190 lines
5.8 KiB
190 lines
5.8 KiB
import _thread
import traceback
import queue
import re
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
_thread.stack_size(1024 * 512) # reduce vm size
#TODO: redesign this messy thing
class Input(dict):
def __init__(self, bot, conn, raw, prefix, command, params,
nick, user, host, mask, paraml, msg):
chan = paraml[0].lower()
if chan == conn.nick.lower(): # is a PM
chan = nick
def message(message, target=chan):
"""sends a message to a specific or current channel/user"""
conn.msg(target, message)
def reply(message, target=chan):
"""sends a message to the current channel/user with a prefix"""
if target == nick:
conn.msg(target, message)
conn.msg(target, "({}) {}".format(nick, message))
def action(message, target=chan):
"""sends an action to the current channel/user or a specific channel/user"""
conn.ctcp(target, "ACTION", message)
def ctcp(message, ctcp_type, target=chan):
"""sends an ctcp to the current channel/user or a specific channel/user"""
conn.ctcp(target, ctcp_type, message)
def notice(message, target=nick):
"""sends a notice to the current channel/user or a specific channel/user"""
conn.cmd('NOTICE', [target, message])
dict.__init__(self, conn=conn, raw=raw, prefix=prefix, command=command,
params=params, nick=nick, user=user, host=host, mask=mask,
paraml=paraml, msg=msg, server=conn.server, chan=chan,
notice=notice, message=message, reply=reply, bot=bot,
action=action, ctcp=ctcp, lastparam=paraml[-1])
# make dict keys accessible as attributes
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = value
def run(bot, func, input):
uses_db = True
# TODO: change to bot.get_db_session()
if 'text' not in input:
input.text = input.paraml
if uses_db:
# create SQLAlchemy session
bot.logger.debug("Opened DB session for: {}".format(func._filename))
input.db = input.bot.db_session()
out = func(input, input.conn)
bot.logger.exception("Error in plugin {}:".format(func._filename))
if uses_db:
bot.logger.debug("Closed DB session for: {}".format(func._filename))
if out is not None:
def do_sieve(sieve, bot, input, func, type, args):
return sieve(bot, input, func, type, args)
except Exception:
bot.logger.exception("Error in sieve {}:".format(func._filename))
return None
class Handler(object):
"""Runs plugins in their own threads (ensures order)"""
def __init__(self, bot, func):
self.func = func
self.bot = bot
self.input_queue = queue.Queue()
_thread.start_new_thread(self.start, ())
def start(self):
uses_db = True
while True:
input = self.input_queue.get()
if input == StopIteration:
run(self.bot, self.func, input)
def stop(self):
def put(self, value):
def dispatch(bot, input, kind, func, args, autohelp=False):
for sieve, in bot.plugins['sieve']:
input = do_sieve(sieve, bot, input, func, kind, args)
if input is None:
if not (not autohelp or not args.get('autohelp', True) or input.inp or not (func.__doc__ is not None)):
input.notice(input.conn.config["command_prefix"] + func.__doc__)
if func._thread:
_thread.start_new_thread(run, (bot, func, input))
def match_command(bot, command):
commands = list(bot.commands)
# do some fuzzy matching
prefix = [x for x in commands if x.startswith(command)]
if len(prefix) == 1:
return prefix[0]
elif prefix and command not in prefix:
return prefix
return command
def main(bot, conn, out):
inp = Input(bot, conn, *out)
command_prefix = conn.config.get('command_prefix', '.')
for func, args in bot.events[inp.command] + bot.events['*']:
dispatch(bot, Input(bot, conn, *out), "event", func, args)
if inp.command == 'PRIVMSG':
if inp.chan == inp.nick: # private message, no command prefix
prefix = '^(?:[{}]?|'.format(command_prefix)
prefix = '^(?:[{}]|'.format(command_prefix)
command_re = prefix + inp.conn.nick
command_re += r'[,;:]+\s+)(\w+)(?:$|\s+)(.*)'
m = re.match(command_re, inp.lastparam)
if m:
trigger = m.group(1).lower()
command = match_command(bot, trigger)
if isinstance(command, list): # multiple potential matches
input = Input(bot, conn, *out)
input.notice("Did you mean {} or {}?".format
(', '.join(command[:-1]), command[-1]))
elif command in bot.commands:
input = Input(bot, conn, *out)
input.trigger = trigger
input.text_unstripped = m.group(2)
input.text = input.text_unstripped.strip()
func, args = bot.commands[command]
dispatch(bot, input, "command", func, args, autohelp=True)
for func, args in bot.plugins['regex']:
m = args['re'].search(inp.lastparam)
if m:
input = Input(bot, conn, *out)
input.text = m
dispatch(bot, input, "regex", func, args)