import re from util import hook @hook.command(autohelp=False) def help(inp, say=None, notice=None, input=None, conn=None, bot=None): "help -- Gives a list of commands/help for a command." funcs = {} disabled = bot.config.get('disabled_plugins', []) disabled_comm = bot.config.get('disabled_commands', []) for command, (func, args) in bot.commands.iteritems(): fn = re.match(r'^plugins.(.+).py$', func._filename) if not in disabled: if command not in disabled_comm: if func.__doc__ is not None: if func in funcs: if len(funcs[func]) < len(command): funcs[func] = command else: funcs[func] = command commands = dict((value, key) for key, value in funcs.iteritems()) if not inp: out = ["", ""] well = [] for x in commands: well.append(x) well.sort() for x in well: if len(out[0]) + len(str(x)) > 405: out[1] += " " + str(x) else: out[0] += " " + str(x) notice("Commands I recognise: " + out[0][1:]) if out[1]: notice(out[1][1:]) notice("For detailed help, do '%shelp ' where "\ "is the name of the command you want help for." % conn.conf["command_prefix"]) else: if inp in commands: notice(conn.conf["command_prefix"] + commands[inp].__doc__)