from util import hook, http, text, timesince from datetime import datetime import re import random reddit_re = (r'.*((www\.)?reddit\.com/r[^ ]+)', re.I) base_url = "{}/.json" short_url = "{}" @hook.regex(*reddit_re) def reddit_url(match): thread = http.get_html( title = thread.xpath('//title/text()')[0] upvotes = thread.xpath("//span[@class='upvotes']/span[@class='number']/text()")[0] downvotes = thread.xpath("//span[@class='downvotes']/span[@class='number']/text()")[0] author = thread.xpath("//div[@id='siteTable']//a[contains(@class,'author')]/text()")[0] timeago = thread.xpath("//div[@id='siteTable']//p[@class='tagline']/time/text()")[0] comments = thread.xpath("//div[@id='siteTable']//a[@class='comments']/text()")[0] return u'\x02{}\x02 - posted by \x02{}\x02 {} ago - {} upvotes, {} downvotes - {}'.format( title, author, timeago, upvotes, downvotes, comments) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def reddit(inp): """reddit [n] -- Gets a random post from , or gets the [n]th post in the subreddit.""" id_num = None if inp: # clean and split the input parts = inp.lower().strip().split() # find the requested post number (if any) if len(parts) > 1: url = base_url.format(parts[0].strip()) try: id_num = int(parts[1]) - 1 except ValueError: return "Invalid post number." else: url = base_url.format(parts[0].strip()) else: url = "" try: data = http.get_json(url, user_agent=http.ua_chrome) except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) data = data["data"]["children"] # get the requested/random post if id_num != None: try: item = data[id_num]["data"] except IndexError: length = len(data) return "Invalid post number. Number must be between 1 and {}.".format(length) else: item = random.choice(data)["data"] item["title"] = text.truncate_str(item["title"], 50) item["link"] = short_url.format(item["id"]) rawtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(item["created_utc"])) item["timesince"] = timesince.timesince(rawtime) if item["over_18"]: item["warning"] = " \x02NSFW\x02" else: item["warning"] = "" return u'\x02{title} : {subreddit}\x02 - posted by \x02{author}\x02' \ ' {timesince} ago - {ups} upvotes, {downs} downvotes -' \ ' {link}{warning}'.format(**item)