import re from util import hook, http @hook.command('u') @hook.command def urban(inp): ".urban [id] -- Looks up on" # set a default definition number id = 1 # clean and split the input input = inp.lower().strip() parts = input.split() # if the last word is a number, set the ID to that number if parts[-1].isdigit(): id = int(parts[-1]) del parts[-1] input = " ".join(parts) url = '' page = http.get_json(url, term=input) defs = page['list'] if page['result_type'] == 'no_results': return 'Not found.' # try getting the requested definition try: out = "[%s/%s] %s: %s" % \ (str(id), str(len(defs)), defs[id-1]['word'], defs[id-1]['definition']) except IndexError: return 'Not found.' if len(out) > 400: out = out[:out.rfind(' ', 0, 400)] + '...' return out # define plugin by GhettoWizard & Scaevolus @hook.command('dictionary') @hook.command def define(inp): ".define -- Fetches definition of ." url = '' h = http.get_html(url + http.quote_plus(inp)) definition = h.xpath('//dd[@class="article"] | ' '//div[@class="definition"] |' '//div[@class="example"]') if not definition: return 'No results for ' + inp + ' :(' def format_output(show_examples): result = '%s: ' % h.xpath('//dt[@class="title-word"]/a/text()')[0] correction = h.xpath('//span[@class="correct-word"]/text()') if correction: result = 'Definition for "%s": ' % correction[0] sections = [] for section in definition: if section.attrib['class'] == 'article': sections += [[section.text_content() + ': ']] elif section.attrib['class'] == 'example': if show_examples: sections[-1][-1] += ' ' + section.text_content() else: sections[-1] += [section.text_content()] for article in sections: result += article[0] if len(article) > 2: result += ' '.join('%d. %s' % (n + 1, section) for n, section in enumerate(article[1:])) else: result += article[1] + ' ' synonyms = h.xpath('//dd[@class="synonyms"]') if synonyms: result += synonyms[0].text_content() result = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result) result = re.sub('\xb0', '', result) return result result = format_output(True) if len(result) > 450: result = format_output(False) if len(result) > 450: result = result[:result.rfind(' ', 0, 450)] result = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z]+\.?$', '', result) + ' ...' return result @hook.command('e') @hook.command def etymology(inp): ".etymology -- Retrieves the etymology of ." url = '' h = http.get_html(url, term=inp) etym = h.xpath('//dl') if not etym: return 'No etymology found for ' + inp + ' :(' etym = etym[0].text_content() etym = ' '.join(etym.split()) if len(etym) > 400: etym = etym[:etym.rfind(' ', 0, 400)] + ' ...' return etym