from util import hook, http, web, text import time import random ## CONSTANTS base_url = "" search_url = base_url + "search/plugin_name/like/{}" random_url = base_url + "plugins/bukkit/?start={}&size=1" details_url = base_url + "plugins/bukkit/{}" categories = http.get_json("") count_total = sum([cat["count"] for cat in categories]) count_categores = {cat["name"].lower() : int(cat["count"]) for cat in categories} # dict conps! class BukgetError(Exception): def __init__(self, code, text): self.code = code self.text = text def __str__(self): return self.text ## DATA FUNCTIONS def plugin_search(term): """ searches for a plugin with the bukget API and returns the slug """ term = term.lower().strip() search_term = http.quote_plus(term) try: results = http.get_json(search_url.format(search_term)) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: raise BukgetError(500, "Error Fetching Search Page: {}".format(e)) if not results: raise BukgetError(404, "No Results Found") for result in results: if result["slug"] == term: return result["slug"] return results[0]["slug"] def plugin_random(): """ gets a random plugin from the bukget API and returns the slug """ results = None while not results: plugin_number = random.randint(1, count_total) print "trying {}".format(plugin_number) try: results = http.get_json(random_url.format(plugin_number)) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: raise BukgetError(500, "Error Fetching Search Page: {}".format(e)) return results[0]["slug"] def plugin_details(slug): """ takes a plugin slug and returns details from the bukget API """ slug = slug.lower().strip() try: details = http.get_json(details_url.format(slug)) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: raise BukgetError(500, "Error Fetching Details: {}".format(e)) return details ## OTHER FUNCTIONS def format_output(data): """ takes plugin data and returns two strings representing information about that plugin """ name = data["plugin_name"] description = text.truncate_str(data['description'], 30) url = data['website'] authors = data['authors'][0] authors = authors[0] + u"\u200b" + authors[1:] stage = data['stage'] current_version = data['versions'][0] last_update = time.strftime('%d %B %Y %H:%M', time.gmtime(current_version['date'])) version_number = data['versions'][0]['version'] bukkit_versions = ", ".join(current_version['game_versions']) link = web.try_isgd(current_version['link']) if description: line_a = u"\x02{}\x02, by \x02{}\x02 - {} - ({}) \x02{}".format(name, authors, description, stage, url) else: line_a = u"\x02{}\x02, by \x02{}\x02 ({}) \x02{}".format(name, authors, stage, url) line_b = u"Last release: \x02v{}\x02 for \x02{}\x02 at {} \x02{}\x02".format(version_number, bukkit_versions, last_update, link) return line_a, line_b ## HOOK FUNCTIONS @hook.command('plugin') @hook.command def bukkitplugin(inp, reply=None, message=None): """plugin - Look up a plugin on""" # get the plugin slug using search try: slug = plugin_search(inp) except BukgetError as e: return e # get the plugin info using the slug try: data = plugin_details(slug) except BukgetError as e: return e # format the final message and send it to IRC line_a, line_b = format_output(data) reply(line_a) message(line_b) @hook.command(autohelp=None) def randomplugin(inp, reply=None, message=None): """randomplugin - Gets a random plugin from""" # get a random plugin slug try: slug = plugin_random() except BukgetError as e: return e # get the plugin info using the slug try: data = plugin_details(slug) except BukgetError as e: return e # format the final message and send it to IRC line_a, line_b = format_output(data) reply(line_a) message(line_b)