import urlparse from util import hook, http, urlnorm @hook.command def isup(inp): "isup -- uses to see if a site is up or not" # slightly overcomplicated, esoteric URL parsing scheme, auth, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(inp.strip()) domain = auth.encode('utf-8') or path.encode('utf-8') url = urlnorm.normalize(domain, assume_scheme="http") try: soup = http.get_soup('' + domain) except http.HTTPError, http.URLError: return "Could not get status." content = soup.find('div').text.strip() if "not just you" in content: return "It's not just you. {} looks \x02\x034down\x02\x0f from here!".format(url) elif "is up" in content: return "It's just you. {} is \x02\x033up\x02\x0f.".format(url) else: return "Huh? That doesn't look like a site on the interweb."