#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include "henglong.h" #include #include "wansview.h" typedef struct outtty_t { int16_t motor_r; int16_t motor_l; int16_t servo_tilt; int16_t servo_pan; } outtty_t; typedef struct input_thread_t { char* filename; int frame; henglong_t hl; outtty_t outtty; } input_thread_t; void initouttty(outtty_t* tty) { tty->motor_l = 0; tty->motor_r = 0; tty->servo_pan = 0; tty->servo_tilt = 0; } typedef struct RCdatagram_t { uint16_t frame_nbr; uint64_t time_us; int32_t frame_recv; uint8_t clisel; uint8_t clinbr; uint8_t client_selected; uint8_t servoff; outtty_t outtty; } __attribute__ ((packed)) RCdatagram_t; void *keyboard_thread_fcn(void * arg) { printf("pthread input started\n"); struct input_event ev; int fevdev; int size = sizeof(ev); int rd; input_thread_t* args; args = (input_thread_t*) arg; fevdev = open(args->filename, O_RDONLY); if (fevdev == -1) { printf("Failed to open keyboard device.\n"); pthread_exit(0); } while (1) { if ((rd = read(fevdev, &ev, size)) < size) { break; } if(EV_KEY == ev.type) { printf("%d %d\n", ev.code, ev.value); args->frame = data2frame(event2data(&args->hl, ev)); args->outtty.motor_r = (2*0b01111 - args->hl.velocity - args->hl.direction)*40; args->outtty.motor_l = (- args->hl.velocity + args->hl.direction)*40; /* args->outtty.servo_pan += args->hl.pan_left - args->hl.pan_right; if(args->outtty.servo_pan>50) args->outtty.servo_pan = 50; if(args->outtty.servo_pan<-50) args->outtty.servo_pan = -50; if(args->outtty.servo_tilt>50) args->outtty.servo_tilt = 50; if(args->outtty.servo_tilt<-50) args->outtty.servo_tilt = -50; args->outtty.servo_tilt += args->hl.tilt_up - args->hl.tilt_down; if(args->hl.ignation) { args->outtty.servo_pan = 0; args->outtty.servo_tilt= 0; } */ } // quit if(16==ev.code && 1==ev.value) break; } printf("Exiting keyboard thread.\n"); ioctl(fevdev, EVIOCGRAB, 1); close(fevdev); pthread_exit(0); } void *joystick_thread_fcn(void * arg) { printf("pthread input started\n"); struct js_event ev; struct JS_DATA_TYPE jsdata; int fevdev; int size = sizeof(ev); int rd; outtty_t outttyloc; input_thread_t* args; args = (input_thread_t*) arg; fevdev = open(args->filename, O_RDONLY); if (fevdev == -1) { printf("Failed to open joystick device.\n"); pthread_exit(0); } jsdata.x = 0; jsdata.y = 0; jsdata.buttons = 0; while (1) { if ((rd = read(fevdev, &ev, size)) < size) { break; } if(JS_EVENT_BUTTON == ev.type) { //printf("%d %d %d\n", ev.type, ev.value, ev.number); if(1==ev.value){ jsdata.buttons |= 1< ev.value){ outttyloc.servo_tilt = -1; args->hl.tilt_down = 1; args->hl.tilt_up = 0; }else{ args->hl.tilt_down = 0; if(+5000>ev.value){ args->hl.tilt_up = 1; outttyloc.servo_tilt = +1; }else{ args->hl.tilt_up = 0; } } } if(3==ev.number){ outttyloc.servo_pan = 0; if(-30000 > ev.value){ args->hl.pan_left = 1; args->hl.pan_right = 0; outttyloc.servo_pan = -1; }else{ args->hl.pan_left = 0; if(+5000>ev.value){ args->hl.pan_right = 1; outttyloc.servo_pan = +1; }else{ args->hl.pan_right = 0; } } } } outttyloc.motor_r = jsdata.y/30 - jsdata.x/30; outttyloc.motor_l = jsdata.y/30 + jsdata.x/30 ; if(1022outttyloc.motor_r) outttyloc.motor_r = -1023; if(1022outttyloc.motor_l) outttyloc.motor_l = -1023; args->outtty = outttyloc; args->hl.ignation = (1 & (jsdata.buttons >> 2)); printf("%6d %6d %4x\n", jsdata.x, jsdata.y, jsdata.buttons); } printf("Exiting joystick thread.\n"); close(fevdev); pthread_exit(0); } typedef struct refl_thread_args_t { int sockfd; uint64_t timestamps[256]; uint16_t frame_nbr_send; uint8_t timeout; } refl_thread_args_t; uint64_t get_us(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); return (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec + 1000000* (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec; } void *refl_thread_fcn(void* arg) { int n; int frame_refl; uint64_t time_us_refl; uint16_t frame_nbr_refl; refl_thread_args_t* refl_thread_args_ptr; uint8_t clinbr, clisel; unsigned char servoff; RCdatagram_t refldata; printf("pthread refl started\n"); refl_thread_args_ptr = (refl_thread_args_t*) arg; while(1){ n=recvfrom(refl_thread_args_ptr->sockfd,&refldata,sizeof(refldata),0,NULL,NULL); frame_nbr_refl = refldata.frame_nbr; time_us_refl = refldata.time_us; frame_refl = refldata.frame_recv; clinbr = refldata.clinbr; clisel = refldata.clisel; servoff = refldata.servoff; printf("REFL FRAME -- FRM_NBR: %5d, RTT: %7" PRIu64 ", BYTES recv: %3d, REFL_FRM: %#x, CLINBR: %d, CLISEL: %d, SERVOFF: %d\n", frame_nbr_refl, get_us() - time_us_refl, n, frame_refl, clinbr, clisel, servoff); refl_thread_args_ptr->timestamps[frame_nbr_refl % refl_thread_args_ptr->timeout] = 0; } pthread_exit(0); } typedef struct henglongconf_t { uint32_t frame_us; char keyboarddevname[256]; char joystickdevname[256]; in_addr_t ip; // v4 only char cam[64]; uint32_t caminterval; uint16_t port; uint8_t timeout; uint8_t clinbr; } henglongconf_t; henglongconf_t getconfig(char* conffilename) { FILE *configFile; char line[256]; char parameter[16], value[256]; char ip[16]; henglongconf_t conf; configFile = fopen(conffilename, "r"); // defaults conf.timeout = 16; conf.frame_us = 100000; conf.port = 32000; conf.ip = inet_addr(""); conf.keyboarddevname[0] = 0; conf.joystickdevname[0] = 0; conf.cam[0] = 0; conf.caminterval = 100000; while(fgets(line, 256, configFile)){ sscanf(line, "%16s %256s", parameter, value); if(0==strcmp(parameter,"KEYBOARD")){ sscanf(value, "%256s", conf.keyboarddevname); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"JOYSTICK")){ sscanf(value, "%256s", conf.joystickdevname); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"CAM")){ sscanf(value, "%64s", conf.cam); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"CAMINTERVAL")){ sscanf(value, "%" SCNu32, &conf.caminterval); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"FRAME_US")){ sscanf(value, "%" SCNu32 , &conf.frame_us); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"SERVER")){ sscanf(value, "%16[^:]:%" SCNu16, ip, &conf.port); conf.ip = inet_addr(ip); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"TIMEOUT")){ sscanf(value, "%" SCNu8 , &conf.timeout); } if(0==strcmp(parameter,"CLINBR")){ sscanf(value, "%" SCNu8 , &conf.clinbr); } } return conf; } typedef struct cam_ctrl_thread_t { char* ip; int up, down, cw, ccw, end; uint32_t caminterval; } cam_ctrl_thread_t; void *cam_ctrl_thread_fcn(void* arg) { printf("pthread cam_ctrl started\n"); cam_ctrl_thread_t* args; args = (cam_ctrl_thread_t*) arg; while(!args->end){ usleep(args->caminterval); if(args->up) cam_up(args->ip); if(args->down) cam_down(args->ip); if(args->cw) cam_cw(args->ip); if(args->ccw) cam_ccw(args->ip); } pthread_exit(0); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { pthread_t keybthread, joythread, refl_thread, cam_ctrl_thread; input_thread_t keyboard_thread_args; input_thread_t joystick_thread_args; refl_thread_args_t refl_thread_args; cam_ctrl_thread_t cam_ctrl_thread_args; int frame = 0; uint16_t frame_nbr; int sockfd, n_send; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; uint64_t time_us; henglongconf_t conf; RCdatagram_t senddata; int updown, cwccw; if(2!=argc){ printf("\nThis program is intented to be run on the PC as client to control the server on the heng long tank. \n\n USAGE: UDPclient client.config\n\n Copyright (C) 2014 Stefan Helmert \n\n"); return 0; } inithenglong(&keyboard_thread_args.hl); initouttty(&keyboard_thread_args.outtty); inithenglong(&joystick_thread_args.hl); initouttty(&joystick_thread_args.outtty); conf = getconfig(argv[1]); joystick_thread_args.filename = conf.joystickdevname; keyboard_thread_args.filename = conf.keyboarddevname; if(keyboard_thread_args.filename[0]){ if (pthread_create(&keybthread, NULL, keyboard_thread_fcn , (void *) &keyboard_thread_args)) printf("failed to create keyboard thread\n"); }else{ printf("no keyboard!\n"); } if(joystick_thread_args.filename[0]){ if (pthread_create(&joythread, NULL, joystick_thread_fcn , (void *) &joystick_thread_args)) printf("failed to create joystick thread\n"); }else{ printf("no joystick!\n"); } if(conf.cam[0]){ cam_ctrl_thread_args.down = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.up = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.cw = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.ccw = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.end = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.ip = conf.cam; cam_ctrl_thread_args.caminterval = conf.caminterval; if (pthread_create(&cam_ctrl_thread, NULL, cam_ctrl_thread_fcn , (void *) &cam_ctrl_thread_args)) printf("failed to create cam_ctrl thread\n"); }else{ printf("no cam config!\n"); } sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); refl_thread_args.sockfd = sockfd; refl_thread_args.timeout = conf.timeout; bzero(&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr=conf.ip; servaddr.sin_port=htons(conf.port); if (pthread_create(&refl_thread, NULL, refl_thread_fcn, (void *) &refl_thread_args)) printf("failed to create thread\n"); memset(refl_thread_args.timestamps, 0, 256*sizeof(uint64_t)); frame_nbr = 0; senddata.outtty.servo_pan = 0; senddata.outtty.servo_tilt = 0; while(1){ usleep(conf.frame_us); frame = 0xc0ffee; time_us = get_us(); frame_nbr++; refl_thread_args.frame_nbr_send = frame_nbr; if(refl_thread_args.timestamps[frame_nbr % conf.timeout]) printf("*** Frameloss detected! Lost frame from local time: %" PRIu64 "\n", refl_thread_args.timestamps[frame_nbr % conf.timeout]); refl_thread_args.timestamps[frame_nbr % conf.timeout] = time_us; senddata.frame_nbr = frame_nbr; senddata.time_us = time_us; senddata.frame_recv = frame; senddata.clinbr = conf.clinbr; senddata.clisel = keyboard_thread_args.hl.clisel; senddata.servoff = keyboard_thread_args.hl.servoff; senddata.outtty.motor_l = keyboard_thread_args.outtty.motor_l + joystick_thread_args.outtty.motor_l; senddata.outtty.motor_r = keyboard_thread_args.outtty.motor_r + joystick_thread_args.outtty.motor_r; cwccw = keyboard_thread_args.hl.pan_right - keyboard_thread_args.hl.pan_left + joystick_thread_args.hl.pan_right - joystick_thread_args.hl.pan_left; updown = keyboard_thread_args.hl.tilt_up - keyboard_thread_args.hl.tilt_down + joystick_thread_args.hl.tilt_up - joystick_thread_args.hl.tilt_down; senddata.outtty.servo_pan += cwccw; senddata.outtty.servo_tilt += updown; if(+1<=cwccw) { cam_ctrl_thread_args.ccw = 1; cam_ctrl_thread_args.cw = 0; }else if(-1>=cwccw){ cam_ctrl_thread_args.ccw = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.cw = 1; }else{ cam_ctrl_thread_args.ccw = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.cw = 0; } if(+1<=updown) { cam_ctrl_thread_args.up = 1; cam_ctrl_thread_args.down = 0; }else if(-1>=updown){ cam_ctrl_thread_args.up = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.down = 1; }else{ cam_ctrl_thread_args.up = 0; cam_ctrl_thread_args.down = 0; } if(keyboard_thread_args.hl.ignation | joystick_thread_args.hl.ignation){ senddata.outtty.servo_pan = 0; senddata.outtty.servo_tilt = 0; } if(1022senddata.outtty.motor_l) senddata.outtty.motor_l = -1023; if(1022senddata.outtty.motor_r) senddata.outtty.motor_r = -1023; if(senddata.outtty.servo_pan>50) senddata.outtty.servo_pan = 50; if(senddata.outtty.servo_pan<-50) senddata.outtty.servo_pan = -50; if(senddata.outtty.servo_tilt>50) senddata.outtty.servo_tilt = 50; if(senddata.outtty.servo_tilt<-50) senddata.outtty.servo_tilt = -50; n_send = sendto(sockfd, &senddata, sizeof(senddata), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); printf("SEND FRAME -- FRM_NBR: %5d, BYTES send: %3d, SEND_FRM: %#x, CLINBR: %d, CLISEL: %d, SERVOFF: %d\n", frame_nbr, n_send, frame, senddata.clinbr, senddata.clisel, senddata.servoff); if(pthread_kill(keybthread, 0)) break; } return 0; }