from util import hook, http, web, text import re # this is still beta code. some things will be improved later. count_re = re.compile(r"Found (.*?) Games with a value of ") value_re = re.compile(r'\$(\d+\.\d{2})') def db_init(db): "check to see that our db has the the top steam users table." db.execute("create table if not exists steam_rankings(id, value, count, " "primary key(id))") db.commit() @hook.command def steamcalc(inp, db=None): "steamcalc -- Check the value of s steam account." db_init(db) if " " in inp: return "Invalid Steam ID" uid = inp.strip().lower() url = "{}".format(http.quote_plus(uid)) # get the web page try: page = http.get_html(url) except Exception as e: return "Could not get Steam game listing: {}".format(e) # extract the info we need try: count_text = page.xpath("//div[@id='rightdetail']/text()")[0] count = int(count_re.findall(count_text)[0]) value_text = page.xpath("//div[@id='rightdetail']/h1/text()")[0] value = float(value_re.findall(value_text)[0]) except IndexError: return "Could not get Steam game listing." # save the info in the DB for steam rankings db.execute("insert or replace into steam_rankings(id, value, count)" "values(?,?,?)", (uid, value, count)) db.commit() # shorten the URL try: short_url = web.isgd(url) except web.ShortenError: short_url = url return u"\x02Games:\x02 {}, \x02Total Value:\x02 ${:.2f} USD - {}".format(count, value, short_url) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def steamtop(inp, db=None): "steamtop -- Shows the top five users from steamcalc." rows = [] for row in db.execute("SELECT id, value, count FROM steam_rankings ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 5"): rows.append(u"{} - \x02${:.2f}\x02 ({} games)".format(text.munge(row[0], 1), row[1], row[2])) return u"Top Steam Users: {}".format(", ".join(rows))