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# Tweepy
# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
# See LICENSE for details.
import httplib
import urllib
import time
import re
from StringIO import StringIO
import gzip
from tweepy.error import TweepError
from tweepy.utils import convert_to_utf8_str
from tweepy.models import Model
re_path_template = re.compile('{\w+}')
def bind_api(**config):
class APIMethod(object):
path = config['path']
payload_type = config.get('payload_type', None)
payload_list = config.get('payload_list', False)
allowed_param = config.get('allowed_param', [])
method = config.get('method', 'GET')
require_auth = config.get('require_auth', False)
search_api = config.get('search_api', False)
use_cache = config.get('use_cache', True)
def __init__(self, api, args, kargs):
# If authentication is required and no credentials
# are provided, throw an error.
if self.require_auth and not api.auth:
raise TweepError('Authentication required!')
self.api = api
self.post_data = kargs.pop('post_data', None)
self.retry_count = kargs.pop('retry_count', api.retry_count)
self.retry_delay = kargs.pop('retry_delay', api.retry_delay)
self.retry_errors = kargs.pop('retry_errors', api.retry_errors)
self.headers = kargs.pop('headers', {})
self.build_parameters(args, kargs)
# Pick correct URL root to use
if self.search_api:
self.api_root = api.search_root
self.api_root = api.api_root
# Perform any path variable substitution
if api.secure:
self.scheme = 'https://'
self.scheme = 'http://'
if self.search_api:
self.host = api.search_host
self.host = api.host
# Manually set Host header to fix an issue in python 2.5
# or older where Host is set including the 443 port.
# This causes Twitter to issue 301 redirect.
# See Issue https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/issues/12
self.headers['Host'] = self.host
def build_parameters(self, args, kargs):
self.parameters = {}
for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg is None:
self.parameters[self.allowed_param[idx]] = convert_to_utf8_str(arg)
except IndexError:
raise TweepError('Too many parameters supplied!')
for k, arg in kargs.items():
if arg is None:
if k in self.parameters:
raise TweepError('Multiple values for parameter %s supplied!' % k)
self.parameters[k] = convert_to_utf8_str(arg)
def build_path(self):
for variable in re_path_template.findall(self.path):
name = variable.strip('{}')
if name == 'user' and 'user' not in self.parameters and self.api.auth:
# No 'user' parameter provided, fetch it from Auth instead.
value = self.api.auth.get_username()
value = urllib.quote(self.parameters[name])
except KeyError:
raise TweepError('No parameter value found for path variable: %s' % name)
del self.parameters[name]
self.path = self.path.replace(variable, value)
def execute(self):
# Build the request URL
url = self.api_root + self.path
if len(self.parameters):
url = '%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(self.parameters))
# Query the cache if one is available
# and this request uses a GET method.
if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET':
cache_result = self.api.cache.get(url)
# if cache result found and not expired, return it
if cache_result:
# must restore api reference
if isinstance(cache_result, list):
for result in cache_result:
if isinstance(result, Model):
result._api = self.api
if isinstance(cache_result, Model):
cache_result._api = self.api
return cache_result
# Continue attempting request until successful
# or maximum number of retries is reached.
retries_performed = 0
while retries_performed < self.retry_count + 1:
# Open connection
if self.api.secure:
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.host, timeout=self.api.timeout)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, timeout=self.api.timeout)
# Apply authentication
if self.api.auth:
self.scheme + self.host + url,
self.method, self.headers, self.parameters
# Request compression if configured
if self.api.compression:
self.headers['Accept-encoding'] = 'gzip'
# Execute request
conn.request(self.method, url, headers=self.headers, body=self.post_data)
resp = conn.getresponse()
except Exception, e:
raise TweepError('Failed to send request: %s' % e)
# Exit request loop if non-retry error code
if self.retry_errors:
if resp.status not in self.retry_errors: break
if resp.status == 200: break
# Sleep before retrying request again
retries_performed += 1
# If an error was returned, throw an exception
self.api.last_response = resp
if resp.status != 200:
error_msg = self.api.parser.parse_error(resp.read())
except Exception:
error_msg = "Twitter error response: status code = %s" % resp.status
raise TweepError(error_msg, resp)
# Parse the response payload
body = resp.read()
if resp.getheader('Content-Encoding', '') == 'gzip':
zipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(body))
body = zipper.read()
except Exception, e:
raise TweepError('Failed to decompress data: %s' % e)
result = self.api.parser.parse(self, body)
# Store result into cache if one is available.
if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET' and result:
self.api.cache.store(url, result)
return result
def _call(api, *args, **kargs):
method = APIMethod(api, args, kargs)
return method.execute()
# Set pagination mode
if 'cursor' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
_call.pagination_mode = 'cursor'
elif 'max_id' in APIMethod.allowed_param and \
'since_id' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
_call.pagination_mode = 'id'
elif 'page' in APIMethod.allowed_param:
_call.pagination_mode = 'page'
return _call