import os import re import time import psutil import platform from util import hook def replace(text, wordDic): rc = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, wordDic))) def translate(match): return wordDic[] return rc.sub(translate, text) def checkProc(checked_stats): status_file = open("/proc/%d/status" % os.getpid()).read() line_pairs = re.findall(r"^(\w+):\s*(.*)\s*$", status_file, re.M) status = dict(line_pairs) checked_stats = checked_stats.split() stats = '\x02, '.join(key + ': \x02' + status[key] for key in checked_stats) return stats @hook.command("system", autohelp=False) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def sys(inp): ".sys -- Retrieves information about the host system." python_version = platform.python_version() os = platform.platform(aliased=True) cpu = platform.machine() return "Platform: \x02%s\x02, Python Version: \x02%s\x02, CPU: \x02%s\x02" % (os, python_version, cpu) @hook.command("memory", autohelp=False) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def mem(inp): ".mem -- Displays the bot's current memory usage." if == 'posix': checked_stats = 'Threads VmRSS VmSize VmPeak VmStk VmData' stats = checkProc(checked_stats) pretty_names = {'Threads': 'Active Threads', 'VmRSS': 'Real Memory', 'VmSize': 'Allocated Memory', 'VmPeak': 'Peak Allocated Memory', 'VmStk': 'Stack Size', 'VmData': 'Heap Size'} stats = replace(stats, pretty_names) return stats elif == 'nt': cmd = "tasklist /FI \"PID eq %s\" /FO CSV /NH" % os.getpid() out = os.popen(cmd).read() total = 0 for amount in re.findall(r'([,0-9]+) K', out): total += int(amount.replace(',', '')) return 'Memory Usage: \x02%s kB\x02' % total return 'error: operating system not currently supported' @hook.command("uptime", autohelp=False) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def up(inp): ".up -- Shows the bot's uptime." proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) up_time = proc.create_time up_time = time.time() - up_time up_time = time.localtime(up_time) up_time = time.strftime("Uptime: \x02%M:%S\x02", up_time) return up_time @hook.command("proc", autohelp=False) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def pid(inp): ".pid -- Prints the bot's PID." return 'PID: \x02%s\x02' % os.getpid()