""" Whois client for python transliteration of: http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/adv_cmds/adv_cmds-138.1/whois/whois.c Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Wolf Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Last edited by: $Author$ on: $DateTime$ Revision: $Revision$ Id: $Id$ Author: Chris Wolf """ import sys import socket import optparse #import pdb class NICClient(object) : ABUSEHOST = "whois.abuse.net" NICHOST = "whois.crsnic.net" INICHOST = "whois.networksolutions.com" DNICHOST = "whois.nic.mil" GNICHOST = "whois.nic.gov" ANICHOST = "whois.arin.net" LNICHOST = "whois.lacnic.net" RNICHOST = "whois.ripe.net" PNICHOST = "whois.apnic.net" MNICHOST = "whois.ra.net" QNICHOST_TAIL = ".whois-servers.net" SNICHOST = "whois.6bone.net" BNICHOST = "whois.registro.br" NORIDHOST = "whois.norid.no" IANAHOST = "whois.iana.org" GERMNICHOST = "de.whois-servers.net" DEFAULT_PORT = "nicname" WHOIS_SERVER_ID = "Whois Server:" WHOIS_ORG_SERVER_ID = "Registrant Street1:Whois Server:" WHOIS_RECURSE = 0x01 WHOIS_QUICK = 0x02 ip_whois = [ LNICHOST, RNICHOST, PNICHOST, BNICHOST ] def __init__(self) : self.use_qnichost = False def findwhois_server(self, buf, hostname): """Search the initial TLD lookup results for the regional-specifc whois server for getting contact details. """ nhost = None parts_index = 1 start = buf.find(NICClient.WHOIS_SERVER_ID) if (start == -1): start = buf.find(NICClient.WHOIS_ORG_SERVER_ID) parts_index = 2 if (start > -1): end = buf[start:].find('\n') whois_line = buf[start:end+start] whois_parts = whois_line.split(':') nhost = whois_parts[parts_index].strip() elif (hostname == NICClient.ANICHOST): for nichost in NICClient.ip_whois: if (buf.find(nichost) != -1): nhost = nichost break return nhost def whois(self, query, hostname, flags): """Perform initial lookup with TLD whois server then, if the quick flag is false, search that result for the region-specifc whois server and do a lookup there for contact details """ #pdb.set_trace() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((hostname, 43)) if (hostname == NICClient.GERMNICHOST): s.send("-T dn,ace -C US-ASCII " + query + "\r\n") else: s.send(query + "\r\n") response = '' while True: d = s.recv(4096) response += d if not d: break s.close() #pdb.set_trace() nhost = None if (flags & NICClient.WHOIS_RECURSE and nhost == None): nhost = self.findwhois_server(response, hostname) if (nhost != None): response += self.whois(query, nhost, 0) return response def choose_server(self, domain): """Choose initial lookup NIC host""" if (domain.endswith("-NORID")): return NICClient.NORIDHOST pos = domain.rfind('.') if (pos == -1): return None tld = domain[pos+1:] if (tld[0].isdigit()): return NICClient.ANICHOST return tld + NICClient.QNICHOST_TAIL def whois_lookup(self, options, query_arg, flags): """Main entry point: Perform initial lookup on TLD whois server, or other server to get region-specific whois server, then if quick flag is false, perform a second lookup on the region-specific server for contact records""" nichost = None #pdb.set_trace() # this would be the case when this function is called by other then main if (options == None): options = {} if ( (not options.has_key('whoishost') or options['whoishost'] == None) and (not options.has_key('country') or options['country'] == None)): self.use_qnichost = True options['whoishost'] = NICClient.NICHOST if ( not (flags & NICClient.WHOIS_QUICK)): flags |= NICClient.WHOIS_RECURSE if (options.has_key('country') and options['country'] != None): result = self.whois(query_arg, options['country'] + NICClient.QNICHOST_TAIL, flags) elif (self.use_qnichost): nichost = self.choose_server(query_arg) if (nichost != None): result = self.whois(query_arg, nichost, flags) else: result = self.whois(query_arg, options['whoishost'], flags) return result #---- END OF NICClient class def --------------------- def parse_command_line(argv): """Options handling mostly follows the UNIX whois(1) man page, except long-form options can also be used. """ flags = 0 usage = "usage: %prog [options] name" parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--arin", action="store_const", const=NICClient.ANICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.ANICHOST) parser.add_option("-A", "--apnic", action="store_const", const=NICClient.PNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.PNICHOST) parser.add_option("-b", "--abuse", action="store_const", const=NICClient.ABUSEHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.ABUSEHOST) parser.add_option("-c", "--country", action="store", type="string", dest="country", help="Lookup using country-specific NIC") parser.add_option("-d", "--mil", action="store_const", const=NICClient.DNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.DNICHOST) parser.add_option("-g", "--gov", action="store_const", const=NICClient.GNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.GNICHOST) parser.add_option("-h", "--host", action="store", type="string", dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using specified whois host") parser.add_option("-i", "--nws", action="store_const", const=NICClient.INICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.INICHOST) parser.add_option("-I", "--iana", action="store_const", const=NICClient.IANAHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.IANAHOST) parser.add_option("-l", "--lcanic", action="store_const", const=NICClient.LNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.LNICHOST) parser.add_option("-m", "--ra", action="store_const", const=NICClient.MNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.MNICHOST) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", action="store", type="int", dest="port", help="Lookup using specified tcp port") parser.add_option("-Q", "--quick", action="store_true", dest="b_quicklookup", help="Perform quick lookup") parser.add_option("-r", "--ripe", action="store_const", const=NICClient.RNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.RNICHOST) parser.add_option("-R", "--ru", action="store_const", const="ru", dest="country", help="Lookup Russian NIC") parser.add_option("-6", "--6bone", action="store_const", const=NICClient.SNICHOST, dest="whoishost", help="Lookup using host " + NICClient.SNICHOST) parser.add_option("-?", "--help", action="help") return parser.parse_args(argv) if __name__ == "__main__": flags = 0 nic_client = NICClient() (options, args) = parse_command_line(sys.argv) if (options.b_quicklookup is True): flags = flags|NICClient.WHOIS_QUICK print nic_client.whois_lookup(options.__dict__, args[1], flags)