from util import hook, http, text, web import json import re ## CONSTANTS ITEM_URL = "{}" API_PRODUCT = "{}/ProductDetails" API_SEARCH = "" NEWEGG_RE = (r"(?:(?|\.aspx\?Item=)([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", re.I) ## OTHER FUNCTIONS def format_item(item, show_url=True): """ takes a newegg API item object and returns a description """ title = text.truncate_str(item["Title"], 50) # format the rating nicely if it exists if not item["ReviewSummary"]["TotalReviews"] == "[]": rating = "Rated {}/5 ({} ratings)".format(item["ReviewSummary"]["Rating"], item["ReviewSummary"]["TotalReviews"][1:-1]) else: rating = "No Ratings" if not item["FinalPrice"] == item["OriginalPrice"]: price = "{FinalPrice}, was {OriginalPrice}".format(**item) else: price = item["FinalPrice"] tags = [] if item["Instock"]: tags.append("\x02Stock Available\x02") else: tags.append("\x02Out Of Stock\x02") if item["FreeShippingFlag"]: tags.append("\x02Free Shipping\x02") if item["IsFeaturedItem"]: tags.append("\x02Featured\x02") if item["IsShellShockerItem"]: tags.append("\x02SHELL SHOCKER®\x02") # join all the tags together in a comma seperated string ("tag1, tag2, tag3") tag_text = u", ".join(tags) if show_url: # create the item URL and shorten it url = web.try_isgd(ITEM_URL.format(item["NeweggItemNumber"])) return u"\x02{}\x02 ({}) - {} - {} - {}".format(title, price, rating, tag_text, url) else: return u"\x02{}\x02 ({}) - {} - {}".format(title, price, rating, tag_text) ## HOOK FUNCTIONS @hook.regex(*NEWEGG_RE) def newegg_url(match): item_id = item = http.get_json(API_PRODUCT.format(item_id)) return format_item(item, show_url=False) @hook.command def newegg(inp): """newegg -- Searches for """ # form the search request request = { "Keyword": inp, "Sort": "FEATURED" } # submit the search request r = http.get_json( '', post_data = json.dumps(request) ) # get the first result if r["ProductListItems"]: item = r["ProductListItems"][0] return format_item(item) else: return "No results found."