import os import json import socket import subprocess UDP_IP_ADDRESS = "" UDP_PORT_NO = 7000 serverSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) serverSock.bind((UDP_IP_ADDRESS, UDP_PORT_NO)) SIDS = ('S1', 'S2', 'S3') mplayers = dict(S1=None, S2=None, S3=None) import io PIPE = io.StringIO() for sid in SIDS: os.unlink(f'/tmp/mplayerctrl{sid}') os.mkfifo(f'/tmp/mplayerctrl{sid}') def _get_current(): res = [] with open('play.json') as playconf: for screen_id, filepath in json.loads( if filepath == '': continue res.append((screen_id, filepath)) return res def _mplayer_command(screen_id, mplayercmd): with open(f'/tmp/mplayerctrl{screen_id}', 'a') as ctrl: ctrl.write(mplayercmd) def get_time(): for screen_id, filepath in _get_current(): _mplayer_command(screen_id, 'pausing_keep_force get_time_pos\n') def load_current(): #XXX report back loading to webinterface for screen_id, filepath in _get_current(): cmd = f'loadfile storage/{filepath}\npause\npausing_keep get_time_length\n' _mplayer_command(screen_id, cmd) _mplayer_command(screen_id, f'pausing_keep_force run "echo ${{pause}} > {screen_id}_pause"\n') def play_current(): for screen_id, filepath in _get_current(): _mplayer_command(screen_id, f'pause\n') _mplayer_command(screen_id, f'pausing_keep_force run "echo ${{pause}} > {screen_id}_pause"\n') def stop_current(): for screen_id, filepath in _get_current(): with open(f'/tmp/mplayerctrl{screen_id}', 'a') as ctrl: ctrl.write("stop\n") os.unlink(f'curtime_{screen_id}.json') def ninja(cmd): for sid in SIDS: if f'{sid}' in cmd: scr = sid break scr = scr[1] if cmd.endswith('start'): os.system(f'./ {scr}') elif cmd.endswith('stop'): os.system(f'./ {scr}') while True: data, addr = serverSock.recvfrom(1024) commands = data.decode("utf8").splitlines() for cmd in commands: print(cmd) if cmd == 'load_current': load_current() elif cmd == 'play_current': play_current() elif cmd == 'stop_current': stop_current() elif cmd == 'get_time': get_time() elif cmd.startswith('ninja'): ninja(cmd) else: print(f"{cmd} not found!")