"""Searches wikipedia and returns first sentence of article Scaevolus 2009""" import re from util import hook, http, text api_prefix = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php" search_url = api_prefix + "?action=opensearch&format=xml" paren_re = re.compile('\s*\(.*\)$') @hook.command('w') @hook.command def wiki(inp): """wiki -- Gets first sentence of Wikipedia article on .""" x = http.get_xml(search_url, search=inp) ns = '{http://opensearch.org/searchsuggest2}' items = x.findall(ns + 'Section/' + ns + 'Item') if not items: if x.find('error') is not None: return 'error: %(code)s: %(info)s' % x.find('error').attrib else: return 'No results found.' def extract(item): return [item.find(ns + x).text for x in ('Text', 'Description', 'Url')] title, desc, url = extract(items[0]) if 'may refer to' in desc: title, desc, url = extract(items[1]) title = paren_re.sub('', title) if title.lower() not in desc.lower(): desc = title + desc desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc).strip() # remove excess spaces desc = text.truncate_str(desc, 200) return '{} :: {}'.format(desc, http.quote(url, ':/'))