#!/usr/bin/env bash # execute self with sudo if user is not root [[ $UID -ne 0 ]] && exec sudo ./"$0" ### # Set variables ### export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DPKG_CFG_FRAGMENT=/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/non-interactive # Linux distro script_distro='Linux Mint 19.x' # Additional packages packages=( # Graphics cheese inkscape # Office libreoffice # Security keepassxc # Games 0ad beneath-a-steel-sky billard-gl blobby blockout2 flight-of-the-amazon-queen freeciv frozen-bubble gbrainy gnome-games gweled hedgewars lincity-ng lure-of-the-temptress openttd pingus pipewalker pokerth supertux supertuxkart teeworlds wesnoth widelands # Gaming platforms playonlinux steam wine-stable winetricks # System management gparted # Tools hardinfo shutter vim # Management calibre # Media vlc # Knowledge goldendict ubuntu-edu-preschool ubuntu-edu-primary ubuntu-edu-secondary ubuntu-edu-tertiary # Language support language-selector-common openoffice.org-hyphenation language-pack-ar language-pack-gnome-ar language-pack-fa language-pack-gnome-fa ) ### # Functions ### # $*: message to echo e() { printf "\e[31m>>>\e[0m %s\n" "$*" } # It's a pain to stop (ctrl+c, kill) execution with all the Python applications # so we catch SIGINT and SIGTERM and exit immediately handle_signal() { e "Ausführung abgebrochen! Script wird beendet..." exit 1 } # always executed on shell exit regardless of reason. for cleanup tasks handle_exit() { e "Finales Cleanup wird durchgeführt..." rm -f "$DPKG_CFG_FRAGMENT" } trap handle_signal SIGINT SIGTERM trap handle_exit EXIT pkg() { apt install "$@" --yes --quiet } ### # Greeting ### echo "\ ##################################### # Computertruhe-Installationsskript # ##################################### ### # Maintainer: Computertruhe e. V. # Website: https://computertruhe.de/ # Version: 0.2.0 # Repo: https://codeberg.org/Computertruhe/computertruhe-setup # Distro: ${script_distro} ### " e "Starte initiales Setup für Rechner mit frisch installiertem '${script_distro}' ..." ### # Automatic installation ### # place temporary dpkg configurations to ensure non-interactive upgrade cat <<'DPKG' >"$DPKG_CFG_FRAGMENT" force-confold force-confdef DPKG e "Automatische Installation empfohlener Pakete aktivieren ..." sed -i 's/false/true/g' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00recommends e "Besten Spiegelserver für '${script_distro}' auswählen ..." mint-switch-to-local-mirror e "Paketquellen aktualisieren ..." apt update --yes --quiet e "System aktualisieren (apt) ..." apt full-upgrade --yes --quiet e "System aktualisieren (mintupdate-cli) ..." mintupdate-cli --yes upgrade e "Proprietäre Treiber installieren (sofern verfügbar) ..." ubuntu-drivers autoinstall e "Zusätzliche Software installieren ..." pkg "${packages[@]}" e "Sprachunterstützung vervollständigen ..." pkg "$(check-language-support)" # these packages have to be installed after "$(check-language-support)" pkg hunspell-de-at hunspell-de-ch hunspell-de-de e "Unnötige Pakete entfernen und Cache bereinigen ..." apt clean --yes --quiet apt autoremove --yes --quiet # https://askubuntu.com/questions/1037553/how-to-configure-a-dconf-key-globally-across-all-user-accounts#1037557 # https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/desktop_migration_and_administration_guide/custom-default-values-system-settings e "Tastatur- und Desktopoptionen werden angepasst" mkdir -vp /etc/dconf/{profile,db/local.d} cat <<'EOF' > /etc/dconf/profile/user user-db:user system-db:local EOF cat <<'EOF' > /etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-keyboard-layout [org/gnome/libgnomekbd/keyboard] layouts=['de', 'ara', 'ir'] [org/cinnamon/desktop/interface] keyboard-layout-show-flags=false keyboard-layout-use-upper=true keyboard-layout-prefer-variant-names=true EOF dconf update ### # Finalisation ### e "Initiales Setup beendet."