{ "templates":[ "rips off {user}'s {limbs} and leaves them to die.", "grabs {user}'s head and rips it clean off their body.", "grabs a {gun} and riddles {user}'s body with bullets.", "gags and ties {user} then throws them off a {tall_thing}.", "crushes {user} with a huge spiked {spiked_thing}.", "glares at {user} until they die of boredom.", "stabs {user} in the heart a few times with a {weapon_stab}.", "rams a {weapon_explosive} up {user}'s ass and lets off a few rounds.", "crushes {user}'s skull in with a {weapon_crush}.", "unleashes the armies of Isengard on {user}.", "gags and ties {user} then throws them off a {tall_thing} to their death.", "reaches out and punches right through {user}'s chest.", "slices {user}'s limbs off with a {weapon_slice}.", "throws {user} to Cthulu and watches them get ripped to shreds.", "feeds {user} to an owlbear who then proceeds to maul them violently.", "turns {user} into a snail and covers then in salt.", "snacks on {user}'s dismembered body.", "stuffs {bomb} up {user}'s ass and waits for it to go off.", "puts {user} into a sack, throws the sack in the river, and hurls the river into space.", "goes bowling with {user}'s bloody disembodied head.", "sends {user} to /dev/null!", "feeds {user} coke and mentos till they violently explode." ], "parts": { "gun":[ "AK47", "machine gun", "automatic pistol", "Uzi" ], "limbs": [ "legs", "arms", "limbs" ], "weapon_stab": [ "knife", "shard of glass", "sword blade", "butchers knife", "corkscrew" ], "weapon_slice": [ "sharpened katana", "chainsaw", "polished axe" ], "weapon_crush": [ "spiked mace", "baseball bat", "wooden club", "massive steel ball", "heavy iron rod" ], "weapon_explosive": [ "rocket launcher", "grenade launcher", "napalm launcher" ], "tall_thing": [ "bridge", "tall building", "cliff", "mountain" ], "spiked_thing": [ "boulder", "rock", "barrel of rocks" ], "bomb": [ "a bomb", "some TNT", "a bunch of C4" ] } }