This repository has been archived on 2023-04-13. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

170 lines
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import urllib2
import re
import json
from xml.dom import minidom
from util import hook, http, web, text
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
db_ready = False
steam_re = (r'(.*:)//([0-9]+)?(.*)', re.I)
currencies = {'USD': 'us', 'euro1': "de", 'euro2': 'no',
'pound': 'uk', 'rubles': 'ru', 'real': 'br',
'yen': 'jp', 'dollars': 'us', 'german': 'de',
'pounds': 'uk', 'russian': 'ru', 'brazil': 'br',
'japan': 'jp', 'us': 'us', 'de': 'de', 'no': 'no',
'uk': 'uk', 'ru': 'ru', 'br': 'br', 'jp': 'jp'}
def db_init(db):
db.execute("create table if not exists steam(nick primary key, acc)")
db_ready = True
def get_steam_info(name):
dom = minidom.parse(urllib2.urlopen(re.sub("{USER}", name, "{USER}/?xml=1")))
ID = int(dom.getElementsByTagName("steamID64")[0]
key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("steam_key")
url = "{}&steamid={}&format=json".format(key,
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
useable = data['response']['games']
games = []
played = []
data = {}
playtime = 0
for x in useable:
if x['playtime_forever'] > 0:
playtime += x['playtime_forever']
played.sort(key=lambda x: x['playtime_forever'])
data['playtime'] = int(playtime / 60.0)
data['played'] = played
data['games'] = games
data['%played'] = round(float(len(played)) / len(games) * 100, 2)
return data
@hook.command('sc', autohelp=False)
def steamcalc(inp, nick='', db=None):
"""steamcalc <username> [currency] - Gets value of steam account and
total hours played. Uses<nickname>. Uses
IRC nickname if none provided. """
if not db_ready:
currency = None
dontsave = False
if not inp:
user = db.execute("select acc from steam where nick=lower(?)", (nick,)).fetchone()
if not user:
inp = nick
inp = user[0]
dontsave = True
if len(inp.split(" ")) > 1:
if inp.split(" ")[1] in currencies:
currency = currencies[inp.split(" ")[1]]
dontsave = False
elif inp.split(" ")[1] == "dontsave":
dontsave = True
return "Invalid currency!"
inp = inp.split(" ")[0]
if len(inp.split(" ")) > 2:
if inp.split(" ")[2] == "dontsave":
dontsave = True
url = http.prepare_url("",
{"player": inp, "currency": currency if currency else "us"})
soup = http.get_soup(url)
out = u""
out += soup.findAll('h1', {'class': 'header-title'})[1].text.strip()
except Exception as e:
print e
return u"\x02Unable to retrieve info for {}!\x02 Is it a valid SteamCommunity profile username ({})? " \
"Check if your profile is private, or go here to search: {}".format(
inp, web.try_isgd("" % inp), web.try_isgd(url))
nextone = False
status = "Unknown"
for i in soup.findAll('td'):
if nextone:
status = i.text
elif i.text == "Status":
nextone = True
if status == "Online":
status = "\x033\x02Online\x02\x0f"
elif status == "Offline":
status = "\x034\x02Offline\x02\x0f"
elif status == "Away":
status = "\x038\x02Away\x02\x0f"
elif status == "Busy":
status = "\x035\x02Busy\x02\x0f"
elif "Looking to" in status:
status = "\x036\x02%s\x02\x0f" % status
out += " (%s)" % status
for i in soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'panel'}):
if str(i.find('div', {'class': 'panel-heading'})) == '<div class="panel-heading">Markdown</div>':
data = i
data = data.findAll('p')[1:]
print data
money = data[0].text.split(" ")[-1]
totalgames = data[1].text.split(" ")[-1]
time = data[2].text.split(" ")[-1].replace("h", "").replace(",", "")
time = str(int(round(float(time))))
out += " This account is worth \x02{}\x02, and they've spent \x02{}\x02 hour(s) playing games! ".format(money, time)
out += "They have \x02{} games\x02 - {}".format(totalgames, web.try_isgd(url))
if not dontsave:
db.execute("insert or replace into steam(nick, acc) values (?,?)", (nick.lower(), inp))
return out
def get_steam_info(url):
# we get the soup manually because the steam pages have some odd encoding troubles
page = http.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml', from_encoding="utf-8")
name = soup.find('div', {'class': 'apphub_AppName'}).text
desc = ": " + text.truncate_str(soup.find('div', {'class': 'game_description_snippet'}).text.strip())
# the page has a ton of returns and tabs
details = soup.find('div', {'class': 'glance_details'}).text.strip().split(u"\n\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t")
genre = " - Genre: " + details[0].replace(u"Genre: ", u"")
date = " - Release date: " + details[1].replace(u"Release Date: ", u"")
price = ""
if not "Free to Play" in genre:
price = " - Price: " + soup.find('div', {'class': 'game_purchase_price price'}).text.strip()
return name + desc + genre + date + price
def steam_url(match):
return get_steam_info("" +
def steam(inp):
"""steam [search] - Search for specified game/trailer/DLC"""
page = http.get("" + inp)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml', from_encoding="utf-8")
result = soup.find('a', {'class': 'search_result_row'})
return get_steam_info(result['href']) + " - " + web.isgd(result['href'])