from util import hook, http import json import urllib2 shortcuts = {"cloudbot": "ClouDev/CloudBot"} def truncate(msg): nmsg = msg.split(" ") out = None x = 0 for i in nmsg: if x <= 7: if out: out = out + " " + nmsg[x] else: out = nmsg[x] x = x + 1 if x <= 7: return out else: return out + "..." @hook.command def ghissues(inp): """ghissues username/repo [number] - Get specified issue summary, or open issue count """ args = inp.split(" ") try: if args[0] in shortcuts: repo = shortcuts[args[0]] else: repo = args[0] url = "" % repo except IndexError: return "Invalid syntax. .github issues username/repo [number]" try: url = url + "/%s" % args[1] number = True except IndexError: number = False try: data = json.loads( print url if not number: try: data = data[0] except IndexError: print data return "Repo has no open issues" except ValueError: return "Invalid data returned. Check arguments (.github issues username/repo [number]" fmt = "Issue: #%s (%s) by %s: %s | %s %s" # (number, state, user.login, title, truncate(body), gitio.gitio(data.url)) fmt1 = "Issue: #%s (%s) by %s: %s %s" # (number, state, user.login, title, gitio.gitio(data.url)) number = data["number"] if data["state"] == "open": state = u"\x033\x02OPEN\x02\x0f" closedby = None else: state = u"\x034\x02CLOSED\x02\x0f by %s" % data["closed_by"]["login"] user = data["user"]["login"] title = data["title"] summary = truncate(data["body"]) gitiourl = gitio.gitio(data["html_url"]) if summary == "": return fmt1 % (number, state, user, title, gitiourl) else: return fmt % (number, state, user, title, summary, gitiourl) @hook.command def gitio(inp): "gitio [code] -- Shorten Github URLs with [code] is" \ " a optional custom short code." split = inp.split(" ") url = split[0] try: code = split[1] except: code = None # if the first 8 chars of "url" are not "https://" then append # "https://" to the url, also convert "http://" to "https://" if url[:8] != "https://": if url[:7] != "http://": url = "https://" + url else: url = "https://" + url[7:] url = 'url=' + str(url) if code: url = url + '&code=' + str(code) req = urllib2.Request(url='', data=url) # try getting url, catch http error try: f = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError: return "Failed to get URL!" urlinfo = str( # loop over the rows in urlinfo and pick out location and # status (this is pretty odd code, but urllib2.Request is weird) for row in urlinfo.split("\n"): if row.find("Status") != -1: status = row if row.find("Location") != -1: location = row print status if not "201" in status: return "Failed to get URL!" # this wont work for some reason, so lets ignore it ^ # return location, minus the first 10 chars return location[10:]