from util import hook, http, web, text @hook.command("feed") @hook.command def rss(inp, say=None): """rss -- Gets the first three items from the RSS feed .""" limit = 3 # preset news feeds strip = inp.lower().strip() if strip == "bukkit": feed = "" limit = 1 elif strip == "xkcd": feed = "" elif strip == "ars": feed = "" else: feed = inp query = "SELECT title, link FROM rss WHERE url=@feed LIMIT @limit" result = web.query(query, {"feed": feed, "limit": limit}) if not result.rows: return "Could not find/read RSS feed." for row in result.rows: title = text.truncate_str(row["title"], 100) try: link = web.isgd(row["link"]) except (web.ShortenError, http.HTTPError, http.URLError): link = row["link"] say(u"{} - {}".format(title, link)) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def rb(inp, say=None): """rb -- Shows the latest Craftbukkit recommended build""" rss("bukkit", say)