# CloudBot/DEV ## About `CloudBot` is a `Python` very heavily based on [`Skybot`](http://git.io/skybot) by [rmmh](http://git.io/rmmh). ### Goals * Easily extendable * Though documentation * Cross-platform * Muti-threaded, efficient * Automatic reloading * Little boilerplate * Intuitive configuration * Fully controlled from in IRC ## Download Get `CloudBot` at [git.io/getcloudbot](http://git.io/getcloudbot "Get CloudBot from GitHub!"). Unzip the resulting file, and continue to read this document. ## Install Before you can run the bot, you need to install a few `Python` modules. These are `lXML`, `BeautifulSoup`, `MyGengo`, and `HTTPlib2`. These can be installed with PIP (The `Python` packager): `sudo pip install lxml` `sudo pip install beautifulsoup` `sudo pip install mygengo` `sudo pip install httplib2` On `Debian` based systems, you can get pip with `sudo apt-get install pip` For .spell to work, we also need a library called `Enchant`. On `Debian` based systems, install with `sudo apt-get install python-enchant` In addition, for .whois to work optimally, you must have `whois` installed. Again, on `Debian` based systems, install it with `sudo apt-get install whois` If you are a user of another Linux disto, use your package manager to install the dependencies, or, for other operating systems, use **Google** to locate source packages you can install. Once you have installed the required dependencies, run the bot with `python bot.py` It will generate a default config for you. Once you have edited the config, run it again with `python bot.py` and it will connect to any server(s) you have added to the config. (Config docs at the [wiki](http://git.io/cloudbotconfig)) ## Documentation To configure your `CloudBot`, visit the [Config Wiki Page](http://git.io/cloudbotconfig). To write your own plugins, visit the [Plugin Wiki Page](http://git.io/cloudbotplugins). More at the [Wiki Home Page](http://git.io/cloudbotwiki). ## Example `CloudBot`s The developers of `CloudBot` run two `CloudBot`s on [Espernet](http://esper.net). They can both be found in [#CloudBot](irc://irc.esper.net/cloudbot "Connect via IRC to #CloudBot on irc.esper.net). **mau5bot** is the stable bot, and runs on the latest release version of `CloudBot`. (mau5bot is running on `Ubuntu Server` *Oneric Ocelot/11.10* with `Python` 2.7.2) **neerbot** is the unstable bot, and runs on the latest development version of `CloudBot`. (neerbot is running on `Debian` *Wheezy/Testing* with `Python` 2.7.2) ## Requirements `CloudBot` runs on `Python` 2.7.x. It is developed on `Debian` *Wheezy/Testing* with `Python` 2.7.2. It requires `Python` modules `lXML`, `BeautifulSoup`, `Enchant`, `MyGengo`, and `HTTPlib2`. `Windows` users: `Windows` compatibility is broken, but we do intend to add it back. (Eventually) ## License `CloudBot` is licensed under the GPL v3 license. The terms are as follows. CloudBot/DEV Copyright © 2011 Luke Rogers - CloudBot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CloudBot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CloudBot. If not, see .