überflüssiges Zeichen entfernt

This commit is contained in:
Florian Schlegel 2016-09-04 14:53:08 +02:00
parent b30ff070c5
commit 1d9d19797e
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if [ "$OH" == "" ]; then OH=0; fi
OPTIONS="-resize $W -set depth 8 -set colorspace RGB"
#initial conversion
convert-im6 $OPTIONS "$INPUT" txt:- | awk -v ow=i"$OW" -v oh="$OH" 'match($0, /^([0-9]*),([0-9]*):.*#([0-9A-Fa-f]{6,8}) +r/, arr ){ print "PX " arr[1]+ow " " arr[2]+oh " " arr[3] }' > "$OUTPUT"
convert-im6 $OPTIONS "$INPUT" txt:- | awk -v ow="$OW" -v oh="$OH" 'match($0, /^([0-9]*),([0-9]*):.*#([0-9A-Fa-f]{6,8}) +r/, arr ){ print "PX " arr[1]+ow " " arr[2]+oh " " arr[3] }' > "$OUTPUT"
echo optimizing >&2