import csv import random import time, os import sys import time import numpy as np import itertools from ADS1256_definitions import * from pipyadc import ADS1256 # In this example, we pretend myconfig_2 was a different configuration file # named "" for a second ADS1256 chip connected to the SPI bus. import ADS1256_tim01_config as myconfig_2 from tkinter import * print ("TEST") def fetch(e): print("NAME: ",e) global name_input global e1 name_input=e1.get() name_input="Nobody" master = Tk() Label(master, text="Name").grid(row=0) e1 = Entry(master,font=("Arial", 26)) e1.bind("",fetch) b1 = Button(master, text='Change', command=(lambda e=e1.get(): fetch(e))) e1.grid(row=0, column=0) b1.grid(row=0, column=1) x_value = 0 total_1 = 1000 total_2 = 1000 fieldnames = ["x_value", "total_1", "name_input"] #with open('data.csv', 'w') as csv_file: # csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) # csv_writer.writeheader() first=True # Input pin for the potentiometer on the Waveshare Precision ADC board: POTI = POS_AIN0|NEG_AINCOM # Light dependant resistor of the same board: LDR = POS_AIN1|NEG_AINCOM # The other external input screw terminals of the Waveshare board: EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 = POS_AIN2|NEG_AINCOM, POS_AIN3|NEG_AIN4, POS_AIN4|NEG_AIN3 EXT5, EXT6, EXT7 = POS_AIN5|NEG_AINCOM, POS_AIN6|NEG_AINCOM, POS_AIN7|NEG_AINCOM # You can connect any pin as well to the positive as to the negative ADC input. # The following reads the voltage of the potentiometer with negative polarity. # The ADC reading should be identical to that of the POTI channel, but negative. POTI_INVERTED = POS_AINCOM|NEG_AIN0 # For fun, connect both ADC inputs to the same physical input pin. # The ADC should always read a value close to zero for this. SHORT_CIRCUIT = POS_AIN0|NEG_AIN0 # Specify here an arbitrary length list (tuple) of arbitrary input channel pair # eight-bit code values to scan sequentially from index 0 to last. # Eight channels fit on the screen nicely for this example.. #CH_SEQUENCE = (POTI, LDR, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, EXT7, POTI_INVERTED, SHORT_CIRCUIT) CH_SEQUENCE = (EXT3,) ################################################################################ ########################## CALIBRATION CONSTANTS ############################ # This shows how to use individual channel calibration values. # # The ADS1256 has internal gain and offset calibration registers, but these are # applied to all channels without making any difference. # I we want to use individual calibration values, e.g. to compensate external # circuitry parasitics, we can do this very easily in software. # The following values are only for demonstration and have no meaning. CH_OFFSET = np.array((-10, 0, 0, 0, 750, 0, 0, 0), GAIN_CAL = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), dtype=np.float) ################################################################################ # Using the Numpy library, digital signal processing is easy as (Raspberry) Pi.. # However, this constant only specifies the length of a moving average. FILTER_SIZE = 1 ################################################################################ def do_measurement(): ### STEP 1: Initialise ADC objects for two chips connected to the SPI bus. # In this example, we pretend myconfig_2 was a different configuration file # named "" for a second ADS1256 chip connected to the SPI bus. # This file must be imported, see top of the this file. # Omitting the first chip here, as this is only an example. #ads1 = ADS1256(myconfig_1) # (Note1: See, see ADS1256 datasheet) # (Note2: Input buffer on means limited voltage range 0V...3V for 5V supply) ads2 = ADS1256(myconfig_2) # Just as an example: Change the default sample rate of the ADS1256: # This shows how to acces ADS1256 registers via instance property ads2.drate = DRATE_2_5 ads2.pga_gain = 64 #ads2.mux = POS_AIN4 | NEG_AIN3 ### STEP 2: Gain and offset self-calibration: ads2.cal_self() ### Get ADC chip ID and check if chip is connected correctly. chip_ID = ads2.chip_ID print("\nADC No. 2 reported a numeric ID value of: {}.".format(chip_ID)) # When the value is not correct, user code should exit here. if chip_ID != 3: print("\nRead incorrect chip ID for ADS1256. Is the hardware connected?") # Passing that step because this is an example: # sys.exit(1) # Channel gain must be multiplied by LSB weight in volts per digit to # display each channels input voltage. The result is a np.array again here: CH_GAIN = ads2.v_per_digit * GAIN_CAL # Numpy 2D array as buffer for raw input samples. Each row is one complete # sequence of samples for eight input channel pin pairs. Each column stores # the number of FILTER_SIZE samples for each channel. rows, columns = FILTER_SIZE, len(CH_SEQUENCE) filter_buffer = np.zeros((rows, columns), # Fill the buffer first once before displaying continuously updated results print("Channels configured: {}\n" "Initializing filter (this can take a minute)...".format( len(CH_SEQUENCE))) for row_number, data_row in enumerate(filter_buffer): # Do the data acquisition of eight multiplexed input channels. # The ADS1256 read_sequence() method automatically fills into # the buffer specified as the second argument: ads2.read_sequence(CH_SEQUENCE, data_row) # Depending on aquisition speed and filter lenth, this can take long... sys.stdout.write( "\rProgress: {:3d}%".format(int(100*(row_number+1)/FILTER_SIZE))) sys.stdout.flush() # From now, update filter_buffer cyclically with new ADC samples and # calculate results with averaged results. print("\n\nOutput values averaged over {} ADC samples:".format(FILTER_SIZE)) # The following is an endless loop! timestamp = time.time() # Limit output data rate to fixed time interval for data_row in itertools.cycle(filter_buffer): # # Do the data acquisition of eight multiplexed input channels # # The result channel values are directy read into the array specified # as the second argument, which must be a mutable type. ads2.read_sequence(CH_SEQUENCE, data_row) elapsed = time.time() - timestamp if elapsed > .1: timestamp += .1 # Calculate moving average of input samples, subtract offset ch_unscaled = np.average(filter_buffer, axis=0) - CH_OFFSET ch_volts = ch_unscaled * CH_GAIN tim_nice_output([int(i) for i in ch_unscaled], ch_volts) ### END EXAMPLE ### ############################################################################# # Format nice looking text output: def nice_output(digits, volts): sys.stdout.write( "\0337" # Store cursor position + """These are the raw sample values for the channels: Poti_CH0, LDR_CH1, AIN2, AIN3, AIN4, AIN7, Poti NEG, Short 0V """ + ", ".join(["{: 8d}".format(i) for i in digits]) + """ These are the sample values converted to voltage in V for the channels: Poti_CH0, LDR_CH1, AIN2, AIN3, AIN4, AIN7, Poti NEG, Short 0V """ + ", ".join(["{: 8.3f}".format(i) for i in volts]) + "\n\033[J\0338" # Restore cursor position etc. ) def tim_nice_output(digits, volts): global first global res0 global total_1 res=float(64000*volts[0:1]) if first: res0=res res=res-res0 first=False sys.stdout.write( "\0337" # Store cursor position + "{: 8.4f}".format(res) + "\n\033[J\0338" # Restore cursor position etc. ) total_1=res #write_csv(res) to_grafana(csv) def write_csv(res): with open('data.csv', 'a') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) #res=do_measurement() #print("res: ",res) global x_value info = { "x_value": x_value, "total_1": "{: 8.4f}".format(res), "name_input": name_input } csv_writer.writerow(info) print(x_value, "{: 8.4f}".format(total_1), name_input) #if x_value>100: #os.system('tail -100 data.csv > temp.csv') # os.system('head -1 data.csv | cat - temp.csv > newfile.csv && rm -f temp.csv') #else: os.system('tail -100 data.csv > /dev/shm/shortfile.csv') x_value += 1 #total_1 = total_1 + random.randint(-8, 8) #total_2 = total_2 + random.randint(-6, 6) time.sleep(.001) master.update() def to_grafana(res): try: os.system("curl -i -XPOST '' --data-binary 'weight,location=bees01 value="str(res))+"'") except: print("no access to grafana?") pass x_value=0 do_measurement()