"
return hashlib.sha512(inp).hexdigest()
def hash(inp):
".hash <text> -- returns hashes of <text>"
return ', '.join(x + ": " + getattr(hashlib, x)(inp).hexdigest()
for x in 'md5 sha1 sha256'.split())

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import re
from util import hook
# Standard automatic help command
def help(inp, input=None, bot=None, say=None, notice=None):
".help -- gives a list of commands/help for a command"
funcs = {}
disabled = bot.config.get('disabled_plugins', [])
disabled_comm = bot.config.get('disabled_commands', [])
for command, (func, args) in bot.commands.iteritems():
fn = re.match(r'^plugins.(.+).py$', func._filename)
if not in disabled:
if command not in disabled_comm:
if func.__doc__ is not None:
if func in funcs:
if len(funcs[func]) < len(command):
funcs[func] = command
funcs[func] = command
hidden = ["part", "stfu", "kthx", "chnick", "join", "8ballnooxt"]
commands = dict((value, key) for key, value in funcs.iteritems() if key not in hidden)
if not inp:
length = 0
out = ["",""]
well = []
for x in commands:
if x not in hidden:
for x in well:
if len(out[0]) + len(str(x)) > 440:
out[1] += " " + str(x)
out[0] += " " + str(x)
if out[1]:
if inp in commands:

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# IMDb lookup plugin by Ghetto Wizard (2011).
from util import hook, http
def imdb(inp):
'''.imdb <movie> -- gets information about <movie> from IMDb'''
content = http.get_json("", t=inp)
if content['Response'] == 'Movie Not Found':
return 'movie not found'
elif content['Response'] == 'True':
content['URL'] = '' % content
out = '\x02%(Title)s\x02 (%(Year)s) (%(Genre)s): %(Plot)s'
if content['Runtime'] != 'N/A':
out += ' \x02%(Runtime)s\x02.'
if content['Rating'] != 'N/A' and content['Votes'] != 'N/A':
out += ' \x02%(Rating)s/10\x02 with \x02%(Votes)s\x02 votes.'
out += ' %(URL)s'
return out % content
return 'unknown error'

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
from util import hook
import re
import random
insults = ["You are the son of a motherless ogre.",
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.",
"I once owned a dog that was smarter than you. ",
"Go climb a wall of dicks.",
"You fight like a dairy farmer.",
"I've spoken to apes more polite than you.",
"Go and boil your bottom! Son of a silly person! ",
"I fart in your general direction.",
"Go away or I shall taunt you a second time. ",
"Shouldn't you have a license for being that ugly?",
"Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.",
"Why don't you slip into something more a coma.",
"Well, they do say opposites I sincerely hope you meet somebody who is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured..",
"Are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?",
"Yo momma so fat when she sits around the house she sits AROUND the house.",
"Yo momma so ugly she made an onion cry.",
"Is your name Maple Syrup? It should be, you sap.",
"Bite my shiny metal ass!",
"Up yours, meatbag.",
"Jam a bastard in it you crap!",
"Don't piss me off today, I'm running out of places to hide to bodies",
"Why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself",
"I'll use small words you're sure to understand, you warthog-faced buffoon.",
"You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.",
"Sit your five dollar ass down before I make change.",
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.",
"Look up Idiot in the dictionary. Know what you'll find? The definition of the word IDIOT, which you are.",
"You're dumber than a bag of hammers.",
"Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?",
"If I had a dick this is when I'd tell you to suck it.",
"Go play in traffic.",
"The village called, they want their idiot back."]
def insult(inp, nick=None, say=None, input=None):
".insult [user] -- insult someone!"
msg = "(" + nick + ") " + random.choice(insults)
if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()) and inp != "":
msg = "(@" + inp + ") " + random.choice(insults)
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
msg = "*stares at " + nick + "*"

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
from util import hook, http
api_key = ""
api_url = ""
def lastfm(inp, nick='', say=None):
if inp:
user = inp
user = nick
response = http.get_json(api_url, method="user.getrecenttracks",
api_key=api_key, user=user, limit=1)
if 'error' in response:
if inp: # specified a user name
return "error: %s" % response["message"]
return "your nick is not a LastFM account. try '.lastfm username'."
tracks = response["recenttracks"]["track"]
if len(tracks) == 0:
return "no recent tracks for user %r found" % user
if type(tracks) == list:
# if the user is listening to something, the tracks entry is a list
# the first item is the current track
track = tracks[0]
status = 'current track'
elif type(tracks) == dict:
# otherwise, they aren't listening to anything right now, and
# the tracks entry is a dict representing the most recent track
track = tracks
status = 'last track'
return "error parsing track listing"
title = track["name"]
album = track["album"]["#text"]
artist = track["artist"]["#text"]
ret = "\x02%s\x0F's %s - \x02%s\x0f" % (user, status, title)
if artist:
ret += " by \x02%s\x0f" % artist
if album:
ret += " on \x02%s\x0f" % album

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
from util import hook
def find_location(ip):
import string
import urllib
api = "6ddac03a5a67a534045f59908e5c17fd68169609b453e3c6398823fff86a87c0"
response = urllib.urlopen(""+api+"&ip="+ip).read()
response = response.split(";")
give = {}
give["country"] = response[4].title()
give["country_short"] = response[3].upper()
give["state"] = response[5].title()
give["city"] = response[6].title()
give["timezone"] = response[10].title()
return give
def timezone(ip):
time = find_location(ip)["timezone"]
time = time.replace(":",".")
time = time.replace(".00","")
return int(time)
def location(inp, say = None, me = None):
".location <ip> - Performs a GeoIP check on the ip given."
give = find_location(inp)
if give["country"] not in [""," ","-"," - "]:
if give["state"] == give["city"]:
localstring = give["city"]
localstring = give["city"] + ", " + give["state"]
say("That IP comes from " + give["country"] + " (" + give["country_short"] + ")")
say("I think it's in " + localstring + " with a timezone of " + give["timezone"] + "GMT")
say("Either that wasn't an IP or I cannot locate it in my database. :(")

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
""" written by Scaevolus 2009
import os
import codecs
import time
import re
from util import hook
log_fds = {} # '%(net)s %(chan)s' : (filename, fd)
timestamp_format = '%H:%M:%S'
formats = {'PRIVMSG': '<%(nick)s> %(msg)s',
'PART': '-!- %(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] has left %(chan)s',
'JOIN': '-!- %(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] has joined %(param0)s',
'MODE': '-!- mode/%(chan)s [%(param_tail)s] by %(nick)s',
'KICK': '-!- %(param1)s was kicked from %(chan)s by %(nick)s [%(msg)s]',
'TOPIC': '-!- %(nick)s changed the topic of %(chan)s to: %(msg)s',
'QUIT': '-!- %(nick)s has quit [%(msg)s]',
'PING': '',
'NOTICE': ''
ctcp_formats = {'ACTION': '* %(nick)s %(ctcpmsg)s'}
irc_color_re = re.compile(r'(\x03(\d+,\d+|\d)|[\x0f\x02\x16\x1f])')
def get_log_filename(dir, server, chan):
return os.path.join(dir, 'log', gmtime('%Y'), server,
(gmtime('%%s.%m-%d.log') % chan).lower())
def gmtime(format):
return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime())
def beautify(input):
format = formats.get(input.command, '%(raw)s')
args = dict(input)
leng = len(args['paraml'])
for n, p in enumerate(args['paraml']):
args['param' + str(n)] = p
args['param_' + str(abs(n - leng))] = p
args['param_tail'] = ' '.join(args['paraml'][1:])
args['msg'] = irc_color_re.sub('', args['msg'])
if input.command == 'PRIVMSG' and input.msg.count('\x01') >= 2:
ctcp = input.msg.split('\x01', 2)[1].split(' ', 1)
if len(ctcp) == 1:
ctcp += ['']
args['ctcpcmd'], args['ctcpmsg'] = ctcp
format = ctcp_formats.get(args['ctcpcmd'],
'%(nick)s [%(user)s@%(host)s] requested unknown CTCP '
'%(ctcpcmd)s from %(chan)s: %(ctcpmsg)s')
return format % args
def get_log_fd(dir, server, chan):
fn = get_log_filename(dir, server, chan)
cache_key = '%s %s' % (server, chan)
filename, fd = log_fds.get(cache_key, ('', 0))
if fn != filename: # we need to open a file for writing
if fd != 0: # is a valid fd
dir = os.path.split(fn)[0]
if not os.path.exists(dir):
fd =, 'a', 'utf-8')
log_fds[cache_key] = (fn, fd)
return fd
def log(paraml, input=None, bot=None):
timestamp = gmtime(timestamp_format)
fd = get_log_fd(bot.persist_dir, input.server, 'raw')
fd.write(timestamp + ' ' + input.raw + '\n')
if input.command == 'QUIT': # these are temporary fixes until proper
input.chan = 'quit' # presence tracking is implemented
if input.command == 'NICK':
input.chan = 'nick'
beau = beautify(input)
if beau == '': # don't log this
if input.chan:
fd = get_log_fd(bot.persist_dir, input.server, input.chan)
fd.write(timestamp + ' ' + beau + '\n')
print timestamp, input.chan, beau.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
from util import hook
import urllib
@hook.command(autohelp=False, input=None, notice=None)
def mccheck(inp):
".mccheck - Attempts to log in to minecraft"
password =["api_keys"]["mc"][0]
password =["api_keys"]["mc"][1]
notice(username + " " + password)
login = urllib.urlopen(""+username+"&password="+password+"&&version=13").read()
if username in login:
return "Attempting to connect to Minecraft login servers... Login servers appear to be online!"
return "Attempting to connect to Minecraft login servers... Login servers appear to be offline :("
def haspaid(inp):
".haspaid <username> - Checks if a user has a premium Minecraft account"
login = urllib.urlopen("" + inp).read()
if "true" in login:
return "The user " + inp + " has a premium Minecraft account."
return "The user " + inp + " either has not paid or is an unused nickname."
def mclogin(inp, say=None):
".mclogin <username> <password> - Attempts to log in to minecraft using the provided username and password, this is NOT logged."
inp = inp.split(" ")
username = inp[0]
password = inp[1]
say("Attempting to log in using " + username)
login = urllib.urlopen("" + username + "&password=" + password + "&&version=13").read()
if username in login:
return "I logged in with " + username
return "I couldn't log in using " + username + ", either the password changed or minecraft auth is down :O"

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import socket
import struct
from util import hook
def get_info(host, port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
response = sock.recv(1)
if response != '\xff':
return "Server gave invalid response: "+repr(response)
length = struct.unpack('!h', sock.recv(2))[0]
values = sock.recv(length*2).decode('utf-16be').split(u'\xa7')
return "%s - %d/%d players" % (values[0], int(values[1]), int(values[2]))
return "Error pinging "+host+":"+str(port)+", is it up? double-check your address!"
def mcping(inp):
".mcping server[:port] - ping a minecraft server and show response."
inp = inp.strip().split(" ")[0]
if ":" in inp:
host, port = inp.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
return "Invalid port!"
host = inp
port = 25565
return get_info(host, port)

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import os
import re
from util import hook
def mem(inp):
".mem -- returns bot's current memory usage -- linux/windows only"
if == 'posix':
status_file = open("/proc/%d/status" % os.getpid()).read()
line_pairs = re.findall(r"^(\w+):\s*(.*)\s*$", status_file, re.M)
status = dict(line_pairs)
keys = 'VmSize VmLib VmData VmExe VmRSS VmStk'.split()
return ', '.join(key + ':' + status[key] for key in keys)
elif == 'nt':
cmd = "tasklist /FI \"PID eq %s\" /FO CSV /NH" % os.getpid()
out = os.popen(cmd).read()
total = 0
for amount in re.findall(r'([,0-9]+) K', out):
total += int(amount.replace(',', ''))
return 'memory usage: %d kB' % total
return mem.__doc__

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# scraper
import re
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from util import hook, http
def metacritic(inp):
'.mc [all|movie|tv|album|x360|ps3|pc|ds|wii] <title> -- gets rating for'\
' <title> from metacritic on the specified medium'
# if the results suck, it's metacritic's fault
args = inp.strip()
game_platforms = ('x360', 'ps3', 'pc', 'ds', 'wii', '3ds', 'gba')
all_platforms = game_platforms + ('all', 'movie', 'tv', 'album')
plat, title = args.split(' ', 1)
if plat not in all_platforms:
# raise the ValueError so that the except block catches it
# in this case, or in the case of the .split above raising the
# ValueError, we want the same thing to happen
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
plat = 'all'
title = args
cat = 'game' if plat in game_platforms else plat
title_safe = http.quote_plus(title)
url = '' % (cat, title_safe)
doc = http.get_html(url)
except HTTPError:
return 'error fetching results'
''' result format:
-- game result, with score
-- subsequent results are the same structure, without first_result class
<li class="result first_result">
<div class="result_type">
<span class="platform">WII</span>
<div class="result_wrap">
<div class="basic_stats has_score">
<div class="main_stats">
<h3 class="product_title basic_stat">...</h3>
<div class="std_score">
<div class="score_wrap">
<span class="label">Metascore: </span>
<span class="data metascore score_favorable">87</span>
<div class="more_stats extended_stats">...</div>
-- other platforms are the same basic layout
-- if it doesn't have a score, there is no div.basic_score
-- the <div class="result_type"> changes content for non-games:
<div class="result_type"><strong>Movie</strong></div>
# get the proper result element we want to pull data from
result = None
if not doc.find_class('query_results'):
return 'no results found'
# if they specified an invalid search term, the input box will be empty
if doc.get_element_by_id('search_term').value == '':
return 'invalid search term'
if plat not in game_platforms:
# for [all] results, or non-game platforms, get the first result
result = doc.find_class('result first_result')[0]
# find the platform, if it exists
result_type = result.find_class('result_type')
if result_type:
# if the result_type div has a platform div, get that one
platform_div = result_type[0].find_class('platform')
if platform_div:
plat = platform_div[0].text_content().strip()
# otherwise, use the result_type text_content
plat = result_type[0].text_content().strip()
# for games, we want to pull the first result with the correct
# platform
results = doc.find_class('result')
for res in results:
result_plat = res.find_class('platform')[0].text_content().strip()
if result_plat == plat.upper():
result = res
if not result:
return 'no results found'
# get the name, release date, and score from the result
product_title = result.find_class('product_title')[0]
name = product_title.text_content()
link = '' + product_title.find('a').attrib['href']
release = result.find_class('release_date')[0].\
# strip extra spaces out of the release date
release = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', release)
except IndexError:
release = None
score = result.find_class('metascore')[0].text_content()
except IndexError:
score = None
return '[%s] %s - %s, %s -- %s' % (plat.upper(), name,
score or 'no score',
'release: %s' % release if release else 'unreleased',

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import time
from util import hook, http
socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) # global setting
#autorejoin channels
#def rejoin(paraml, conn=None):
# if paraml[1] == conn.nick:
# if paraml[0].lower() in conn.channels:
# conn.join(paraml[0])
#join channels when invited
def invite(paraml, conn=None):
def onjoin(paraml, conn=None, bot=None):
# identify to services
nickserv_password = conn.conf.get('nickserv_password', '')
nickserv_name = conn.conf.get('nickserv_name', 'nickserv')
nickserv_command = conn.conf.get('nickserv_command', 'IDENTIFY %s')
if nickserv_password:
if nickserv_password in bot.config['censored_strings']:
conn.msg(nickserv_name, nickserv_command % nickserv_password)
# set mode on self
mode = conn.conf.get('mode')
if mode:
conn.cmd('MODE', [conn.nick, mode])
# join channels
for channel in conn.channels:
time.sleep(1) # don't flood JOINs
# set user-agent
http.ua_skybot = 'CloudBot'
def version(inp, notice=None):
notice('\x01VERSION CloudBot')
http.ua_skybot = 'CloudBot'

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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
def mtg(inp):
".mtg <name> -- gets information about Magic the Gathering card <name>"
url = ''
h = http.get_html(url, q=inp)
name = h.find('body/table/tr/td/span/a')
if name is None:
return "no cards found"
card = name.getparent().getparent().getparent()
type = card.find('td/p').text.replace('\n', '')
# this is ugly
text = http.html.tostring(card.xpath("//p[@class='ctext']/b")[0])
text = text.replace('<br>', '$')
text = http.html.fromstring(text).text_content()
text = re.sub(r'(\w+\s*)\$+(\s*\w+)', r'\1. \2', text)
text = text.replace('$', ' ')
text = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', text) # strip parenthetical explanations
text = re.sub(r'\.(\S)', r'. \1', text) # fix spacing
printings = card.find('td/small').text_content()
printings ='Editions:(.*)Languages:', printings).group(1)
printings = re.findall(r'\s*(.+?(?: \([^)]+\))*) \((.*?)\)',
' '.join(printings.split()))
printing_out = ', '.join('%s (%s)' % (set_abbrevs.get(x[0], x[0]),
rarity_abbrevs.get(x[1], x[1]))
for x in printings)
link = name.attrib['href']
name = name.text_content().strip()
type = type.strip()
text = ' '.join(text.split())
return ' | '.join((name, type, text, printing_out, link))
set_abbrevs = {
'15th Anniversary': '15ANN',
'APAC Junior Series': 'AJS',
'Alara Reborn': 'ARB',
'Alliances': 'AI',
'Anthologies': 'AT',
'Antiquities': 'AQ',
'Apocalypse': 'AP',
'Arabian Nights': 'AN',
'Arena League': 'ARENA',
'Asia Pacific Land Program': 'APAC',
'Battle Royale': 'BR',
'Battle Royale Box Set': 'BRB',
'Beatdown': 'BTD',
'Beatdown Box Set': 'BTD',
'Betrayers of Kamigawa': 'BOK',
'Celebration Cards': 'UQC',
'Champions of Kamigawa': 'CHK',
'Champs': 'CP',
'Chronicles': 'CH',
'Classic Sixth Edition': '6E',
'Coldsnap': 'CS',
'Coldsnap Theme Decks': 'CSTD',
'Conflux': 'CFX',
'Core Set - Eighth Edition': '8E',
'Core Set - Ninth Edition': '9E',
'Darksteel': 'DS',
'Deckmasters': 'DM',
'Dissension': 'DI',
'Dragon Con': 'DRC',
'Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic': 'DVD',
'Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins': 'EVG',
'Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana': 'GVL',
'Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra': 'JVC',
'Eighth Edition': '8ED',
'Eighth Edition Box Set': '8EB',
'European Land Program': 'EURO',
'Eventide': 'EVE',
'Exodus': 'EX',
'Fallen Empires': 'FE',
'Fifth Dawn': '5DN',
'Fifth Edition': '5E',
'Fourth Edition': '4E',
'Friday Night Magic': 'FNMP',
'From the Vault: Dragons': 'FVD',
'From the Vault: Exiled': 'FVE',
'Future Sight': 'FUT',
'Gateway': 'GRC',
'Grand Prix': 'GPX',
'Guildpact': 'GP',
'Guru': 'GURU',
'Happy Holidays': 'HHO',
'Homelands': 'HL',
'Ice Age': 'IA',
'Introductory Two-Player Set': 'ITP',
'Invasion': 'IN',
'Judge Gift Program': 'JR',
'Judgment': 'JU',
'Junior Series': 'JSR',
'Legend Membership': 'DCILM',
'Legends': 'LG',
'Legions': 'LE',
'Limited Edition (Alpha)': 'LEA',
'Limited Edition (Beta)': 'LEB',
'Limited Edition Alpha': 'LEA',
'Limited Edition Beta': 'LEB',
'Lorwyn': 'LW',
'MTGO Masters Edition': 'MED',
'MTGO Masters Edition II': 'ME2',
'MTGO Masters Edition III': 'ME3',
'Magic 2010': 'M10',
'Magic Game Day Cards': 'MGDC',
'Magic Player Rewards': 'MPRP',
'Magic Scholarship Series': 'MSS',
'Magic: The Gathering Launch Parties': 'MLP',
'Media Inserts': 'MBP',
'Mercadian Masques': 'MM',
'Mirage': 'MR',
'Mirrodin': 'MI',
'Morningtide': 'MT',
'Multiverse Gift Box Cards': 'MGBC',
'Nemesis': 'NE',
'Ninth Edition Box Set': '9EB',
'Odyssey': 'OD',
'Onslaught': 'ON',
'Planar Chaos': 'PC',
'Planechase': 'PCH',
'Planeshift': 'PS',
'Portal': 'PO',
'Portal Demogame': 'POT',
'Portal Second Age': 'PO2',
'Portal Three Kingdoms': 'P3K',
'Premium Deck Series: Slivers': 'PDS',
'Prerelease Events': 'PTC',
'Pro Tour': 'PRO',
'Prophecy': 'PR',
'Ravnica: City of Guilds': 'RAV',
'Release Events': 'REP',
'Revised Edition': 'RV',
'Saviors of Kamigawa': 'SOK',
'Scourge': 'SC',
'Seventh Edition': '7E',
'Shadowmoor': 'SHM',
'Shards of Alara': 'ALA',
'Starter': 'ST',
'Starter 1999': 'S99',
'Starter 2000 Box Set': 'ST2K',
'Stronghold': 'SH',
'Summer of Magic': 'SOM',
'Super Series': 'SUS',
'Tempest': 'TP',
'Tenth Edition': '10E',
'The Dark': 'DK',
'Time Spiral': 'TS',
'Time Spiral Timeshifted': 'TSTS',
'Torment': 'TR',
'Two-Headed Giant Tournament': 'THGT',
'Unglued': 'UG',
'Unhinged': 'UH',
'Unhinged Alternate Foils': 'UHAA',
'Unlimited Edition': 'UN',
"Urza's Destiny": 'UD',
"Urza's Legacy": 'UL',
"Urza's Saga": 'US',
'Visions': 'VI',
'Weatherlight': 'WL',
'Worlds': 'WRL',
'WotC Online Store': 'WOTC',
'Zendikar': 'ZEN'}
rarity_abbrevs = {
'Land': 'L',
'Common': 'C',
'Uncommon': 'UC',
'Rare': 'R',
'Special': 'S',
'Mythic Rare': 'MR'}

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from util import hook
def munge(inp, munge_count=0):
".munge <text> -- munges up the given text"
reps = 0
for n in xrange(len(inp)):
rep = character_replacements.get(inp[n])
if rep:
inp = inp[:n] + rep.decode('utf8') + inp[n + 1:]
reps += 1
if reps == munge_count:
return inp
character_replacements = {
'a': 'ä',
# 'b': 'Б',
'c': 'ċ',
'd': 'đ',
'e': 'ë',
'f': 'ƒ',
'g': 'ġ',
'h': 'ħ',
'i': 'í',
'j': 'ĵ',
'k': 'ķ',
'l': 'ĺ',
# 'm': 'ṁ',
'n': 'ñ',
'o': 'ö',
'p': 'ρ',
# 'q': 'ʠ',
'r': 'ŗ',
's': 'š',
't': 'ţ',
'u': 'ü',
# 'v': '',
'w': 'ω',
'x': 'χ',
'y': 'ÿ',
'z': 'ź',
'A': 'Å',
'B': 'Β',
'C': 'Ç',
'D': 'Ď',
'E': 'Ē',
# 'F': 'Ḟ',
'G': 'Ġ',
'H': 'Ħ',
'I': 'Í',
'J': 'Ĵ',
'K': 'Ķ',
'L': 'Ĺ',
'M': 'Μ',
'N': 'Ν',
'O': 'Ö',
'P': 'Р',
# 'Q': '',
'R': 'Ŗ',
'S': 'Š',
'T': 'Ţ',
'U': 'Ů',
# 'V': 'Ṿ',
'W': 'Ŵ',
'X': 'Χ',
'Y': '',
'Z': 'Ż'}

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Password generation code by <TheNoodle>
from util import hook
import string
import random
def gen_password(types):
#Password Generator - The Noodle
okay = []
#find the length needed for the password
numb = types.split(" ")
for x in numb[0]:
#if any errors are found defualt to 10
if x not in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
numb[0] = 10
length = int(numb[0])
needs_def = 0
#alpha characters
if "alpha" in types or "letter" in types:
for x in string.ascii_lowercase:
#adds capital characters if not told not to
if "no caps" not in types:
for x in string.ascii_uppercase:
needs_def = 1
#adds numbers
if "numeric" in types or "numbers" in types:
for x in range(0,10):
needs_def = 1
#adds symbols
if "symbols" in types:
sym = ['!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '-', '=', '_', '+', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\', '|', ';', ':', "'", '.', '>', ',', '<', '/', '?', '`', '~','"']
for x in sym:
needs_def = 1
#defualts to lowercase alpha password if no arguments are found
if needs_def == 1:
for x in string.ascii_lowercase:
password = ""
#generates password
for x in range(length):
password = password + random.choice(okay)
return password
def password(inp, notice=None):
".password <length> [types] -- generates a password. types can include 'alpha', 'no caps', 'numeric', 'symbols' or any combination of the types, eg. 'numbers symbols'"
if inp == "penis":
return "Unable to process request, input too short"

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
from util import hook
import re
import random
potatoeslist = ['AC Belmont', 'AC Blue Pride', 'AC Brador', 'AC Chaleur', 'AC Domino', 'AC Dubuc', 'AC Glacier Chip', 'AC Maple Gold', 'AC Novachip', 'AC Peregrine Red', 'AC Ptarmigan', 'AC Red Island', 'AC Saguenor', 'AC Stampede Russet', 'AC Sunbury', 'Abeille', 'Abnaki', 'Acadia', 'Acadia Russet', 'Accent', 'Adirondack Blue', 'Adirondack Red', 'Adora', 'Agria', 'All Blue', 'All Red', 'Alpha', 'Alta Russet', 'Alturas Russet', 'Amandine', 'Amisk', 'Andover', 'Anoka', 'Anson', 'Aquilon', 'Arran Consul', 'Asterix', 'Atlantic', 'Austrian Crescent', 'Avalanche', 'Banana', 'Bannock Russet', 'Batoche', 'BeRus', 'Belle De Fonteney', 'Belleisle', 'Bintje', 'Blossom', 'Blue Christie', 'Blue Mac', 'Brigus', 'Brise du Nord', 'Butte', 'Butterfinger', 'Caesar', 'CalWhite', 'CalRed', 'Caribe', 'Carlingford', 'Carlton', 'Carola', 'Cascade', 'Castile', 'Centennial Russet', 'Century Russet', 'Charlotte', 'Cherie', 'Cherokee', 'Cherry Red', 'Chieftain', 'Chipeta', 'Coastal Russet', 'Colorado Rose', 'Concurrent', 'Conestoga', 'Cowhorn', 'Crestone Russet', 'Crispin', 'Cupids', 'Daisy Gold', 'Dakota Pearl', 'Defender', 'Delikat', 'Denali', 'Desiree', 'Divina', 'Dundrod', 'Durango Red', 'Early Rose', 'Elba', 'Envol', 'Epicure', 'Eramosa', 'Estima', 'Eva', 'Fabula', 'Fambo', 'Fremont Russet', 'French Fingerling', 'Frontier Russet', 'Fundy', 'Garnet Chile', 'Gem Russet', 'GemStar Russet', 'Gemchip', 'German Butterball', 'Gigant', 'Goldrush', 'Granola', 'Green Mountain', 'Haida', 'Hertha', 'Hilite Russet', 'Huckleberry', 'Hunter', 'Huron', 'IdaRose', 'Innovator', 'Irish Cobbler', 'Island Sunshine', 'Ivory Crisp', 'Jacqueline Lee', 'Jemseg', 'Kanona', 'Katahdin', 'Kennebec', "Kerr's Pink", 'Keswick', 'Keuka Gold', 'Keystone Russet', 'King Edward VII', 'Kipfel', 'Klamath Russet', 'Krantz', 'LaRatte', 'Lady Rosetta', 'Latona', 'Lemhi Russet', 'Liberator', 'Lili', 'MaineChip', 'Marfona', 'Maris Bard', 'Maris Piper', 'Matilda', 'Mazama', 'McIntyre', 'Michigan Purple', 'Millenium Russet', 'Mirton Pearl', 'Modoc', 'Mondial', 'Monona', 'Morene', 'Morning Gold', 'Mouraska', 'Navan', 'Nicola', 'Nipigon', 'Niska', 'Nooksack', 'NorValley', 'Norchip', 'Nordonna', 'Norgold Russet', 'Norking Russet', 'Norland', 'Norwis', 'Obelix', 'Ozette', 'Peanut', 'Penta', 'Peribonka', 'Peruvian Purple', 'Pike', 'Pink Pearl', 'Prospect', 'Pungo', 'Purple Majesty', 'Purple Viking', 'Ranger Russet', 'Reba', 'Red Cloud', 'Red Gold', 'Red La Soda', 'Red Pontiac', 'Red Ruby', 'Red Thumb', 'Redsen', 'Rocket', 'Rose Finn Apple', 'Rose Gold', 'Roselys', 'Rote Erstling', 'Ruby Crescent', 'Russet Burbank', 'Russet Legend', 'Russet Norkotah', 'Russet Nugget', 'Russian Banana', 'Saginaw Gold', 'Sangre', 'Santé', 'Satina', 'Saxon', 'Sebago', 'Shepody', 'Sierra', 'Silverton Russet', 'Simcoe', 'Snowden', 'Spunta', "St. John's", 'Summit Russet', 'Sunrise', 'Superior', 'Symfonia', 'Tolaas', 'Trent', 'True Blue', 'Ulla', 'Umatilla Russet', 'Valisa', 'Van Gogh', 'Viking', 'Wallowa Russet', 'Warba', 'Western Russet', 'White Rose', 'Willamette', 'Winema', 'Yellow Finn', 'Yukon Gold']
def potato(inp, me = None, input=None):
".potato <user> - makes the user a tasty little potato"
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()):
return "I cant make a tasty potato for that user!"
potatoa = random.choice(potatoeslist)
size = random.choice(['small', 'little', 'mid-sized', 'medium-sized', 'large', 'gigantic'])
flavor = random.choice(['tasty', 'delectable', 'delicious', 'yummy', 'toothsome', 'scrumptious', 'luscious'])
cook = random.choice(['bakes', 'fries', 'boils', 'microwaves'])
me(cook + " a " + flavor + " " + size + " " + potatoa + " potato for " + inp + "!")
def potatoes(inp, me = None, input=None):
potatoa = random.choice(potatoeslist)
count = str(len(potatoeslist))
me("contemplates eating a "+potatoa+" potato, one of the "+count+" types of potatoes that I know about.")

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# pycparser:
# Example of the CDECL tool using pycparser. CDECL "explains"
# C type declarations in plain English.
# The AST generated by pycparser from the given declaration is
# traversed recursively to build the explanation.
# Note that the declaration must be a valid external declaration
# in C. All the types used in it must be defined with typedef,
# or parsing will fail. The definition can be arbitrary, it isn't
# really used - by pycparser must know which tokens are types.
# For example:
# 'typedef int Node; const Node* (*ar)[10];'
# =>
# ar is a pointer to array[10] of pointer to const Node
# Copyright (C) 2008, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
import sys
from pycparser import c_parser, c_ast
def explain_c_declaration(c_decl):
""" Parses the declaration in c_decl and returns a text
explanation as a string.
The last external node of the string is used, to allow
earlier typedefs for used types.
parser = c_parser.CParser()
node = parser.parse(c_decl, filename='<stdin>')
if ( not isinstance(node, c_ast.FileAST) or
not isinstance(node.ext[-1], c_ast.Decl)):
return "Last external node is invalid type"
return _explain_decl_node(node.ext[-1])
def _explain_decl_node(decl_node):
""" Receives a c_ast.Decl note and returns its explanation in
#~ print
storage = ' '.join( + ' ' if else ''
return ( +
" is a " +
storage +
def _explain_type(decl):
""" Recursively explains a type decl node
typ = type(decl)
if typ == c_ast.TypeDecl:
quals = ' '.join(decl.quals) + ' ' if decl.quals else ''
return quals + _explain_type(decl.type)
elif typ == c_ast.Typename or typ == c_ast.Decl:
return _explain_type(decl.type)
elif typ == c_ast.IdentifierType:
return ' '.join(decl.names)
elif typ == c_ast.PtrDecl:
quals = ' '.join(decl.quals) + ' ' if decl.quals else ''
return quals + 'pointer to ' + _explain_type(decl.type)
elif typ == c_ast.ArrayDecl:
arr = 'array'
if decl.dim: arr += '[%s]' % decl.dim.value
return arr + " of " + _explain_type(decl.type)
elif typ == c_ast.FuncDecl:
if decl.args:
params = [_explain_type(param) for param in decl.args.params]
args = ', '.join(params)
args = ''
return ('function(%s) returning ' % (args) +
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
c_decl = sys.argv[1]
c_decl = "char *(*(**foo[][8])())[];"
print "Explaining the declaration:", c_decl
print "\n", explain_c_declaration(c_decl)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# This file automatically created by PLY (version 3.3). Don't edit!
_tabversion = '3.3'
_lextokens = {'VOID': 1, 'LBRACKET': 1, 'WCHAR_CONST': 1, 'FLOAT_CONST': 1, 'MINUS': 1, 'RPAREN': 1, 'LONG': 1, 'PLUS': 1, 'ELLIPSIS': 1, 'GT': 1, 'GOTO': 1, 'ENUM': 1, 'PERIOD': 1, 'GE': 1, 'INT_CONST_DEC': 1, 'ARROW': 1, 'DOUBLE': 1, 'MINUSEQUAL': 1, 'INT_CONST_OCT': 1, 'TIMESEQUAL': 1, 'OR': 1, 'SHORT': 1, 'RETURN': 1, 'RSHIFTEQUAL': 1, 'STATIC': 1, 'SIZEOF': 1, 'UNSIGNED': 1, 'UNION': 1, 'COLON': 1, 'WSTRING_LITERAL': 1, 'DIVIDE': 1, 'FOR': 1, 'PLUSPLUS': 1, 'EQUALS': 1, 'ELSE': 1, 'EQ': 1, 'AND': 1, 'TYPEID': 1, 'LBRACE': 1, 'PPHASH': 1, 'INT': 1, 'SIGNED': 1, 'CONTINUE': 1, 'NOT': 1, 'OREQUAL': 1, 'MOD': 1, 'RSHIFT': 1, 'DEFAULT': 1, 'CHAR': 1, 'WHILE': 1, 'DIVEQUAL': 1, 'EXTERN': 1, 'CASE': 1, 'LAND': 1, 'REGISTER': 1, 'MODEQUAL': 1, 'NE': 1, 'SWITCH': 1, 'INT_CONST_HEX': 1, 'PLUSEQUAL': 1, 'STRUCT': 1, 'CONDOP': 1, 'BREAK': 1, 'VOLATILE': 1, 'ANDEQUAL': 1, 'DO': 1, 'LNOT': 1, 'CONST': 1, 'LOR': 1, 'CHAR_CONST': 1, 'LSHIFT': 1, 'RBRACE': 1, 'LE': 1, 'SEMI': 1, 'LT': 1, 'COMMA': 1, 'TYPEDEF': 1, 'XOR': 1, 'AUTO': 1, 'TIMES': 1, 'LPAREN': 1, 'MINUSMINUS': 1, 'ID': 1, 'IF': 1, 'STRING_LITERAL': 1, 'FLOAT': 1, 'XOREQUAL': 1, 'LSHIFTEQUAL': 1, 'RBRACKET': 1}
_lexreflags = 0
_lexliterals = ''
_lexstateinfo = {'ppline': 'exclusive', 'INITIAL': 'inclusive'}
_lexstatere = {'ppline': [('(?P<t_ppline_FILENAME>"([^"\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*")|(?P<t_ppline_LINE_NUMBER>(0(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?)|([1-9][0-9]*(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?))|(?P<t_ppline_NEWLINE>\\n)|(?P<t_ppline_PPLINE>line)', [None, ('t_ppline_FILENAME', 'FILENAME'), None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_ppline_LINE_NUMBER', 'LINE_NUMBER'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_ppline_NEWLINE', 'NEWLINE'), ('t_ppline_PPLINE', 'PPLINE')])], 'INITIAL': [('(?P<t_PPHASH>[ \\t]*\\#)|(?P<t_NEWLINE>\\n+)|(?P<t_FLOAT_CONST>((((([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\\.))([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)|([0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)))[FfLl]?))|(?P<t_INT_CONST_HEX>0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?)|(?P<t_BAD_CONST_OCT>0[0-7]*[89])|(?P<t_INT_CONST_OCT>0[0-7]*(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?)|(?P<t_INT_CONST_DEC>(0(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?)|([1-9][0-9]*(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?))|(?P<t_CHAR_CONST>\'([^\'\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))\')|(?P<t_WCHAR_CONST>L\'([^\'\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))\')|(?P<t_UNMATCHED_QUOTE>(\'([^\'\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*\\n)|(\'([^\'\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*$))|(?P<t_BAD_CHAR_CONST>(\'([^\'\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))[^\'\n]+\')|(\'\')|(\'([\\\\][^a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"x0-7])[^\'\\n]*\'))|(?P<t_WSTRING_LITERAL>L"([^"\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*")|(?P<t_BAD_STRING_LITERAL>"([^"\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*([\\\\][^a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"x0-7])([^"\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*")|(?P<t_ID>[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*)|(?P<t_STRING_LITERAL>"([^"\\\\\\n]|(\\\\(([a-zA-Z\\\\?\'"])|([0-7]{1,3})|(x[0-9a-fA-F]+))))*")', [None, ('t_PPHASH', 'PPHASH'), ('t_NEWLINE', 'NEWLINE'), ('t_FLOAT_CONST', 'FLOAT_CONST'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_INT_CONST_HEX', 'INT_CONST_HEX'), None, None, None, ('t_BAD_CONST_OCT', 'BAD_CONST_OCT'), ('t_INT_CONST_OCT', 'INT_CONST_OCT'), None, None, None, ('t_INT_CONST_DEC', 'INT_CONST_DEC'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_CHAR_CONST', 'CHAR_CONST'), None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_WCHAR_CONST', 'WCHAR_CONST'), None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_UNMATCHED_QUOTE', 'UNMATCHED_QUOTE'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_BAD_CHAR_CONST', 'BAD_CHAR_CONST'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_WSTRING_LITERAL', 'WSTRING_LITERAL'), None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_BAD_STRING_LITERAL', 'BAD_STRING_LITERAL'), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ('t_ID', 'ID'), (None, 'STRING_LITERAL')]), ('(?P<t_ELLIPSIS>\\.\\.\\.)|(?P<t_PLUSPLUS>\\+\\+)|(?P<t_LOR>\\|\\|)|(?P<t_OREQUAL>\\|=)|(?P<t_LSHIFTEQUAL><<=)|(?P<t_RSHIFTEQUAL>>>=)|(?P<t_TIMESEQUAL>\\*=)|(?P<t_PLUSEQUAL>\\+=)|(?P<t_XOREQUAL>^=)|(?P<t_PLUS>\\+)|(?P<t_MODEQUAL>%=)|(?P<t_LBRACE>\\{)|(?P<t_DIVEQUAL>/=)|(?P<t_RBRACKET>\\])|(?P<t_CONDOP>\\?)', [None, (None, 'ELLIPSIS'), (None, 'PLUSPLUS'), (None, 'LOR'), (None, 'OREQUAL'), (None, 'LSHIFTEQUAL'), (None, 'RSHIFTEQUAL'), (None, 'TIMESEQUAL'), (None, 'PLUSEQUAL'), (None, 'XOREQUAL'), (None, 'PLUS'), (None, 'MODEQUAL'), (None, 'LBRACE'), (None, 'DIVEQUAL'), (None, 'RBRACKET'), (None, 'CONDOP')]), ('(?P<t_XOR>\\^)|(?P<t_LSHIFT><<)|(?P<t_LE><=)|(?P<t_LPAREN>\\()|(?P<t_ARROW>->)|(?P<t_EQ>==)|(?P<t_RBRACE>\\})|(?P<t_NE>!=)|(?P<t_MINUSMINUS>--)|(?P<t_OR>\\|)|(?P<t_TIMES>\\*)|(?P<t_LBRACKET>\\[)|(?P<t_GE>>=)|(?P<t_RPAREN>\\))|(?P<t_LAND>&&)|(?P<t_RSHIFT>>>)|(?P<t_ANDEQUAL>&=)|(?P<t_MINUSEQUAL>-=)|(?P<t_PERIOD>\\.)|(?P<t_EQUALS>=)|(?P<t_LT><)|(?P<t_COMMA>,)|(?P<t_DIVIDE>/)|(?P<t_AND>&)|(?P<t_MOD>%)|(?P<t_SEMI>;)|(?P<t_MINUS>-)|(?P<t_GT>>)|(?P<t_COLON>:)|(?P<t_NOT>~)|(?P<t_LNOT>!)', [None, (None, 'XOR'), (None, 'LSHIFT'), (None, 'LE'), (None, 'LPAREN'), (None, 'ARROW'), (None, 'EQ'), (None, 'RBRACE'), (None, 'NE'), (None, 'MINUSMINUS'), (None, 'OR'), (None, 'TIMES'), (None, 'LBRACKET'), (None, 'GE'), (None, 'RPAREN'), (None, 'LAND'), (None, 'RSHIFT'), (None, 'ANDEQUAL'), (None, 'MINUSEQUAL'), (None, 'PERIOD'), (None, 'EQUALS'), (None, 'LT'), (None, 'COMMA'), (None, 'DIVIDE'), (None, 'AND'), (None, 'MOD'), (None, 'SEMI'), (None, 'MINUS'), (None, 'GT'), (None, 'COLON'), (None, 'NOT'), (None, 'LNOT')])]}
_lexstateignore = {'ppline': ' \t', 'INITIAL': ' \t'}
_lexstateerrorf = {'ppline': 't_ppline_error', 'INITIAL': 't_error'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# pycparser:
# This package file exports some convenience functions for
# interacting with pycparser
# Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
__all__ = ['c_lexer', 'c_parser', 'c_ast']
__version__ = '1.05'
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from types import ListType
from c_parser import CParser
def parse_file( filename, use_cpp=False,
cpp_path='cpp', cpp_args=''):
""" Parse a C file using pycparser.
Name of the file you want to parse.
Set to True if you want to execute the C pre-processor
on the file prior to parsing it.
If use_cpp is True, this is the path to 'cpp' on your
system. If no path is provided, it attempts to just
execute 'cpp', so it must be in your PATH.
If use_cpp is True, set this to the command line
arguments strings to cpp. Be careful with quotes -
it's best to pass a raw string (r'') here.
For example:
If several arguments are required, pass a list of
When successful, an AST is returned. ParseError can be
thrown if the file doesn't parse successfully.
Errors from cpp will be printed out.
if use_cpp:
path_list = [cpp_path]
if isinstance(cpp_args, ListType):
path_list += cpp_args
elif cpp_args != '':
path_list += [cpp_args]
path_list += [filename]
# Note the use of universal_newlines to treat all newlines
# as \n for Python's purpose
pipe = Popen( path_list,
text = pipe.communicate()[0]
text = open(filename).read()
parser = CParser()
return parser.parse(text, filename)
if __name__ == "__main__":

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
# pycparser:
# CLexer class: lexer for the C language
# Copyright (C) 2008, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
import re
import sys
import ply.lex
from ply.lex import TOKEN
class CLexer(object):
""" A lexer for the C language. After building it, set the
input text with input(), and call token() to get new
The public attribute filename can be set to an initial
filaneme, but the lexer will update it upon #line
def __init__(self, error_func, type_lookup_func):
""" Create a new Lexer.
An error function. Will be called with an error
message, line and column as arguments, in case of
an error during lexing.
A type lookup function. Given a string, it must
return True IFF this string is a name of a type
that was defined with a typedef earlier.
self.error_func = error_func
self.type_lookup_func = type_lookup_func
self.filename = ''
# Allow either "# line" or "# <num>" to support GCC's
# cpp output
self.line_pattern = re.compile('([ \t]*line\W)|([ \t]*\d+)')
def build(self, **kwargs):
""" Builds the lexer from the specification. Must be
called after the lexer object is created.
This method exists separately, because the PLY
manual warns against calling lex.lex inside
self.lexer = ply.lex.lex(object=self, **kwargs)
def reset_lineno(self):
""" Resets the internal line number counter of the lexer.
self.lexer.lineno = 1
def input(self, text):
def token(self):
g = self.lexer.token()
return g
######################-- PRIVATE --######################
## Internal auxiliary methods
def _error(self, msg, token):
location = self._make_tok_location(token)
self.error_func(msg, location[0], location[1])
def _find_tok_column(self, token):
i = token.lexpos
while i > 0:
if self.lexer.lexdata[i] == '\n': break
i -= 1
return (token.lexpos - i) + 1
def _make_tok_location(self, token):
return (token.lineno, self._find_tok_column(token))
## Reserved keywords
keywords = (
keyword_map = {}
for r in keywords:
keyword_map[r.lower()] = r
## All the tokens recognized by the lexer
tokens = keywords + (
# Identifiers
# Type identifiers (identifiers previously defined as
# types with typedef)
# constants
# String literals
# Operators
'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT',
'LOR', 'LAND', 'LNOT',
'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE',
# Assignment
# Increment/decrement
# Structure dereference (->)
# Conditional operator (?)
# Delimeters
'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', # ( )
'LBRACE', 'RBRACE', # { }
'COMMA', 'PERIOD', # . ,
'SEMI', 'COLON', # ; :
# Ellipsis (...)
# pre-processor
'PPHASH', # '#'
## Regexes for use in tokens
# valid C identifiers (K&R2: A.2.3)
identifier = r'[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
# integer constants (K&R2: A.2.5.1)
integer_suffix_opt = r'(([uU][lL])|([lL][uU])|[uU]|[lL])?'
decimal_constant = '(0'+integer_suffix_opt+')|([1-9][0-9]*'+integer_suffix_opt+')'
octal_constant = '0[0-7]*'+integer_suffix_opt
hex_constant = '0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+'+integer_suffix_opt
bad_octal_constant = '0[0-7]*[89]'
# character constants (K&R2: A.2.5.2)
# Note: a-zA-Z are allowed as escape chars to support #line
# directives with Windows paths as filenames (\dir\file...)
simple_escape = r"""([a-zA-Z\\?'"])"""
octal_escape = r"""([0-7]{1,3})"""
hex_escape = r"""(x[0-9a-fA-F]+)"""
bad_escape = r"""([\\][^a-zA-Z\\?'"x0-7])"""
escape_sequence = r"""(\\("""+simple_escape+'|'+octal_escape+'|'+hex_escape+'))'
cconst_char = r"""([^'\\\n]|"""+escape_sequence+')'
char_const = "'"+cconst_char+"'"
wchar_const = 'L'+char_const
unmatched_quote = "('"+cconst_char+"*\\n)|('"+cconst_char+"*$)"
bad_char_const = r"""('"""+cconst_char+"""[^'\n]+')|('')|('"""+bad_escape+r"""[^'\n]*')"""
# string literals (K&R2: A.2.6)
string_char = r"""([^"\\\n]|"""+escape_sequence+')'
string_literal = '"'+string_char+'*"'
wstring_literal = 'L'+string_literal
bad_string_literal = '"'+string_char+'*'+bad_escape+string_char+'*"'
# floating constants (K&R2: A.2.5.3)
exponent_part = r"""([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)"""
fractional_constant = r"""([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.)"""
floating_constant = '(((('+fractional_constant+')'+exponent_part+'?)|([0-9]+'+exponent_part+'))[FfLl]?)'
## Lexer states
states = (
# ppline: preprocessor line directives
('ppline', 'exclusive'),
def t_PPHASH(self, t):
r'[ \t]*\#'
m = self.line_pattern.match(
t.lexer.lexdata, pos=t.lexer.lexpos)
if m:
self.pp_line = self.pp_filename = None
#~ print "ppline starts on line %s" % t.lexer.lineno
t.type = 'PPHASH'
return t
## Rules for the ppline state
def t_ppline_FILENAME(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self._error('filename before line number in #line', t)
self.pp_filename = t.value.lstrip('"').rstrip('"')
#~ print "PP got filename: ", self.pp_filename
def t_ppline_LINE_NUMBER(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self.pp_line = t.value
# Ignore: GCC's cpp sometimes inserts a numeric flag
# after the file name
def t_ppline_NEWLINE(self, t):
if self.pp_line is None:
self._error('line number missing in #line', t)
self.lexer.lineno = int(self.pp_line)
if self.pp_filename is not None:
self.filename = self.pp_filename
def t_ppline_PPLINE(self, t):
t_ppline_ignore = ' \t'
def t_ppline_error(self, t):
msg = 'invalid #line directive'
self._error(msg, t)
## Rules for the normal state
t_ignore = ' \t'
# Newlines
def t_NEWLINE(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
# Operators
t_PLUS = r'\+'
t_MINUS = r'-'
t_TIMES = r'\*'
t_DIVIDE = r'/'
t_MOD = r'%'
t_OR = r'\|'
t_AND = r'&'
t_NOT = r'~'
t_XOR = r'\^'
t_LSHIFT = r'<<'
t_RSHIFT = r'>>'
t_LOR = r'\|\|'
t_LAND = r'&&'
t_LNOT = r'!'
t_LT = r'<'
t_GT = r'>'
t_LE = r'<='
t_GE = r'>='
t_EQ = r'=='
t_NE = r'!='
# Assignment operators
t_EQUALS = r'='
t_TIMESEQUAL = r'\*='
t_DIVEQUAL = r'/='
t_MODEQUAL = r'%='
t_PLUSEQUAL = r'\+='
t_MINUSEQUAL = r'-='
t_LSHIFTEQUAL = r'<<='
t_RSHIFTEQUAL = r'>>='
t_ANDEQUAL = r'&='
t_OREQUAL = r'\|='
t_XOREQUAL = r'^='
# Increment/decrement
t_PLUSPLUS = r'\+\+'
t_MINUSMINUS = r'--'
# ->
t_ARROW = r'->'
# ?
t_CONDOP = r'\?'
# Delimeters
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
t_LBRACKET = r'\['
t_RBRACKET = r'\]'
t_LBRACE = r'\{'
t_RBRACE = r'\}'
t_COMMA = r','
t_PERIOD = r'\.'
t_SEMI = r';'
t_COLON = r':'
t_ELLIPSIS = r'\.\.\.'
t_STRING_LITERAL = string_literal
# The following floating and integer constants are defined as
# functions to impose a strict order (otherwise, decimal
# is placed before the others because its regex is longer,
# and this is bad)
def t_FLOAT_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_INT_CONST_HEX(self, t):
return t
def t_BAD_CONST_OCT(self, t):
msg = "Invalid octal constant"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_INT_CONST_OCT(self, t):
return t
def t_INT_CONST_DEC(self, t):
return t
# Must come before bad_char_const, to prevent it from
# catching valid char constants as invalid
def t_CHAR_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_WCHAR_CONST(self, t):
return t
def t_UNMATCHED_QUOTE(self, t):
msg = "Unmatched '"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_BAD_CHAR_CONST(self, t):
msg = "Invalid char constant %s" % t.value
self._error(msg, t)
def t_WSTRING_LITERAL(self, t):
return t
# unmatched string literals are caught by the preprocessor
def t_BAD_STRING_LITERAL(self, t):
msg = "String contains invalid escape code"
self._error(msg, t)
def t_ID(self, t):
t.type = self.keyword_map.get(t.value, "ID")
if t.type == 'ID' and self.type_lookup_func(t.value):
t.type = "TYPEID"
return t
def t_error(self, t):
msg = 'Illegal character %s' % repr(t.value[0])
self._error(msg, t)
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = '../zp.c'
text = open(filename).read()
#~ text = '"'+r"""ka \p ka"""+'"'
text = r"""
#line 66 "kwas\df.h"
id 4
# 5
def errfoo(msg, a, b):
print msg
def typelookup(namd):
return False
clex = CLexer(errfoo, typelookup)
while 1:
tok = clex.token()
if not tok: break
#~ print type(tok)
print "-", tok.value, tok.type, tok.lineno, clex.filename, tok.lexpos

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# PLY package
# Author: David Beazley (
__all__ = ['lex','yacc']

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# PLYParser class and other utilites for simplifying programming
# parsers with PLY
# Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Eli Bendersky
# License: LGPL
class Coord(object):
""" Coordinates of a syntactic element. Consists of:
- File name
- Line number
- (optional) column number, for the Lexer
def __init__(self, file, line, column=None):
self.file = file
self.line = line
self.column = column
def __str__(self):
str = "%s:%s" % (self.file, self.line)
if self.column: str += ":%s" % self.column
return str
class ParseError(Exception): pass
class PLYParser(object):
def _create_opt_rule(self, rulename):
""" Given a rule name, creates an optional ply.yacc rule
for it. The name of the optional rule is
optname = rulename + '_opt'
def optrule(self, p):
p[0] = p[1]
optrule.__doc__ = '%s : empty\n| %s' % (optname, rulename)
optrule.__name__ = 'p_%s' % optname
setattr(self.__class__, optrule.__name__, optrule)
def _coord(self, lineno, column=None):
return Coord(
def _parse_error(self, msg, coord):
raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
if __name__ == '__main__':
pp = PLYParser()
ar = [4, 6]
print ar
print pp.p_java_opt.__doc__
print dir(pp)

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
re_lineends = re.compile(r'[\r\n]*')
def python(inp):
".python <prog> -- executes python code <prog>"
inp = inp.replace("~n", "\n")
res = http.get("", statement=inp).splitlines()
if len(res) == 0:
res[0] = re_lineends.split(res[0])[0]
if not res[0] == 'Traceback (most recent call last):':
return res[0].decode('utf8', 'ignore')
return res[-1].decode('utf8', 'ignore')

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import random
import re
import time
from util import hook
def add_quote(db, chan, nick, add_nick, msg):
db.execute('''insert or fail into quote (chan, nick, add_nick,
msg, time) values(?,?,?,?,?)''',
(chan, nick, add_nick, msg, time.time()))
def del_quote(db, chan, nick, add_nick, msg):
db.execute('''update quote set deleted = 1 where
chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?) and msg=msg''')
def get_quotes_by_nick(db, chan, nick):
return db.execute("select time, nick, msg from quote where deleted!=1 "
"and chan=? and lower(nick)=lower(?) order by time",
(chan, nick)).fetchall()
def get_quotes_by_chan(db, chan):
return db.execute("select time, nick, msg from quote where deleted!=1 "
"and chan=? order by time", (chan,)).fetchall()
def format_quote(q, num, n_quotes):
ctime, nick, msg = q
return "[%d/%d] %s <%s> %s" % (num, n_quotes,
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(ctime)), nick, msg)
def quote(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None):
".q/.quote [#chan] [nick] [#n]/.quote add <nick> <msg> -- gets " \
"random or [#n]th quote by <nick> or from <#chan>/adds quote"
db.execute("create table if not exists quote"
"(chan, nick, add_nick, msg, time real, deleted default 0, "
"primary key (chan, nick, msg))")
add = re.match(r"add[^\w@]+(\S+?)>?\s+(.*)", inp, re.I)
retrieve = re.match(r"(\S+)(?:\s+#?(-?\d+))?$", inp)
retrieve_chan = re.match(r"(#\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s+#?(-?\d+))?$", inp)
if add:
quoted_nick, msg = add.groups()
add_quote(db, chan, quoted_nick, nick, msg)
except db.IntegrityError:
return "message already stored, doing nothing."
return "quote added."
elif retrieve:
select, num = retrieve.groups()
by_chan = False
if select.startswith('#'):
by_chan = True
quotes = get_quotes_by_chan(db, select)
quotes = get_quotes_by_nick(db, chan, select)
elif retrieve_chan:
chan, nick, num = retrieve_chan.groups()
quotes = get_quotes_by_nick(db, chan, nick)
return quote.__doc__
n_quotes = len(quotes)
if not n_quotes:
return "no quotes found"
if num:
num = int(num)
if num:
if num > n_quotes or (num < 0 and num < -n_quotes):
return "I only have %d quote%s for %s" % (n_quotes,
('s', '')[n_quotes == 1], select)
elif num < 0:
selected_quote = quotes[num]
num = n_quotes + num + 1
selected_quote = quotes[num - 1]
num = random.randint(1, n_quotes)
selected_quote = quotes[num - 1]
return format_quote(selected_quote, num, n_quotes)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
from util import hook
import re
@hook.regex(r'^(H|h)ello mau5bot')
def response_hello(inp, say=None, nick=None):
say("Hello " + nick + "!")
@hook.regex(r'^(H|h)i mau5bot')
def response_hi(inp, say=None, nick=None):
say("Hi " + nick + "!")
@hook.regex(r'^(H|h)eya mau5bot')
def response_heya(inp, say=None, nick=None):
say("Heya " + nick + "!")
@hook.regex(r'^(S|s)up mau5bot')
def response_sup(inp, say=None, nick=None):
say("Sup " + nick + "!")
@hook.regex(r'^((I|i) love( you,?)?|ilu) mau5bot')
def response_love(inp, say=None, nick=None):
say("I love you too, " + nick)
@hook.regex(r'^((I|i) hate( you,?)?|ihu) mau5bot')
def response_hate(inp, say=None):

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
from util import hook, http
import urllib
import random
import urllib2
import htmlentitydefs
import re
re_htmlent = re.compile("&(" + "|".join(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint.keys()) + ");")
re_numeric = re.compile(r'&#(x?)([a-fA-F0-9]+);')
def db_init(db):
db.execute("create table if not exists repaste(chan, manual, primary key(chan))")
def decode_html(text):
text = re.sub(re_htmlent,
lambda m: unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[]),
text = re.sub(re_numeric,
lambda m: unichr(int(, 16 if else 10)),
return text
def scrape_mibpaste(url):
if not url.startswith("http"):
url = "http://" + url
pagesource = http.get(url)
rawpaste ='(?s)(?<=<body>\n).+(?=<hr>)', pagesource).group(0)
filterbr = rawpaste.replace("<br />", "")
unescaped = decode_html(filterbr)
stripped = unescaped.strip()
return stripped
def scrape_pastebin(url):
id ='(?:www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$', url).group(1)
rawurl = "" + id
text = http.get(rawurl)
return text
autorepastes = {}
#@hook.regex('(pastebin\.com)(/[^ ]+)')
@hook.regex('(mibpaste\.com)(/[^ ]+)')
def autorepaste(inp, input=None, db=None, chan=None):
manual = input.db.execute("select manual from repaste where chan=?", (chan, )).fetchone()
if manual and len(manual) and manual[0]:
url = +
if url in autorepastes:
out = autorepastes[url]
input.notice("In the future, please use a less awful pastebin (e.g.")
out = repaste("http://" + url, input, db, False)
autorepastes[url] = out
input.notice("In the future, please use a less awful pastebin (e.g. instead of %s." %
input.say("%s (repasted for %s)" % (out, input.nick))
scrapers = {
r'mibpaste\.com': scrape_mibpaste,
r'pastebin\.com': scrape_pastebin
def scrape(url):
for pat, scraper in scrapers.iteritems():
print "matching " + repr(pat) + " " + url
if, url):
return None
return scraper(url)
def paste_sprunge(text, syntax=None, user=None):
data = urllib.urlencode({"sprunge": text})
url = urllib2.urlopen("", data).read().strip()
if syntax:
url += "?" + syntax
return url
def paste_ubuntu(text, user=None, syntax='text'):
data = urllib.urlencode({"poster": user,
"syntax": syntax,
"content": text})
return urllib2.urlopen("", data).url
def paste_gist(text, user=None, syntax=None, description=None):
data = {
'file_contents[gistfile1]': text,
'action_button': "private"
if description:
data['description'] = description
if syntax:
data['file_ext[gistfile1]'] = "." + syntax
req = urllib2.urlopen('', urllib.urlencode(data).encode('utf8'))
return req.url
def paste_strictfp(text, user=None, syntax="plain"):
data = urllib.urlencode(dict(
req = urllib2.urlopen("", data)
return req.url
pasters = dict(
def repaste(inp, input=None, db=None, isManual=True):
".repaste mode|list|[provider] [syntax] <pastebinurl> -- scrape mibpaste, reupload on given pastebin"
parts = inp.split()
if parts[0] == 'list':
return " ".join(pasters.keys())
paster = paste_gist
args = {}
if not parts[0].startswith("http"):
p = parts[0].lower()
if p in pasters:
paster = pasters[p]
parts = parts[1:]
if not parts[0].startswith("http"):
p = parts[0].lower()
parts = parts[1:]
args["syntax"] = p
if len(parts) > 1:
return "PEBKAC"
args["user"] = input.user
url = parts[0]
scraped = scrape(url)
if not scraped:
return "No scraper for given url"
args["text"] = scraped
pasted = paster(**args)
return pasted

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
from util import http, hook
api_root = ''
movie_search_url = api_root+'movies.json?q=%s&apikey=%s'
movie_info_url = api_root+'movies/%s.json?apikey=%s'
movie_reviews_url = api_root+'movies/%s/reviews.json?apikey=%s&review_type=all'
response = u"%s - critics: \x02%d%%\x02 (%d\u2191%d\u2193) audience: \x02%d%%\x02 - %s"
def rottentomatoes(inp, bot=None):
'.rt <title> -- gets ratings for <title> from Rotten Tomatoes'
api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("rottentomatoes", None)
if not api_key:
return None
title = inp.strip()
results = http.get_json(movie_search_url % (http.quote_plus(title), api_key))
if results['total'] > 0:
movie = results['movies'][0]
title = movie['title']
id = movie['id']
critics_score = movie['ratings']['critics_score']
audience_score = movie['ratings']['audience_score']
url = movie['links']['alternate']
if critics_score != -1:
reviews = http.get_json(movie_reviews_url%(id, api_key))
review_count = reviews['total']
fresh = critics_score * review_count / 100
rotten = review_count - fresh
return response % (title, critics_score, fresh, rotten, audience_score, url)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
" written by sklnd in about two beers July 2009"
import time
import re
from util import hook, timesince
def db_init(db):
"check to see that our db has the the seen table and return a connection."
db.execute("create table if not exists seen(name, time, quote, chan, "
"primary key(name, chan))")
@hook.event('PRIVMSG', ignorebots=False)
def seeninput(paraml, input=None, db=None, bot=None):
db.execute("insert or replace into seen(name, time, quote, chan)"
"values(?,?,?,?)", (input.nick.lower(), time.time(), input.msg,
def seen(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None, input=None):
".seen <nick> -- Tell when a nickname was last in active in irc"
if input.conn.nick.lower() == inp.lower():
# user is looking for us, being a smartass
return "You need to get your eyes checked."
if inp.lower() == nick.lower():
return "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()):
return "I cant look up that name, its impossible to use!"
last_seen = db.execute("select name, time, quote from seen where name"
" like ? and chan = ?", (inp, chan)).fetchone()
if last_seen:
reltime = timesince.timesince(last_seen[1])
if last_seen[0] != inp.lower(): # for glob matching
inp = last_seen[0]
return '%s was last seen %s ago saying: %s' % \
(inp, reltime, last_seen[2])
return "I've never seen %s" % inp

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# # Lukeroge
from util import hook
from re import match
from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError
from urllib import urlencode
from simplejson import loads
except ImportError, e:
raise Exception('Required module missing: %s' % e.args[0])
user = "o_750ro241n9"
apikey = "R_f3d0a9b478c53d247a134d0791f898fe"
def expand(url):
params = urlencode({'shortUrl': url, 'login': user, 'apiKey': apikey, 'format': 'json'})
req = Request("" % params)
response = urlopen(req)
j = loads(
if j['status_code'] == 200:
return j['data']['expand'][0]['long_url']
raise Exception('%s'%j['status_txt'])
except HTTPError, e:
raise('HTTP Error%s'
def tiny(url):
params = urlencode({'longUrl': url, 'login': user, 'apiKey': apikey, 'format': 'json'})
req = Request("" % params)
response = urlopen(req)
j = loads(
if j['status_code'] == 200:
return j['data']['url']
raise Exception('%s'%j['status_txt'])
except HTTPError, e:
raise('HTTP error%s'
def shorten(inp):
".shorten <url> - Makes an shortlink to the url provided"
return tiny(inp)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import re
from util import hook
def sieve_suite(bot, input, func, kind, args):
if input.command == 'PRIVMSG' and \
input.nick.lower()[-3:] == 'bot' and args.get('ignorebots', True):
return None
if kind == "command":
if input.trigger in bot.config.get('disabled_commands', []):
return None
ignored = bot.config.get('ignored', [])
if in ignored or input.nick in ignored:
return None
fn = re.match(r'^plugins.(.+).py$', func._filename)
disabled = bot.config.get('disabled_plugins', [])
if fn and in disabled:
return None
acl = bot.config.get('acls', {}).get(func.__name__)
if acl:
if 'deny-except' in acl:
allowed_channels = map(unicode.lower, acl['deny-except'])
if input.chan.lower() not in allowed_channels:
return None
if 'allow-except' in acl:
denied_channels = map(unicode.lower, acl['allow-except'])
if input.chan.lower() in denied_channels:
return None
if args.get('adminonly', False):
admins = bot.config.get('admins', [])
if not in admins and input.nick not in admins:
return None
return input

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
from util import hook
import re
import random
larts = ["swaps <who>'s shampoo with glue",
"installs windows on <who>'s machine",
"forces <who> to use perl for 3 weeks",
"registers <who>'s name with 50 known spammers",
"resizes <who>'s to 40x24",
"takes <who>'s drink",
"dispenses <who>'s email address to a few hundred 'bulk mailing services'",
"pokes <who> in the eye",
"beats <who> senseless with a 50lb Linux manual",
"cats /dev/random into <who>'s ear",
"signs <who> up for AOL",
"enrolls <who> in Visual Basic 101",
"sporks <who>",
"drops a truckload of support tickets on <who>",
"judo chops <who>",
"sets <who>'s resolution to 800x600",
"formats <who>'s harddrive to fat12",
"rm -rf's <who>",
"stabs <who>",
"steals <who>'s mojo",
"strangles <who> with a doohicky mouse cord",
"whacks <who> with the cluebat",
"sells <who> on EBay",
"uses <who> as a biological warfare study",
"uses the 'Customer Appreciation Bat' on <who>",
"puts <who> in the Total Perspective Vortex",
"casts <who> into the fires of Mt. Doom",
"gives <who> a melvin",
"turns over <who> to Agent Smith to be 'bugged'",
"takes away <who>'s internet connection",
"pushes <who> past the Shoe Event Horizon",
"counts '1, 2, 5... er... 3!' and hurls the Holy Handgrenade Of Antioch at <who>",
"puts <who> in a nest of camel spiders",
"makes <who> read slashdot at -1",
"puts 'alias vim=emacs' in <who>'s /etc/profile",
"uninstalls every web browser from <who>'s system",
"locks <who> in the Chateau d'If",
"signs <who> up for getting hit on the head lessons",
"makes <who> try to set up a Lexmark printer",
"fills <who>'s eyedrop bottle with lime juice",
"casts <who> into the fires of Mt. Doom.",
"gives <who> a Flying Dutchman",
"rips off <who>'s arm, and uses it to beat them to death",
"pierces <who>'s nose with a rusty paper hole puncher",
"pokes <who> with a rusty nail",
"puts sugar between <who>'s bedsheets",
"pours sand into <who>'s breakfast",
"mixes epoxy into <who>'s toothpaste",
"puts Icy-Hot in <who>'s lube container",
"straps <who> to a chair, and plays a endless low bitrate MP3 loop of \"the world's most annoying sound\" from \"Dumb and Dumber\"",
"tells Dr. Dre that <who> was talking smack",
"forces <who> to use a Commodore 64 for all their word processing",
"smacks <who> in the face with a burlap sack full of broken glass",
"puts <who> in a room with several heavily armed manic depressives",
"makes <who> watch reruns of \"Blue's Clues\"",
"puts lye in <who>'s coffee",
"tattoos the Windows symbol on <who>'s ass",
"lets Borg have his way with <who>",
"signs <who> up for line dancing classes at the local senior center",
"wakes <who> out of a sound sleep with some brand new nipple piercings",
"gives <who> a 2 guage Prince Albert",
"forces <who> to eat all their veggies",
"covers <who>'s toilet paper with lemon-pepper",
"fills <who>'s ketchup bottle with Dave's Insanity sauce",
"forces <who> to stare at an incredibly frustrating and seemingly neverending IRC political debate",
"knocks two of <who>'s teeth out with a 2x4",
"removes debian from <who>'s system",
"uses <who>'s iPod for skeet shooting practice",
"gives <who>'s phone number to Borg",
"posts <who>'s IP, username, and password on 4chan",
"forces <who> to use words like 'irregardless' and 'administrate' (thereby sounding like a real dumbass)",
"tickles <who> until they wet their pants and pass out",
"replaces <who>'s KY with elmer's clear wood glue",
"replaces <who>'s TUMS with alka-seltzer tablets",
"squeezes habanero pepper juice into <who>'s tub of vaseline",
"Forces <who> to learn the Win32 API",
"gives <who> an atomic wedgie",
"ties <who> to a chair and forces them to listen to 'N Sync at full blast",
"forces <who> to use notepad for text editing",
"frowns at <who> really really hard",
"jabs a hot lighter into <who>'s eye sockets",
"forces <who> to browse the web with IE6",
"takes <who> out at the knees with a broken pool cue",
"forces <who> to listen to emo music",
"lets a few creepers into <who>'s house",
"signs <who> up for the Iowa State Ferret Legging Championship",
"attempts to hotswap <who>'s RAM",
"dragon punches <who>",
"puts track spikes into <who>'s side",
"replaces <who>'s Astroglide with JB Weld",
"replaces <who>'s stress pills with rat poison pellets",
"replaces <who>s crotch itch cream with Nair",
"does the Australian Death Grip on <who>",
"dances upon the grave of <who>'s ancestors.",
"farts in <who>'s general direction",
"flogs <who> with stinging neddle",
"assigns all of the permissions tickets on the BeastNode support system to <who>",
"hands <who> a poison ivy joint"]
loves = ["hugs <who>",
"gives <who> some love",
"gives <who> a cookie",
"makes a balloon animal for <who>",
"shares a slice of cake with <who>",
"slaps <who> heartily on the back",
"tickles <who>"]
slaps = ["slaps <who> with a <item>",
"slaps <who> around a bit with a <item>",
"throws a <item> at <who>",
"grabs a <item> and throws it in <who>'s face",
"holds <who> down and repeatedly whacks them with a <item>",
"prods <who> with a flaming <item>",
"picks up a <item>, and whacks <who> with it",
"ties <who> to a chair and throws a <item> at them",
"hits <who> on the head with a <item>"]
items = ["cast iron skillet",
"large trout",
"baseball bat",
"wooden cane",
"CRT monitor",
"physics textbook",
"five tonne truck",
"roll of duct tape",
"rubber chicken",
"fire extinguisher",
"heavy rock",
"chunk of dirt"]
def lart(inp, me = None, nick = None, input=None, notice=None):
".lart <user> - LARTs a user of your choice"
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()):
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
msg = 'slaps ' + nick + ' in the face!'
msg = re.sub ('<who>', inp, random.choice(larts))
def love(inp, me = None, input=None, notice=None):
".love <user> - gives a user a nice comment"
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()):
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
msg = 'hugs themself!'
msg = re.sub ('<who>', inp, random.choice(loves))
def slap(inp, me = None, nick = None, input=None, notice=None):
".slap <user> - slap a user"
inp = inp.strip()
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()):
notice("Invalid username!")
if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself":
msg = 'slaps ' + nick + ' in the face!'
slap = random.choice(slaps)
slap = re.sub ('<who>', inp, slap)
msg = re.sub ('<item>', random.choice(items), slap)

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
search_url = ""
def snopes(inp):
".snopes <topic> -- searches snopes for an urban legend about <topic>"
search_page = http.get_html(search_url, sp_q=inp, sp_c="1")
result_urls = search_page.xpath("//a[@target='_self']/@href")
if not result_urls:
return "no matching pages found"
snopes_page = http.get_html(result_urls[0])
snopes_text = snopes_page.text_content()
claim ="Claim: .*", snopes_text).group(0).strip()
status ="Status: .*", snopes_text)
if status is not None:
status =
else: # new-style statuses
status = "Status: %s." %"FALSE|TRUE|MIXTURE|UNDETERMINED",
claim = re.sub(r"[\s\xa0]+", " ", claim) # compress whitespace
status = re.sub(r"[\s\xa0]+", " ", status)
return "%s %s %s" % (claim, status, result_urls[0])

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import random
from util import hook, http
def stock(inp):
'''.stock <symbol> -- gets information about a stock symbol'''
url = ''
parsed = http.get_xml(url, stock=inp)
if len(parsed) != 1:
return "error getting stock info"
# Stuff the results in a dict for easy string formatting
results = dict((el.tag, el.attrib['data'])
for el in parsed.xpath('//finance/*'))
# if we dont get a company name back, the symbol doesn't match a company
if results['company'] == '':
return "unknown ticker symbol %s" % inp
if results['change'][0] == '-':
results['color'] = "5"
results['color'] = "3"
ret = "%(company)s - %(last)s %(currency)s " \
"\x03%(color)s%(change)s (%(perc_change)s)\x03 " \
"as of %(trade_timestamp)s" % results
if results['delay'] != '0':
ret += " (delayed %s minutes)" % results['delay']
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import json
import random
import re
from util import hook, http
def suggest(inp, inp_unstripped=''):
".suggest [#n] <phrase> -- gets a random/the nth suggested google search"
inp = inp_unstripped
m = re.match('^#(\d+) (.+)$', inp)
if m:
num, inp = m.groups()
num = int(num)
if num > 10:
return 'can only get first ten suggestions'
num = 0
page = http.get('', q=inp)
page_json = page.split('(', 1)[1][:-1]
suggestions = json.loads(page_json)[1]
if not suggestions:
return 'no suggestions found'
if num:
if len(suggestions) + 1 <= num:
return 'only got %d suggestions' % len(suggestions)
out = suggestions[num - 1]
out = random.choice(suggestions)
return '#%d: %s' % (int(out[2][0]) + 1, out[0])

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
" written by sklnd in July 2009"
" 2010.01.25 - modified by Scaevolus"
import time
import re
from util import hook, timesince
def db_init(db):
"check to see that our db has the tell table and return a dbection."
db.execute("create table if not exists tell"
"(user_to, user_from, message, chan, time,"
"primary key(user_to, message))")
return db
def get_tells(db, user_to):
return db.execute("select user_from, message, time, chan from tell where"
" user_to=lower(?) order by time",
def tellinput(paraml, input=None, db=None, bot=None):
if 'showtells' in input.msg.lower():
tells = get_tells(db, input.nick)
if tells:
user_from, message, time, chan = tells[0]
reltime = timesince.timesince(time)
reply = "%s said %s ago in %s: %s" % (user_from, reltime, chan,
if len(tells) > 1:
reply += " (+%d more, .showtells to view)" % (len(tells) - 1)
db.execute("delete from tell where user_to=lower(?) and message=?",
(input.nick, message))
def showtells(inp, nick='', chan='', notice=None, db=None):
".showtells -- view all pending tell messages (sent in PM)."
tells = get_tells(db, nick)
if not tells:
notice("You have no pending tells.")
for tell in tells:
user_from, message, time, chan = tell
past = timesince.timesince(time)
notice("%s said %s ago in %s: %s" % (user_from, past, chan, message))
db.execute("delete from tell where user_to=lower(?)",
def tell(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None, input=None, notice=None):
".tell <nick> <message> -- relay <message> to <nick> when <nick> is around"
query = inp.split(' ', 1)
if len(query) != 2:
return tell.__doc__
user_to = query[0].lower()
message = query[1].strip()
user_from = nick
if chan.lower() == user_from.lower():
chan = 'a pm'
if user_to == user_from.lower():
if user_to.lower() == "mau5bot":
# user is looking for us, being a smartass
notice("Thanks for the message, " + user_from + "!")
if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", user_to.lower()):
notice("I cant send a message to that user!")
if db.execute("select count() from tell where user_to=?",
(user_to,)).fetchone()[0] >= 10:
notice("That person has too many things queued.")
db.execute("insert into tell(user_to, user_from, message, chan,"
"time) values(?,?,?,?,?)", (user_to, user_from, message,
chan, time.time()))
except db.IntegrityError:
notice("Message has already been queued.")
notice("I'll pass that along.")

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
from util import hook
import re
db_inited = False
def cleanSQL(sql):
return re.sub(r'\s+', " ", sql).strip()
def db_init(db):
global db_inited
if db_inited:
exists = db.execute("""
select exists (
select * from sqlite_master where type = "table" and name = "todos"
""").fetchone()[0] == 1
if not exists:
create virtual table todos using fts4(
db_inited = True
def db_getall(db, nick, limit=-1):
return db.execute("""
select added, text
from todos
where lower(user) = lower(?)
order by added desc
limit ?
""", (nick, limit))
def db_get(db, nick, id):
return db.execute("""
select added, text from todos
where lower(user) = lower(?)
order by added desc
limit 1
offset ?
""", (nick, id)).fetchone()
def db_del(db, nick, limit='all'):
row = db.execute("""
delete from todos
where rowid in (
select rowid from todos
where lower(user) = lower(?)
order by added desc
limit ?
offset ?)
""", (nick,
-1 if limit == 'all' else 1,
0 if limit == 'all' else limit))
return row
def db_add(db, nick, text):
insert into todos (user, text, added)
values (?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
""", (nick, text))
def db_search(db, nick, query):
return db.execute("""
select added, text
from todos
where todos match ?
and lower(user) = lower(?)
order by added desc
""", (query, nick))
def todo(inp, nick='', chan='', db=None, notice=None, bot=None):
"todo (add|del|list|search) [@user] args -- manipulates your todos"
parts = inp.split()
cmd = parts[0].lower()
args = parts[1:]
if len(args) and args[0].startswith("@"):
nick = args[0][1:]
args = args[1:]
if cmd == 'add':
if not len(args):
return "no text"
text = " ".join(args)
db_add(db, nick, text)
notice("Task added!")
elif cmd == 'get':
if len(args):
index = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
notice("Invalid number format.")
index = 0
row = db_get(db, nick, index)
if not row:
notice("No such entry.")
notice("[%d]: %s: %s" % (index, row[0], row[1]))
elif cmd == 'del' or cmd == 'delete' or cmd == 'remove':
if not len(args):
return "error"
if args[0] == 'all':
index = 'all'
index = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
notice("Invalid number.")
rows = db_del(db, nick, index)
notice("Deleted %d entries" % rows.rowcount)
elif cmd == 'list':
limit = -1
if len(args):
limit = int(args[0])
limit = max(-1, limit)
except ValueError:
notice("Invalid number.")
rows = db_getall(db, nick, limit)
found = False
for (index, row) in enumerate(rows):
notice("[%d]: %s: %s" % (index, row[0], row[1]))
found = True
if not found:
notice("%s has no entries." % nick)
elif cmd == 'search':
if not len(args):
notice("No search query given!")
query = " ".join(args)
rows = db_search(db, nick, query)
found = False
for (index, row) in enumerate(rows):
notice("[%d]: %s: %s" % (index, row[0], row[1]))
found = True
if not found:
notice("%s has no matching entries for: %s" % (nick, query))
notice("Unknown command: %s" % cmd)

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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
import htmlentitydefs
import re
from util import hook, http
########### from #############
def unescape(text):
def fixup(m):
text =
if text[:2] == "&#":
# character reference
if text[:3] == "&#x":
return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16))
return unichr(int(text[2:-1]))
except ValueError:
# named entity
text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]])
except KeyError:
return text # leave as is
return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, text)
def goog_trans(text, slang, tlang):
url = ''
parsed = http.get_json(url, q=text, langpair=(slang + '|' + tlang))
if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300:
raise IOError('error with the translation server: %d: %s' % (
parsed['responseStatus'], parsed['responseDetails']))
if not slang:
return unescape('(%(detectedSourceLanguage)s) %(translatedText)s' %
return unescape(parsed['responseData']['translatedText'])
def match_language(fragment):
fragment = fragment.lower()
for short, _ in lang_pairs:
if fragment in short.lower().split():
return short.split()[0]
for short, full in lang_pairs:
if fragment in full.lower():
return short.split()[0]
return None
def translate(inp):
'.translate [source language [target language]] <sentence> -- translates' \
' <sentence> from source language (default autodetect) to target' \
' language (default English) using Google Translate'
args = inp.split(' ', 2)
if len(args) >= 2:
sl = match_language(args[0])
if not sl:
return goog_trans(inp, '', 'en')
if len(args) >= 3:
tl = match_language(args[1])
if not tl:
if sl == 'en':
return 'unable to determine desired target language'
return goog_trans(args[1] + ' ' + args[2], sl, 'en')
return goog_trans(args[2], sl, tl)
return goog_trans(inp, '', 'en')
except IOError, e:
return e
languages = 'ja fr de ko ru zh'.split()
language_pairs = zip(languages[:-1], languages[1:])
def babel_gen(inp):
for language in languages:
inp = inp.encode('utf8')
trans = goog_trans(inp, 'en', language).encode('utf8')
inp = goog_trans(trans, language, 'en')
yield language, trans, inp
def babel(inp):
".babel <sentence> -- translates <sentence> through multiple languages"
return list(babel_gen(inp))[-1][2]
except IOError, e:
return e
def babelext(inp):
".babelext <sentence> -- like .babel, but with more detailed output"
babels = list(babel_gen(inp))
except IOError, e:
return e
out = u''
for lang, trans, text in babels:
out += '%s:"%s", ' % (lang, text.decode('utf8'))
out += 'en:"' + babels[-1][2].decode('utf8') + '"'
if len(out) > 300:
out = out[:150] + ' ... ' + out[-150:]
return out
lang_pairs = [
("no", "Norwegian"),
("it", "Italian"),
("ht", "Haitian Creole"),
("af", "Afrikaans"),
("sq", "Albanian"),
("ar", "Arabic"),
("hy", "Armenian"),
("az", "Azerbaijani"),
("eu", "Basque"),
("be", "Belarusian"),
("bg", "Bulgarian"),
("ca", "Catalan"),
("zh-CN zh", "Chinese"),
("hr", "Croatian"),
("cs", "Czech"),
("da", "Danish"),
("nl", "Dutch"),
("en", "English"),
("et", "Estonian"),
("tl", "Filipino"),
("fi", "Finnish"),
("fr", "French"),
("gl", "Galician"),
("ka", "Georgian"),
("de", "German"),
("el", "Greek"),
("ht", "Haitian Creole"),
("iw", "Hebrew"),
("hi", "Hindi"),
("hu", "Hungarian"),
("is", "Icelandic"),
("id", "Indonesian"),
("ga", "Irish"),
("it", "Italian"),
("ja jp jpn", "Japanese"),
("ko", "Korean"),
("lv", "Latvian"),
("lt", "Lithuanian"),
("mk", "Macedonian"),
("ms", "Malay"),
("mt", "Maltese"),
("no", "Norwegian"),
("fa", "Persian"),
("pl", "Polish"),
("pt", "Portuguese"),
("ro", "Romanian"),
("ru", "Russian"),
("sr", "Serbian"),
("sk", "Slovak"),
("sl", "Slovenian"),
("es", "Spanish"),
("sw", "Swahili"),
("sv", "Swedish"),
("th", "Thai"),
("tr", "Turkish"),
("uk", "Ukrainian"),
("ur", "Urdu"),
("vi", "Vietnamese"),
("cy", "Welsh"),
("yi", "Yiddish")

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
TV information, written by Lurchington 2010
modified by rmmh 2010
import datetime
from urllib2 import URLError
from zipfile import ZipFile
from cStringIO import StringIO
from lxml import etree
from util import hook, http
base_url = ""
api_key = "469B73127CA0C411"
def get_zipped_xml(*args, **kwargs):
path = kwargs.pop("path")
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("must specify a path for the zipped file to be read")
zip_buffer = StringIO(http.get(*args, **kwargs))
return etree.parse(ZipFile(zip_buffer, "r").open(path))
def get_episodes_for_series(seriesname):
res = {"error": None, "ended": False, "episodes": None, "name": None}
query = http.get_xml(base_url + 'GetSeries.php', seriesname=seriesname)
except URLError:
res["error"] = "error contacting"
return res
series_id = query.xpath('//seriesid/text()')
if not series_id:
res["error"] = "unknown tv series (using"
return res
series_id = series_id[0]
series = get_zipped_xml(base_url + '%s/series/%s/all/' %
(api_key, series_id), path="en.xml")
except URLError:
res["error"] = "error contacting"
return res
series_name = series.xpath('//SeriesName/text()')[0]
if series.xpath('//Status/text()')[0] == 'Ended':
res["ended"] = True
res["episodes"] = series.xpath('//Episode')
res["name"] = series_name
return res
def get_episode_info(episode):
first_aired = episode.findtext("FirstAired")
airdate =*map(int, first_aired.split('-')))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
episode_num = "S%02dE%02d" % (int(episode.findtext("SeasonNumber")),
episode_name = episode.findtext("EpisodeName")
# in the event of an unannounced episode title, users either leave the
# field out (None) or fill it with TBA
if episode_name == "TBA":
episode_name = None
episode_desc = '%s' % episode_num
if episode_name:
episode_desc += ' - %s' % episode_name
return (first_aired, airdate, episode_desc)
def tv_next(inp):
".tv_next <series> -- get the next episode of <series>"
episodes = get_episodes_for_series(inp)
if episodes["error"]:
return episodes["error"]
series_name = episodes["name"]
ended = episodes["ended"]
episodes = episodes["episodes"]
if ended:
return "%s has ended." % series_name
next_eps = []
today =
for episode in reversed(episodes):
ep_info = get_episode_info(episode)
if ep_info is None:
(first_aired, airdate, episode_desc) = ep_info
if airdate > today:
next_eps = ['%s (%s)' % (first_aired, episode_desc)]
elif airdate == today:
next_eps = ['Today (%s)' % episode_desc] + next_eps
#we're iterating in reverse order with newest episodes last
#so, as soon as we're past today, break out of loop
if not next_eps:
return "there are no new episodes scheduled for %s" % series_name
if len(next_eps) == 1:
return "the next episode of %s airs %s" % (series_name, next_eps[0])
next_eps = ', '.join(next_eps)
return "the next episodes of %s: %s" % (series_name, next_eps)
def tv_last(inp):
".tv_last <series> -- gets the most recently aired episode of <series>"
episodes = get_episodes_for_series(inp)
if episodes["error"]:
return episodes["error"]
series_name = episodes["name"]
ended = episodes["ended"]
episodes = episodes["episodes"]
prev_ep = None
today =
for episode in reversed(episodes):
ep_info = get_episode_info(episode)
if ep_info is None:
(first_aired, airdate, episode_desc) = ep_info
if airdate < today:
#iterating in reverse order, so the first episode encountered
#before today was the most recently aired
prev_ep = '%s (%s)' % (first_aired, episode_desc)
if not prev_ep:
return "there are no previously aired episodes for %s" % series_name
if ended:
return '%s ended. The last episode aired %s' % (series_name, prev_ep)
return "the last episode of %s aired %s" % (series_name, prev_ep)

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
""" written by Scaevolus 2009
retrieves most recent tweets
import random
import re
from time import strptime, strftime
from util import hook, http
def unescape_xml(string):
# unescape the 5 chars that might be escaped in xml
# gratuitously functional
# return reduce(lambda x, y: x.replace(*y), (string,
# zip('&gt; &lt; &apos; &quote; &amp'.split(), '> < \' " &'.split()))
# boring, normal
return string.replace('&gt;', '>').replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&apos;',
"'").replace('&quote;', '"').replace('&amp;', '&')
history = []
history_max_size = 250
def twitter(inp):
".twitter <user>/<user> <n>/<id>/#<hashtag>/@<user> -- gets last/<n>th "\
"tweet from <user>/gets tweet <id>/gets random tweet with #<hashtag>/"\
"gets replied tweet from @<user>"
def add_reply(reply_name, reply_id):
if len(history) == history_max_size:
history.insert(0, (reply_name, reply_id))
def find_reply(reply_name):
for name, id in history:
if name == reply_name:
return id if id != -1 else name
if inp[0] == '@':
reply_inp = find_reply(inp[1:])
if reply_inp == None:
return 'error: no replies to %s found' % inp
inp = reply_inp
url = ''
getting_nth = False
getting_id = False
searching_hashtag = False
time = 'status/created_at'
text = 'status/text'
reply_name = 'status/in_reply_to_screen_name'
reply_id = 'status/in_reply_to_status_id'
reply_user = 'status/in_reply_to_user_id'
if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp):
getting_id = True
url += '/statuses/show/%s.xml' % inp
screen_name = 'user/screen_name'
time = 'created_at'
text = 'text'
reply_name = 'in_reply_to_screen_name'
reply_id = 'in_reply_to_status_id'
reply_user = 'in_reply_to_user_id'
elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp):
url += '/users/show/%s.xml' % inp
screen_name = 'screen_name'
elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp):
getting_nth = True
name, num = inp.split()
if int(num) > 3200:
return 'error: only supports up to the 3200th tweet'
url += '/statuses/user_timeline/%s.xml?count=1&page=%s' % (name, num)
screen_name = 'status/user/screen_name'
elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp):
url = '' + inp[1:]
searching_hashtag = True
return 'error: invalid request'
tweet = http.get_xml(url)
except http.HTTPError, e:
errors = {400: 'bad request (ratelimited?)',
401: 'tweet is private',
403: 'tweet is private',
404: 'invalid user/id',
500: 'twitter is broken',
502: 'twitter is down ("getting upgraded")',
503: 'twitter is overloaded (lol, RoR)'}
if e.code == 404:
return 'error: invalid ' + ['username', 'tweet id'][getting_id]
if e.code in errors:
return 'error: ' + errors[e.code]
return 'error: unknown %s' % e.code
except http.URLerror, e:
return 'error: timeout'
if searching_hashtag:
ns = '{}'
tweets = tweet.findall(ns + 'entry/' + ns + 'id')
if not tweets:
return 'error: hashtag not found'
id = random.choice(tweets).text
id = id[id.rfind(':') + 1:]
return twitter(id)
if getting_nth:
if tweet.find('status') is None:
return 'error: user does not have that many tweets'
time = tweet.find(time)
if time is None:
return 'error: user has no tweets'
reply_name = tweet.find(reply_name).text
reply_id = tweet.find(reply_id).text
reply_user = tweet.find(reply_user).text
if reply_name is not None and (reply_id is not None or
reply_user is not None):
add_reply(reply_name, reply_id or -1)
time = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))
text = unescape_xml(tweet.find(text).text.replace('\n', ''))
screen_name = tweet.find(screen_name).text
return "%s %s: %s" % (time, screen_name, text)

plugins/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import math
import re
import time
from util import hook, urlnorm, timesince
expiration_period = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day
ignored_urls = [urlnorm.normalize(""),]
def db_init(db):
db.execute("create table if not exists urlhistory"
"(chan, url, nick, time)")
def insert_history(db, chan, url, nick):
now = time.time()
db.execute("insert into urlhistory(chan, url, nick, time) "
"values(?,?,?,?)", (chan, url, nick, time.time()))
def get_history(db, chan, url):
db.execute("delete from urlhistory where time < ?",
(time.time() - expiration_period,))
return db.execute("select nick, time from urlhistory where "
"chan=? and url=? order by time desc", (chan, url)).fetchall()
def nicklist(nicks):
nicks = sorted(dict(nicks), key=unicode.lower)
if len(nicks) <= 2:
return ' and '.join(nicks)
return ', and '.join((', '.join(nicks[:-1]), nicks[-1]))
def format_reply(history):
if not history:
last_nick, recent_time = history[0]
last_time = timesince.timesince(recent_time)
if len(history) == 1:
return #"%s linked that %s ago." % (last_nick, last_time)
hour_span = math.ceil((time.time() - history[-1][1]) / 3600)
hour_span = '%.0f hours' % hour_span if hour_span > 1 else 'hour'
hlen = len(history)
ordinal = ["once", "twice", "%d times" % hlen][min(hlen, 3) - 1]
if len(dict(history)) == 1:
last = "last linked %s ago" % last_time
last = "last linked by %s %s ago" % (last_nick, last_time)
return #"that url has been posted %s in the past %s by %s (%s)." % (ordinal,
@hook.regex(r'([a-zA-Z]+://|www\.)[^ ]+')
def urlinput(match, nick='', chan='', db=None, bot=None):
url = urlnorm.normalize('utf-8'))
if url not in ignored_urls:
url = url.decode('utf-8')
history = get_history(db, chan, url)
insert_history(db, chan, url, nick)
inp = match.string.lower()
for name in dict(history):
if name.lower() in inp: # person was probably quoting a line
return # that had a link. don't remind them.
if nick not in dict(history):
return format_reply(history)

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
from util import hook, http, urlnorm
import urllib
import re
import BeautifulSoup
ignored_urls = [urlnorm.normalize(""),urlnorm.normalize("")]
def parse(match):
url = urlnorm.normalize(match.encode('utf-8'))
if url not in ignored_urls:
url = url.decode('utf-8')
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(url))
return soup.title.string
return "Failed to parse URL"
#@hook.regex(r'^(?#Protocol)(?:(?:ht|f)tp(?:s?)\:\/\/|~\/|\/)?(?#Username:Password)(?:\w+:\w+@)?(?#Subdomains)(?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+(?#TopLevel Domains)(?:com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum|travel|[a-z]{2}))(?#Port)(?::[\d]{1,5})?(?#Directories)(?:(?:(?:\/(?:[-\w~!$+|.,=]|%[a-f\d]{2})+)+|\/)+|\?|#)?(?#Query)(?:(?:\?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)(?:&(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)*)*(?#Anchor)(?:#(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)?$')
def title(inp):
p = re.compile(r'^(?#Protocol)(?:(?:ht|f)tp(?:s?)\:\/\/|~\/|\/)?(?#Username:Password)(?:\w+:\w+@)?(?#Subdomains)(?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+(?#TopLevel Domains)(?:com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum|travel|[a-z]{2}))(?#Port)(?::[\d]{1,5})?(?#Directories)(?:(?:(?:\/(?:[-\w~!$+|.,=]|%[a-f\d]{2})+)+|\/)+|\?|#)?(?#Query)(?:(?:\?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)(?:&(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)*)*(?#Anchor)(?:#(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)?$')
m = p.match(inp)
if m:
return parse(inp)
return 'Invalid URL!'

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import inspect
import re
def _hook_add(func, add, name=''):
if not hasattr(func, '_hook'):
func._hook = []
if not hasattr(func, '_filename'):
func._filename = func.func_code.co_filename
if not hasattr(func, '_args'):
argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
if name:
n_args = len(argspec.args)
if argspec.defaults:
n_args -= len(argspec.defaults)
if argspec.keywords:
n_args -= 1
if argspec.varargs:
n_args -= 1
if n_args != 1:
err = '%ss must take 1 non-keyword argument (%s)' % (name,
raise ValueError(err)
args = []
if argspec.defaults:
end = bool(argspec.keywords) + bool(argspec.varargs)
end if end else None])
if argspec.keywords:
args.append(0) # means kwargs present
func._args = args
if not hasattr(func, '_thread'): # does function run in its own thread?
func._thread = False
def sieve(func):
if func.func_code.co_argcount != 5:
raise ValueError(
'sieves must take 5 arguments: (bot, input, func, type, args)')
_hook_add(func, ['sieve', (func,)])
return func
def command(arg=None, **kwargs):
args = {}
def command_wrapper(func):
args.setdefault('name', func.func_name)
_hook_add(func, ['command', (func, args)], 'command')
return func
if kwargs or not inspect.isfunction(arg):
if arg is not None:
args['name'] = arg
return command_wrapper
return command_wrapper(arg)
def event(arg=None, **kwargs):
args = kwargs
def event_wrapper(func):
args['name'] = func.func_name
args.setdefault('events', ['*'])
_hook_add(func, ['event', (func, args)], 'event')
return func
if inspect.isfunction(arg):
return event_wrapper(arg, kwargs)
if arg is not None:
args['events'] = arg.split()
return event_wrapper
def singlethread(func):
func._thread = True
return func
def regex(regex, flags=0, **kwargs):
args = kwargs
def regex_wrapper(func):
args['name'] = func.func_name
args['regex'] = regex
args['re'] = re.compile(regex, flags)
_hook_add(func, ['regex', (func, args)], 'regex')
return func
if inspect.isfunction(regex):
raise ValueError("regex decorators require a regex to match against")
return regex_wrapper

plugins/util/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# convenience wrapper for urllib2 & friends
import cookielib
import json
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
from urllib import quote, quote_plus as _quote_plus
from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from lxml import etree, html
ua_skybot = 'Cloudbot/3.4'
ua_firefox = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: ' \
'Gecko/20070725 Firefox/'
ua_internetexplorer = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'
jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
def get(*args, **kwargs):
return open(*args, **kwargs).read()
def get_html(*args, **kwargs):
return html.fromstring(get(*args, **kwargs))
def get_soup(*args, **kwargs):
return BeautifulSoup(get(*args, **kwargs))
def get_xml(*args, **kwargs):
return etree.fromstring(get(*args, **kwargs))
def get_json(*args, **kwargs):
return json.loads(get(*args, **kwargs))
def open(url, query_params=None, user_agent=None, post_data=None,
get_method=None, cookies=False, **kwargs):
if query_params is None:
query_params = {}
if user_agent is None:
user_agent = ua_skybot
url = prepare_url(url, query_params)
request = urllib2.Request(url, post_data)
if get_method is not None:
request.get_method = lambda: get_method
request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
if cookies:
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
def prepare_url(url, queries):
if queries:
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
query = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(query))
query = urllib.urlencode(dict((to_utf8(key), to_utf8(value))
for key, value in query.iteritems()))
url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
return url
def to_utf8(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
return s.encode('utf8', 'ignore')
return str(s)
def quote_plus(s):
return _quote_plus(to_utf8(s))
def unescape(s):
if not s.strip():
return s
return html.fromstring(s).text_content()

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
from time import time as unix_time
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from datetime import datetime
import tempfile
import logging as log
import errno
import re
import sys
import os
class HTMLStripper(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, data):
self._stripped = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag.lower() == 'br':
def handle_charref(self, name):
if name.lower().startswith('x'):
char = int(name[1:], 16)
char = int(name)
except Exception, error:
log.warn('invalid entity: %s' % error)
def handle_entityref(self, name):
char = unichr(name2codepoint[name])
except Exception, error:
log.warn('unknown entity: %s' % error)
char = u'&%s;' % name
def handle_data(self, data):
def stripped(self):
return ''.join(self._stripped)
def superscript(text):
if isinstance(text, str):
text = decode(text, 'utf-8')
return text.translate(SUPER_MAP)
def strip_html(data):
return HTMLStripper(data).stripped

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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2001, Chris Gonnerman
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Neither the name of the author nor the names of any contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
# without specific prior written permission.
""" -- molecular (ngenoid) name generator
This module knows how to generate "random" names for RPG characters.
It uses the same method as the "ngen" name generator by Kimmo Kulovesi,
and in fact it can use the same name files. knows how
to merge multiple tables also, which can be handy...
If run as a command-line program, use the following options:
-r namefile -- read the given name file and add to the
current name table.
nnn -- generate nnn (a number) names and print
on standard output.
To generate names from a name file:
python -r file 10
As a module (to be imported) you get the following classes and functions:
NameFile (class) -- a file wrapper with a disabled close() method,
used internally and probably not useful otherwise.
nameopen (function) -- opens a file; takes filename and mode options,
searches the default name file directory if not
found in current directory, handles "-" filenames,
and uses NameFile to disable closing of sys.stdin/
Molecule (class) -- the meat of the matter. A Molecule instance has
the following methods:
.load(file) -- loads a name file,
which may be a file-like
object with a .readline()
method or a filename as a
.name() -- generate one name and
return it.
__version__ = "1.0"
import string, re, sys, random
NAMEDIR = "/home/ircbot/bot/plugins/util/names"
NAMESECTIONS = [ "inf", "first", "mid", "final", "notes", "end" ]
class NameFile:
__file_attributes = ('closed','mode','name','softspace')
def __init__(self, file):
self.fd = file
def close(self):
def flush(self):
return self.fd.flush()
def isatty(self):
return self.fd.isatty()
def fileno(self):
return self.fd.fileno()
def read(self, *args):
return apply(, args)
def readline(self, *args):
return apply(self.fd.readline, args)
def readlines(self, *args):
return apply(self.fd.readlines, args)
def seek(self, *args):
return apply(, args)
def tell(self):
return self.fd.tell()
def write(self, str):
return self.fd.write(str)
def writelines(self, list):
return self.fd.writelines(list)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.fd)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.__file_attributes:
return getattr(self.fd, name)
return self.__dict__[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__file_attributes:
setattr(self.fd, name, value)
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __cmp__(self, file):
"""I'm not sure what the correct behavior is, and therefore
this implementation is just a guess."""
if type(file) == type(self.fd):
return cmp(self.fd, file)
return cmp(self.fd, file.fd)
class NameReader:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.line = ""
def next(self):
self.line = self.file.readline()
return self.line
def close(self):
return self.file.close()
def safeopen(filename, mode):
return open(filename, mode)
except IOError:
return None
def nameopen(filename, mode):
if filename == "-":
if "r" in mode:
return NameFile(sys.stdin)
return NameFile(sys.stdout)
fp = safeopen(filename, mode)
if fp is None:
fp = safeopen(filename + ".nam", mode)
if "r" in mode and fp is None:
fp = safeopen(NAMEDIR + "/" + filename, mode)
# last call is open() instead of safeopen() to finally raise
# the exception if we just can't find the file.
if fp is None:
fp = open(NAMEDIR + "/" + filename + ".nam", mode)
return fp
class Molecule:
def __init__(self):
self.nametbl = {}
self.nametbl[i] = []
self.nametbl[""] = []
self.cursection = self.nametbl[""]
def load(self, fp):
if type(fp) is type(""):
fp = nameopen(fp, "r")
fp = NameFile(fp)
rdr = NameReader(fp)
line = rdr.line[:-1]
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == '[' and line[-1] == ']':
line = string.strip(line)[1:-1]
if not self.nametbl.has_key(line):
self.nametbl[line] = []
self.cursection = self.nametbl[line]
def name(self):
n = []
if len(self.nametbl["first"]) > 0:
if len(self.nametbl["mid"]) > 0:
if len(self.nametbl["final"]) > 0:
return string.join(n, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
sys.stderr.write( \
"Usage: [ -r file ] [ nn ]\n")
name = Molecule()
i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[i]
if arg == "-r":
i += 1
n = int(sys.argv[i])
lst = []
for i in range(n):
i += 1

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of Django nor the names of its contributors may be used
# to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
# specific prior written permission.
import datetime
def timesince(d, now=None):
Takes two datetime objects and returns the time between d and now
as a nicely formatted string, e.g. "10 minutes". If d occurs after now,
then "0 minutes" is returned.
Units used are years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes.
Seconds and microseconds are ignored. Up to two adjacent units will be
displayed. For example, "2 weeks, 3 days" and "1 year, 3 months" are
possible outputs, but "2 weeks, 3 hours" and "1 year, 5 days" are not.
Adapted from
chunks = (
(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, ('year', 'years')),
(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, ('month', 'months')),
(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ('week', 'weeks')),
(60 * 60 * 24, ('day', 'days')),
(60 * 60, ('hour', 'hours')),
(60, ('minute', 'minutes'))
# Convert int or float (unix epoch) to datetime.datetime for comparison
if isinstance(d, int) or isinstance(d, float):
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d)
# Convert to datetime.datetime for comparison.
if not isinstance(d, datetime.datetime):
d = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month,
if now and not isinstance(now, datetime.datetime):
now = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,
if not now:
now =
# ignore microsecond part of 'd' since we removed it from 'now'
delta = now - (d - datetime.timedelta(0, 0, d.microsecond))
since = delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds
if since <= 0:
# d is in the future compared to now, stop processing.
return u'0 ' + 'minutes'
for i, (seconds, name) in enumerate(chunks):
count = since // seconds
if count != 0:
if count == 1:
s = '%(number)d %(type)s' % {'number': count, 'type': name[0]}
s = '%(number)d %(type)s' % {'number': count, 'type': name[1]}
if i + 1 < len(chunks):
# Now get the second item
seconds2, name2 = chunks[i + 1]
count2 = (since - (seconds * count)) // seconds2
if count2 != 0:
if count2 == 1:
s += ', %d %s' % (count2, name2[0])
s += ', %d %s' % (count2, name2[1])
return s
def timeuntil(d, now=None):
Like timesince, but returns a string measuring the time until
the given time.
if not now:
now =
return timesince(now, d)

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
URI Normalization function:
* Always provide the URI scheme in lowercase characters.
* Always provide the host, if any, in lowercase characters.
* Only perform percent-encoding where it is essential.
* Always use uppercase A-through-F characters when percent-encoding.
* Prevent dot-segments appearing in non-relative URI paths.
* For schemes that define a default authority, use an empty authority if the
default is desired.
* For schemes that define an empty path to be equivalent to a path of "/",
use "/".
* For schemes that define a port, use an empty port if the default is desired
* All portions of the URI must be utf-8 encoded NFC from Unicode strings
inspired by:
Tony J. Ibbs,
Mark Nottingham,
__license__ = "Python"
import re
import unicodedata
import urlparse
from urllib import quote, unquote
default_port = {
'http': 80,
class Normalizer(object):
def __init__(self, regex, normalize_func):
self.regex = regex
self.normalize = normalize_func
normalizers = ( Normalizer( re.compile(r'(?:https?://)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)?(?:amazon|amzn){1}\.(?P<tld>[a-zA-Z\.]{2,})\/(gp/(?:product|offer-listing|customer-media/product-gallery)/|exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/|o/ASIN/|dp/|(?:[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)/dp/)?(?P<ASIN>[0-9A-Za-z]{10})'),
lambda m: r'http://amazon.%s/dp/%s' % ('tld'),'ASIN'))),
Normalizer( re.compile(r'.*waffleimages\.com.*/([0-9a-fA-F]{40})'),
lambda m: r'' % ),
Normalizer( re.compile(r'(?:youtube.*?(?:v=|/v/)|youtu\.be/|yooouuutuuube.*?id=)([-_a-z0-9]+)'),
lambda m: r'' % ),
def normalize(url):
"""Normalize a URL."""
scheme, auth, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url.strip())
userinfo, host, port ='([^@]*@)?([^:]*):?(.*)', auth).groups()
# Always provide the URI scheme in lowercase characters.
scheme = scheme.lower()
# Always provide the host, if any, in lowercase characters.
host = host.lower()
if host and host[-1] == '.':
host = host[:-1]
if host and host.startswith("www."):
if not scheme:
scheme = "http"
host = host[4:]
elif path and path.startswith("www."):
if not scheme:
scheme = "http"
path = path[4:]
# Only perform percent-encoding where it is essential.
# Always use uppercase A-through-F characters when percent-encoding.
# All portions of the URI must be utf-8 encoded NFC from Unicode strings
def clean(string):
string = unicode(unquote(string), 'utf-8', 'replace')
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', string).encode('utf-8')
path = quote(clean(path), "~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=")
fragment = quote(clean(fragment), "~")
# note care must be taken to only encode & and = characters as values
query = "&".join(["=".join([quote(clean(t), "~:/?#[]@!$'()*+,;=")
for t in q.split("=", 1)]) for q in query.split("&")])
# Prevent dot-segments appearing in non-relative URI paths.
if scheme in ["", "http", "https", "ftp", "file"]:
output = []
for input in path.split('/'):
if input == "":
if not output:
elif input == ".":
elif input == "..":
if len(output) > 1:
if input in ["", ".", ".."]:
path = '/'.join(output)
# For schemes that define a default authority, use an empty authority if
# the default is desired.
if userinfo in ["@", ":@"]:
userinfo = ""
# For schemes that define an empty path to be equivalent to a path of "/",
# use "/".
if path == "" and scheme in ["http", "https", "ftp", "file"]:
path = "/"
# For schemes that define a port, use an empty port if the default is
# desired
if port and scheme in default_port.keys():
if port.isdigit():
port = str(int(port))
if int(port) == default_port[scheme]:
port = ''
# Put it all back together again
auth = (userinfo or "") + host
if port:
auth += ":" + port
if url.endswith("#") and query == "" and fragment == "":
path += "#"
normal_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, auth, path, query,
fragment)).replace("http:///", "http://")
for norm in normalizers:
m = norm.regex.match(normal_url)
if m:
return norm.normalize(m)
return normal_url

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Runs a given url through the w3c validator
by Vladi
from util import hook, http
def validate(inp):
".validate <url> -- runs url through w3c markup validator"
if not inp.startswith('http://'):
inp = 'http://' + inp
url = '' + http.quote_plus(inp)
info = dict(
status = info['x-w3c-validator-status'].lower()
if status in ("valid", "invalid"):
errorcount = info['x-w3c-validator-errors']
warningcount = info['x-w3c-validator-warnings']
return "%s was found to be %s with %s errors and %s warnings." \
" see: %s" % (inp, status, errorcount, warningcount, url)

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from util import hook, http
def vimeo_url(match):
info = http.get_json(''
if info:
return ("\x02%(title)s\x02 - length \x02%(duration)ss\x02 - "
"\x02%(stats_number_of_likes)s\x02 likes - "
"\x02%(stats_number_of_plays)s\x02 plays - "
"\x02%(user_name)s\x02 on \x02%(upload_date)s\x02"
% info[0])

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"weather, thanks to google"
from util import hook, http
def weather(inp, nick='', server='', reply=None, db=None, notice=None):
".weather <location> [dontsave] -- gets weather data from Google"
loc = inp
dontsave = loc.endswith(" dontsave")
if dontsave:
loc = loc[:-9].strip().lower()
db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")
if not loc: # blank line
loc = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
if not loc:
loc = loc[0]
w = http.get_xml('', weather=loc)
w = w.find('weather')
if w.find('problem_cause') is not None:
notice("Couldn't fetch weather data for '%s', try using a zip or " \
"postal code." % inp)
info = dict((e.tag, e.get('data')) for e in w.find('current_conditions'))
info['city'] = w.find('forecast_information/city').get('data')
info['high'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/high').get('data')
info['low'] = w.find('forecast_conditions/low').get('data')
reply('%(city)s: %(condition)s, %(temp_f)sF/%(temp_c)sC (H:%(high)sF'\
', L:%(low)sF), %(humidity)s, %(wind_condition)s.' % info)
if inp and not dontsave:
db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)",
(nick.lower(), loc))

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
'''Searches wikipedia and returns first sentence of article
Scaevolus 2009'''
import re
from util import hook, http
api_prefix = ""
search_url = api_prefix + "?action=opensearch&format=xml"
paren_re = re.compile('\s*\(.*\)$')
def wiki(inp):
'''.w/.wiki <phrase> -- gets first sentence of wikipedia ''' \
'''article on <phrase>'''
x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp)
ns = '{}'
items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item')
if items == []:
if x.find('error') is not None:
return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib
return 'no results found'
def extract(item):
return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in
('Text', 'Description', 'Url')]
title, desc, url = extract(items[0])
if 'may refer to' in desc:
title, desc, url = extract(items[1])
title = paren_re.sub('', title)
if title.lower() not in desc.lower():
desc = title + desc
desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip() # remove excess spaces
if len(desc) > 300:
desc = desc[:300] + '...'
return '%s -- %s' % (desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
def wolframalpha(inp):
".wa/.wolframalpha <query> -- scrapes Wolfram Alpha's" \
" results for <query>"
url = ""
h = http.get_html(url, i=inp)
pods = h.xpath("//div[@class='pod ']")
pod_texts = []
for pod in pods:
heading = pod.find('h2')
if heading is not None:
heading = heading.text_content().strip()
if heading.startswith('Input'):
results = []
for alt in pod.xpath('div/div[@class="output pnt"]/img/@alt'):
alt = alt.strip().replace('\\n', '; ')
alt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', alt)
if alt:
if results:
pod_texts.append(heading + ' ' + '|'.join(results))
ret = '. '.join(pod_texts)
if not pod_texts:
return 'no results'
ret = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', ret)
def unicode_sub(match):
return unichr(int(, 16))
ret = re.sub(r'\\:([0-9a-z]{4})', unicode_sub, ret)
if len(ret) > 430:
ret = ret[:ret.rfind(' ', 0, 430)]
ret = re.sub(r'\W+$', '', ret) + '...'
if not ret:
return 'no result'
return ret

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import re
from util import hook, http
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def wordu(inp, say=False, nick=False):
".word -- gets the word of the day
return "true"
page = http.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
word = soup.find('strong', {'class' : 'main_entry_word'})
function = soup.find('p', {'class' : 'word_function'})
#definitions = re.findall(r'<span class="ssens"><strong>:</strong>'
# r' *([^<]+)</span>', content)
say("(%s) The word of the day is: \x02%s\x02 (%s)" % (nick, word, function))

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import locale
import re
import time
from util import hook, http
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
youtube_re = (r'(?:youtube.*?(?:v=|/v/)|youtu\.be/|yooouuutuuube.*?id=)'
'([-_a-z0-9]+)', re.I)
base_url = ''
url = base_url + 'videos/%s?v=2&alt=jsonc'
search_api_url = base_url + 'videos?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=1'
video_url = ""
def get_video_description(vid_id):
j = http.get_json(url % vid_id)
if j.get('error'):
j = j['data']
out = {}
out["title"] = '%s' % j['title']
if not j.get('duration'):
return out
length = j['duration']
ti = ""
if length / 3600: # > 1 hour
ti += '%dh ' % (length / 3600)
if length / 60:
ti += '%dm ' % (length / 60 % 60)
out["length"] = ti
#out += "%ds\x02" % (length % 60)
if 'ratingCount' in j and 'likeCount' in j:
out["likes"] = int(j['likeCount'])
out["dislikes"] = int(j['ratingCount']) - int(j['likeCount'])
if 'rating' in j:
out["rating"] = (j['rating'])
if 'viewCount' in j:
out["views"] = j['viewCount']
upload_time = time.strptime(j['uploaded'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
out["uploadtime"] = (j['uploader'])
# title. uploader. length. upload date.
give = '\x02' + j[u'title'] + '\x02'
give += " - Length: " + GetInHMS(j['duration'])
give += " - "+ j[u'uploaded'][:10] + " by " + j[u'uploader']
return give
def GetInHMS(seconds):
hours = seconds / 3600
seconds -= 3600*hours
minutes = seconds / 60
seconds -= 60*minutes
if hours == 0:
return "%02d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds)
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
def youtube_url(match):
return get_video_description(
def youtube(inp):
'.youtube <query> -- returns the first YouTube search result for <query>'
j = http.get_json(search_api_url, q=inp)
if 'error' in j:
return 'error performing search'
if j['data']['totalItems'] == 0:
return 'no results found'
vid_id = j['data']['items'][0]['id']
return get_video_description(vid_id) + " - " + video_url % vid_id