from util import hook from util import http import string import socket import struct def mcping_connect(host, port): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((host, port)) sock.send('\xfe') response = sock.recv(1) if response != '\xff': return "Server gave invalid response: "+repr(response) length = struct.unpack('!h', sock.recv(2))[0] values = sock.recv(length*2).decode('utf-16be').split(u'\xa7') sock.close() return "%s - %d/%d players" % (values[0], int(values[1]), int(values[2])) except: return "Error pinging "+host+":"+str(port)+", is it up? Double-check your address!" @hook.command(autohelp=False) def mcstatus(inp, bot=None): ".mcstatus -- Checks the status of Minecraft's login servers." username = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("mc_user", None) password = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("mc_pass", None) if password is None: return "error: no login set" login = http.get(""+username+"&password="+password+"&version=13") if username.lower() in login.lower(): return "Minecraft login servers appear to be online!" else: return "Minecraft login servers appear to be offline!" @hook.command def mclogin(inp, say=None): ".mclogin -- Attempts to log in to Minecrat with and (This is NOT logged)." inp = inp.split(" ") username = inp[0] password = inp[1] say("Attempting to log in using " + username) login = http.get("" + username + "&password=" + password + "&version=13") if username.lower() in login.lower(): return "I logged in with " + username else: return "I couldn't log in using " + username + ", either the password is wrong or minecraft login servers are down!" @hook.command def mcpaid(inp): ".mcpaid -- Checks if has a premium Minecraft account." login = http.get("" + inp) if "true" in login: return "The account \'" + inp + "\' is a premium Minecraft account!" else: return "The account \'" + inp + "\' is not a premium Minecraft account!" from util import hook @hook.command def mcping(inp): ".mcping server[:port] - Ping a Minecraft server to check status." inp = inp.strip().split(" ")[0] if ":" in inp: host, port = inp.split(":", 1) try: port = int(port) except: return "Invalid port!" else: host = inp port = 25565 return mcping_connect(host, port)