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2013-09-04 18:30:04 +08:00

110 lines
3.6 KiB

import re
from util import hook, http
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
twitch_re = (r'(.*:)//(|[0-9]+)?(.*)', re.I)
multitwitch_re = (r'(.*:)//(|*)', re.I)
def test(s):
valid = set('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_/')
return set(s) <= valid
def truncate(msg):
nmsg = msg.split(" ")
out = None
x = 0
for i in nmsg:
if x <= 7:
if out:
out = out + " " + nmsg[x]
out = nmsg[x]
x += 1
if x <= 7:
return out
return out + "..."
def multitwitch_url(match):
usernames ="/")
out = ""
for i in usernames:
if not test(i):
print "Not a valid username"
return None
if out == "":
out = twitch_lookup(i)
out = out + " \x02|\x02 " + twitch_lookup(i)
return out
def twitch_url(match):
bit ="#")[0]
location = "/".join(bit.split("/")[1:])
if not test(location):
print "Not a valid username"
return None
return twitch_lookup(location)
def twviewers(inp):
inp = inp.split("/")[-1]
if test(inp):
location = inp
return "Not a valid channel name."
return twitch_lookup(location).split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].replace("Online now! ", "")
def twitch_lookup(location):
locsplit = location.split("/")
if len(locsplit) > 1 and len(locsplit) == 3:
channel = locsplit[0]
type = locsplit[1] # should be b or c
id = locsplit[2]
channel = locsplit[0]
type = None
id = None
h = HTMLParser()
fmt = "{}: {} playing {} ({})" # Title: nickname playing Game (x views)
if type and id:
if type == "b": # I haven't found an API to retrieve broadcast info
soup = http.get_soup("" + location)
title = soup.find('span', {'class': 'real_title js-title'}).text
playing = soup.find('a', {'class': 'game js-game'}).text
views = soup.find('span', {'id': 'views-count'}).text + " view"
views = views + "s" if not views[0:2] == "1 " else views
return h.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, views))
elif type == "c":
data = http.get_json("" + type + id)
title = data['title']
playing = data['game']
views = str(data['views']) + " view"
views = views + "s" if not views[0:2] == "1 " else views
return h.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, views))
data = http.get_json("" + channel)[0]
if data:
title = data['title']
playing = data['meta_game']
viewers = "\x033\x02Online now!\x02\x0f " + str(data["channel_count"]) + " viewer"
print viewers
viewers = viewers + "s" if not " 1 view" in viewers else viewers
print viewers
return h.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, viewers))
data = http.get_json("" + channel)
title = data['status']
playing = data['game']
viewers = "\x034\x02Offline\x02\x0f"
return h.unescape(fmt.format(title, channel, playing, viewers))