import re import random from util import hook, http, text base_url = '' define_url = base_url + "/define" random_url = base_url + "/random" @hook.command('u', autohelp=False) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def urban(inp): """urban [id] -- Looks up on""" if inp: # clean and split the input inp = inp.lower().strip() parts = inp.split() # if the last word is a number, set the ID to that number if parts[-1].isdigit(): id_num = int(parts[-1]) # remove the ID from the input string del parts[-1] inp = " ".join(parts) else: id_num = 1 # fetch the definitions page = http.get_json(define_url, term=inp, referer="") if page['result_type'] == 'no_results': return 'Not found.' else: # get a random definition! page = http.get_json(random_url, referer="") id_num = None definitions = page['list'] if id_num: # try getting the requested definition try: definition = definitions[id_num - 1]['definition'].replace('\r\n', ' ') definition = re.sub('\s+', ' ', definition).strip() # remove excess spaces definition = text.truncate_str(definition, 200) except IndexError: return 'Not found.' url = definitions[id_num - 1]['permalink'] output = u"[%i/%i] %s :: %s" % \ (id_num, len(definitions), definition, url) else: definition = random.choice(definitions) def_text = definition['definition'].replace('\r\n', ' ') def_text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', def_text).strip() # remove excess spaces def_text = text.truncate_str(def_text, 200) name = definition['word'] url = definition['permalink'] output = u"\x02{}\x02: {} :: {}".format(name, def_text, url) return output