# Written by Scaevolus 2010 from util import hook, http, text, execute import string import re re_lineends = re.compile(r'[\r\n]*') # some simple "shortcodes" for formatting purposes shortcodes = { '[b]': '\x02', '[/b]': '\x02', '[u]': '\x1F', '[/u]': '\x1F', '[i]': '\x16', '[/i]': '\x16'} def db_init(db): db.execute("create table if not exists mem(word, data, nick," " primary key(word))") db.commit() def get_memory(db, word): row = db.execute("select data from mem where word=lower(?)", [word]).fetchone() if row: return row[0] else: return None @hook.command("r", permissions=["addfactoid"]) @hook.command(permissions=["addfactoid"]) def remember(inp, nick='', db=None, notice=None): """remember [+] -- Remembers with . Add + to to append.""" db_init(db) append = False try: word, data = inp.split(None, 1) except ValueError: return remember.__doc__ old_data = get_memory(db, word) if data.startswith('+') and old_data: append = True # remove + symbol new_data = data[1:] # append new_data to the old_data if len(new_data) > 1 and new_data[1] in (string.punctuation + ' '): data = old_data + new_data else: data = old_data + ' ' + new_data db.execute("replace into mem(word, data, nick) values" " (lower(?),?,?)", (word, data, nick)) db.commit() if old_data: if append: notice("Appending \x02{}\x02 to \x02{}\x02".format(new_data, old_data)) else: notice('Remembering \x02{}\x02 for \x02{}\x02. Type ?{} to see it.'.format(data, word, word)) notice('Previous data was \x02{}\x02'.format(old_data)) else: notice('Remembering \x02{}\x02 for \x02{}\x02. Type ?{} to see it.'.format(data, word, word)) @hook.command("f", permissions=["delfactoid"]) @hook.command(permissions=["delfactoid"]) def forget(inp, db=None, notice=None): """forget -- Forgets a remembered .""" db_init(db) data = get_memory(db, inp) if data: db.execute("delete from mem where word=lower(?)", [inp]) db.commit() notice('"%s" has been forgotten.' % data.replace('`', "'")) return else: notice("I don't know about that.") return @hook.command def info(inp, notice=None, db=None): """info -- Shows the source of a factoid.""" db_init(db) # attempt to get the factoid from the database data = get_memory(db, inp.strip()) if data: notice(data) else: notice("Unknown Factoid.") @hook.regex(r'^\? ?(.+)') def factoid(inp, say=None, db=None, bot=None, me=None, conn=None, input=None): "? -- Shows what data is associated with ." try: prefix_on = bot.config["plugins"]["factoids"].get("prefix", False) except KeyError: prefix_on = False db_init(db) # split up the input split = inp.group(1).strip().split(" ") factoid_id = split[0] if len(split) >= 1: arguments = " ".join(split[1:]) else: arguments = "" data = get_memory(db, factoid_id) if data: # factoid preprocessors if data.startswith(""): code = data[4:].strip() variables = 'input="""{}"""; nick="{}"; chan="{}"; bot_nick="{}";'.format(arguments.replace('"', '\\"'), input.nick, input.chan, input.conn.nick) result = execute.eval_py(variables + code) else: result = data # factoid postprocessors result = text.multiword_replace(result, shortcodes) if result.startswith(""): result = result[5:].strip() me(result) elif result.startswith(""): url = result[5:].strip() try: say(http.get(url)) except http.HttpError: say("Could not fetch URL.") else: if prefix_on: say("\x02[{}]:\x02 {}".format(factoid_id, result)) else: say(result)