from util import hook import random import re r = "\x02\x0305" # red g = "\x02\x0303" # green y = "\x02\x0308" # yellow answers = [g + "As I see it, yes", g + "It is certain", g + "It is decidedly so", g + "Most likely", g + "Outlook good", g + "Signs point to yes", g + "One would be wise to think so", g + "Naturally", g + "Without a doubt", g + "Yes", g + "Yes, definitely", g + "You may rely on it", y + "Reply hazy, try again", y + "Ask again later", y + "Better not tell you now", y + "Cannot predict now", y + "Concentrate and ask again", y + "You know the answer better than I", y + "Maybe...", r + "You're kidding, right?", r + "Don't count on it", r + "In your dreams", r + "My reply is no", r + "My sources say no", r + "Outlook not so good", r + "Very doubtful"] @hook.command('8ball') def eightball(inp, me=None): ".8ball -- The all knowing magic eight ball, in electronic form. Ask and it shall be answered!" global nextresponsenumber inp = inp.strip() if re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]", inp[-1]): inp += "?" me("shakes the magic 8 ball... %s" % (random.choice(answers)))