from util import hook, web def get_weather(location): """uses the yahoo weather API to get weather information for a location""" query = "SELECT * FROM weather.bylocation WHERE location=@location LIMIT 1" result = web.query(query, {"location": location}) data = result.rows[0]["rss"]["channel"] # wind conversions data['wind']['chill_c'] = int(round((int(data['wind']['chill']) - 32) / 1.8, 0)) data['wind']['speed_kph'] = int(round(float(data['wind']['speed']) * 1.609344)) # textual wind direction direction = data['wind']['direction'] if direction >= 0 and direction < 45: data['wind']['text'] = 'N' elif direction >= 45 and direction < 90: data['wind']['text'] = 'NE' elif direction >= 90 and direction < 135: data['wind']['text'] = 'E' elif direction >= 135 and direction < 180: data['wind']['text'] = 'SE' elif direction >= 180 and direction < 225: data['wind']['text'] = 'S' elif direction >= 225 and direction < 270: data['wind']['text'] = 'SW' elif direction >= 270 and direction < 315: data['wind']['text'] = 'W' elif direction >= 315 and direction < 360: data['wind']['text'] = 'NW' else: data['wind']['text'] = 'N' # visibility and pressure conversions data['atmosphere']['visibility_km'] = \ int(round(float(data['atmosphere']['visibility']) * 1.609344)) data['atmosphere']['visibility_km'] = \ str(round((float(data['atmosphere']['visibility']) * 33.8637526), 2)) # textual value for air pressure rising = data['atmosphere']['rising'] if rising == 0: data['atmosphere']['tendancy'] = 'steady' elif rising == 1: data['atmosphere']['tendancy'] = 'rising' elif rising == 2: data['atmosphere']['tendancy'] = 'falling' # current conditions data['item']['condition']['temp_c'] = \ int(round(((float(data['item']['condition']['temp']) - 32) / 9) * 5)) # forecasts for i in data['item']['forecast']: i['high_c'] = \ int(round(((float(i['high']) - 32) / 9) * 5)) i['low_c'] = \ int(round(((float(i['low']) - 32) / 9) * 5)) return data @hook.command(autohelp=False) def weather(inp, nick="", reply=None, db=None, notice=None): "weather [dontsave] -- Gets weather data"\ " for from Yahoo." # initalise weather DB db.execute("create table if not exists weather(nick primary key, loc)") # if there is no input, try getting the users last location from the DB if not inp: location = db.execute("select loc from weather where nick=lower(?)", [nick]).fetchone() if not location: # no location saved in the database, send the user help text notice(weather.__doc__) return location = location[0] # no need to save a location, we already have it dontsave = True else: # see if the input ends with "dontsave" dontsave = inp.endswith(" dontsave") # remove "dontsave" from the input string after checking for it if dontsave: location = inp[:-9].strip().lower() else: location = inp # now, to get the actual weather try: data = get_weather(location) except KeyError: return "Could not get weather for that location." # put all the stuff we want to use in a dictionary for easy formatting of the output weather_data = { "place": data['location']['city'], "conditions": data['item']['condition']['text'], "temp_f": data['item']['condition']['temp'], "temp_c": data['item']['condition']['temp_c'], "humidity": data['atmosphere']['humidity'], "wind_kph": data['wind']['speed_kph'], "wind_mph": data['wind']['speed'], "wind_text": data['wind']['text'], "forecast": data['item']['forecast'][0]['text'], "high_f": data['item']['forecast'][0]['high'], "high_c": data['item']['forecast'][0]['high_c'], "low_f": data['item']['forecast'][0]['low'], "low_c": data['item']['forecast'][0]['low_c'], "_forecast": data['item']['forecast'][1]['text'], "_high_f": data['item']['forecast'][1]['high'], "_high_c": data['item']['forecast'][1]['high_c'], "_low_f": data['item']['forecast'][1]['low'], "_low_c": data['item']['forecast'][1]['low_c'] } reply("\x02{place}\x02 - \x02Current:\x02 {conditions}, {temp_f}F/{temp_c}C, Humidity: {humidity}%, " \ "Wind: {wind_kph}KPH/{wind_mph}MPH {wind_text}, \x02Today:\x02 {forecast}, " \ "High: {high_f}F/{high_c}C, Low: {low_f}F/{low_c}C." \ "\x02Tomorrow:\x02 {_forecast}, High: {_high_f}F" \ "/{_high_c}C, Low: {_low_f}F/{_low_c}C.".format(**weather_data)) if location and not dontsave: db.execute("insert or replace into weather(nick, loc) values (?,?)", (nick.lower(), location)) db.commit()