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Executable file

from util import hook, http, web
base_url = "{}/{}/q/{}.json"
def weather(inp, reply=None, db=None, nick=None, bot=None):
"weather <location> [dontsave] -- Gets weather data"\
" for <location> from Wunderground."
api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("wunderground")
if not api_key:
return "Error: No wunderground API details."
# initalise weather DB
db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)")
# if there is no input, try getting the users last location from the DB
if not inp:
location = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)",
if not location:
# no location saved in the database, send the user help text
loc = location[0]
# no need to save a location, we already have it
dontsave = True
# see if the input ends with "dontsave"
dontsave = inp.endswith(" dontsave")
# remove "dontsave" from the input string after checking for it
if dontsave:
loc = inp[:-9].strip().lower()
loc = inp
location = http.quote_plus(loc)
request_url = base_url.format(api_key, "geolookup/forecast/conditions", location)
response = http.get_json(request_url)
if 'location' not in response:
location_id = response['response']['results'][0]['zmw']
except KeyError:
return "Could not get weather for that location."
# get the weather again, using the closest match
request_url = base_url.format(api_key, "geolookup/forecast/conditions", "zmw:" + location_id)
response = http.get_json(request_url)
if response['location']['state']:
place_name = "\x02{}\x02, \x02{}\x02 (\x02{}\x02)".format(response['location']['city'],
response['location']['state'], response['location']['country'])
place_name = "\x02{}\x02 (\x02{}\x02)".format(response['location']['city'],
forecast_today = response["forecast"]["simpleforecast"]["forecastday"][0]
forecast_tomorrow = response["forecast"]["simpleforecast"]["forecastday"][1]
# put all the stuff we want to use in a dictionary for easy formatting of the output
weather_data = {
"place": place_name,
"conditions": response['current_observation']['weather'],
"temp_f": response['current_observation']['temp_f'],
"temp_c": response['current_observation']['temp_c'],
"humidity": response['current_observation']['relative_humidity'],
"wind_kph": response['current_observation']['wind_kph'],
"wind_mph": response['current_observation']['wind_mph'],
"wind_direction": response['current_observation']['wind_dir'],
"today_conditions": forecast_today['conditions'],
"today_high_f": forecast_today['high']['fahrenheit'],
"today_high_c": forecast_today['high']['celsius'],
"today_low_f": forecast_today['low']['fahrenheit'],
"today_low_c": forecast_today['low']['celsius'],
"tomorrow_conditions": forecast_tomorrow['conditions'],
"tomorrow_high_f": forecast_tomorrow['high']['fahrenheit'],
"tomorrow_high_c": forecast_tomorrow['high']['celsius'],
"tomorrow_low_f": forecast_tomorrow['low']['fahrenheit'],
"tomorrow_low_c": forecast_tomorrow['low']['celsius'],
"url": web.isgd(response["current_observation"]['forecast_url'] + "?apiref=e535207ff4757b18")
reply("{place} - \x02Current:\x02 {conditions}, {temp_f}F/{temp_c}C, {humidity}, "
"Wind: {wind_kph}KPH/{wind_mph}MPH {wind_direction}, \x02Today:\x02 {today_conditions}, "
"High: {today_high_f}F/{today_high_c}C, Low: {today_low_f}F/{today_low_c}C. "
"\x02Tomorrow:\x02 {tomorrow_conditions}, High: {tomorrow_high_f}F/{tomorrow_high_c}C, "
"Low: {tomorrow_low_f}F/{tomorrow_low_c}C - {url}".format(**weather_data))
if location and not dontsave:
db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)",
(nick.lower(), location))