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2021-02-18 20:07:07 +01:00
# ssh-port-forwarding
2022-04-14 20:03:02 +02:00
(how to use plain openssh to do remote port forwarding)
2021-02-18 20:07:07 +01:00
2022-04-14 20:04:13 +02:00
There are many good reasons to do secure port forwarding through ssh. For example if you own two servers in different datacenters and you want to connect them to a single service which is less restricted when accessed locally (e.g. port 25 for SMTP) or you want to forward a service from a system behind a firewall (e.g. a web service on your home server).
Traditionally you would use autossh to manage permanent ssh connections. However through many hours of testing this has prooven unreliable in many ways. When connecting multiple times to the same server autossh by default uses the same ports for monitoring, which leads to the termination of at least one connection. There also were inexplicable cases when sshd remained running on the server, while the client was actually disconnected and could not restore the connection due to the broken process on the server. Even worse, autossh does not check if ssh has built up all forwardings successfully, leading to incomplete connections with partial port forwardings (e.g. if a port on the server is still in use by an other process).
2022-04-14 20:06:10 +02:00
Luckily openssh made autossh redundant because it already offers built-in monitoring. No additional monitoring ports are necessary anymore. However, there are quite a few options that you should know about in order to improve security and reliability of such a setup. This is the motivation behind this tutorial.
2021-02-18 21:07:58 +01:00
## Disclaimer
When you follow this guide, you can make otherwise protected services accessible to the public Internet (when using `ssh -R`). This might be an attack vector into your protected network.
2021-02-18 21:27:00 +01:00
When you don't set restrictions properly, an attacker might gain access to your server, either via direct shell access or through forwarding the port of your unprotected service (e.g. a database on localhost).
## Server configuration
2021-02-18 22:23:55 +01:00
First become root through `sudo su -` or `su -`.
2021-02-18 21:27:00 +01:00
### `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`
Add or change the following lines:
GatewayPorts clientspecified
ClientAliveInterval 5
ClientAliveCountMax 3
2022-04-15 01:09:46 +02:00
This allows any user to forward his local ports to an unprivileged public port on the server (`ssh -R`). You have to restrict this later on through the `permitlisten` variable in the `authorized_keys` file. The other two variables specify how often the server should send keep alive messages and how many missed messages from the client it will tolerate. The same has to be set on the client side, but there it can be done as a command line parameter.
2021-02-18 22:23:55 +01:00
### special user account
on debian you can run the following:
adduser ssh-port-forwarding --system
su ssh-port-forwarding -s '/bin/bash' -c 'mkdir ~/.ssh/; chmod 700 ~/.ssh/; touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
`/etc/passwd` should look similar to this:
and `ls -lsha ~ssh-port-forwarding/.ssh/` should look like this:
4,0K drwx------ 2 ssh-port-forwarding nogroup 4,0K 18. Feb 22:18 .
4,0K drwxr-xr-x 3 ssh-port-forwarding nogroup 4,0K 18. Feb 22:18 ..
0 -rw-r--r-- 1 ssh-port-forwarding nogroup 0 18. Feb 22:18 authorized_keys
2021-02-18 22:39:38 +01:00
### Configuring access rights
This is all done in `/home/ssh-port-forwarding/.ssh/authorized_keys`.
First use the `ssh-keygen` command to create a private and public key pair on the client side. Don't type any password! Then use `cat ~/.ssh/` to display the content of your newly created public key. After that add a new line in the `authorized_keys` file on the server. Use the following line as an example. Your clients public key starts at `AAAA...` and this all needs to be in a single line per key.
`restrict,command="",port-forwarding,permitlisten="localhost:9999",permitopen="localhost:80" ssh-rsa AAAA...`
* `restrict`: this disables all available and future forwarding options (we will whitelist what we need)
2021-02-18 23:38:34 +01:00
* `command=""`: don't allow client to send a command, set an empty forced command instead
* `port-forwarding`: allow port forwarding
* `permitlisten="localhost:9999"`: permit client to create a listening socket (via `ssh -R`) on port 9999 on the server, which forwards requests to a service on the client
* `permitopen="localhost:80"`: permit client to access (via `ssh -L`) port 80 port on server, which will then be offered as a local port on the client
2021-02-18 23:38:34 +01:00
The `permitopen` and `permitlisten` options can be used multiple times in a row. The syntax is as follows:
* `permitlisten="[host:]port`
* `port` is the port on the server that you want to open locally or towards the Internet
* `host` specifies on which interface the server should listen for incoming connections. You should either specify `localhost` or `*`
* `localhost` binds the port to the loopback device and can only be used by processes on the same server
* `*` allows access from everywhere (e.g. from the Internet, if your firewall allows that) if `GatewayPorts clientspecified` is set in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`
2021-02-18 23:47:47 +01:00
* `permitopen="host:port"`
2022-04-15 01:21:04 +02:00
* `host` is the hostname or IP address of the server that the client should be allowed to connect to via your server
* `port` is the port number on the `host` that will be forwarded to the client
## Client side configuration
First connect to your server manually, in order to accept the server certificate!\
You should run the client side ssh command in a loop because it is tuned to terminate as soon as errors are detected. Don't worry, this is well tested. If you are old school you simply put this into `/etc/rc.local`:
(while true; do
ssh ...
sleep 30
done) &
exit 0
Don't forget to mark the script as executable: `chmod +x /etc/rc.local`
The client side ssh command looks like:
`ssh -TNnqakx -o "TCPKeepAlive yes" -o "ServerAliveInterval 5" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport -L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport`
* `-T` disable pseudo terminal allocation
* `-N` don't execute any command on the server
* `-n` redirect stdin to /dev/null (necessary as we run this command in background)
* `-q` disable most output
* `-a` don't forward the authentication agent connection
* `-k` disable forwarding of GSSAPI credentials
* `-x` dsable X11 forwarding
* `-o "TCPKeepAlive yes"` enable SSH's built in self monitring
* `-o "ServerAliveInterval 5"` send test messages every five seconds
* `-o "ServerAliveCountMax 3"` mark connection as failed after 3 lost test messages
* `-o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes"` quit ssh process if self check or __any of the forwardings__ fail (this is a crucial feature missing in autossh)
* `-4` (not shown above) is optional to foce ssh to use IPv4 only (in case of problems with IPv6)
* `-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport` (see above -> `permitlisten`; can be repeated multiple times)
* `bind_address` usually `localhost` or `*` (optional)
* `port` port that the server should open for incoming connections
* `host` hostname or address that the client should forward the connection to (e.g. localhost)
* `hostport` existing port on the host that should be forwarded
* `-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport` (see above -> `permitopen`; can be repeated multiple times)
* `bind_address` address on the client, that the port should be bound to (optional; usually left blank)
* `port` port that should be opened on the client
* `host` host that the client wants to access through the server (e.g. `localhost` on the server itself)
* `hostport` existing port that should be forwarded to the client
Please beware that the hostname part in the `-L` and `-R` options must be spelled exactly the same as in the `permitlisten` and `permitopen` variables on the server ("Localhost", "localhost" and "" are treated different).
## Example
In this example we forward a http based service running on the client (port 80) to the server (port 2280). The server can than deliver the service via its own webserver. Port 2280 on the server is only available locally.\
Additionally the client accesses the remote mail server (port 25) and provides local access for applications running on the client (through port 2225). That way an application on the client can send mail via the remote server. It is not necessary to to open the remote mail relay to the internet. Requests to port 2225 on the client are treated as if they were done locally on the server.\
The last forwarding coud be used to publicly offer a service runninging on the client (port 9999) via the server (port 8080). Port 8080 on the server can be accessed by everyone on the internet and will be forwarded to port 9999 on the client.
### Server
#### /etc/ssh/sshd_config
(changed variables)
GatewayPorts clientspecified
ClientAliveInterval 5
ClientAliveCountMax 3
#### /home/ssh-port-forwarding/.ssh/authorized_keys
(client public key shortented to `AAAA...`)
restrict,command="",port-forwarding,permitlisten="localhost:2280",permitopen="localhost:25" ssh-rsa AAAA... root@client
### Client
Before running the script, test the command manually. This is also important if you were not connected to this server before from your client. On your first connection you have to accept the server key!
#### /etc/rc.local
(while true; do
ssh -TNnqakx -o "TCPKeepAlive yes" -o "ServerAliveInterval 5" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -R '2280:localhost:80' -L '2225:localhost:25' -R '*:8080:localhost:9999'
sleep 30
done) &
exit 0