from util import pywhois, hook @hook.command def whois(inp, say=None): ".whois -- Look up ownership infomation for " try: w = pywhois.whois(inp) except: return "Failed to check domain info. This domain may not exist." print w try: domain_name = w.domain_name[0] except IndexError, e: domain_name="none." try: expiration_date = w.expiration_date[0] except IndexError, e: expiration_date="none." try: creation_date = w.creation_date[0] except IndexError, e: creation_date="none." try: registrant_email = w.emails[0] except: registrant_email="none." try: administrative_email = w.emails[1] except: administrative_email="none." say('Domain recognised! %s was registered on \x02%s\x02 and will expire on \x02%s\x02' % (domain_name, creation_date, expiration_date)) say('Registrant email: %s Administrative email: %s' % (registrant_email, administrative_email))