from util import hook def find_location(ip): import string import urllib api = "6ddac03a5a67a534045f59908e5c17fd68169609b453e3c6398823fff86a87c0" response = urllib.urlopen(""+api+"&ip="+ip).read() response = response.split(";") give = {} give["country"] = response[4].title() give["country_short"] = response[3].upper() give["state"] = response[5].title() give["city"] = response[6].title() give["timezone"] = response[10].title() return give def timezone(ip): time = find_location(ip)["timezone"] time = time.replace(":",".") time = time.replace(".00","") return int(time) @hook.command def location(inp, say = None, me = None): ".location - Performs a GeoIP check on the ip given." give = find_location(inp) if give["country"] not in [""," ","-"," - "]: if give["state"] == give["city"]: localstring = give["city"] else: localstring = give["city"] + ", " + give["state"] say("That IP comes from " + give["country"] + " (" + give["country_short"] + ")") say("I think it's in " + localstring + " with a timezone of " + give["timezone"] + "GMT") else: say("Either that wasn't an IP or I cannot locate it in my database. :(") return