from util import hook, http, web import re import random base_url = "{}/.json" imgur_re = re.compile(r'http://(?:i\.)?imgur\.com/(a/)?(\w+\b(?!/))\.?\w?') album_api = "{}/images.json" def is_valid(data): if data["domain"] in ["", ""]: return True else: return False @hook.command(autohelp=False) def imgur(inp): "imgur [subreddit] -- Gets the first page of imgur images from [subreddit] and returns a link to them. If [subreddit] is undefined, return any imgur images" if inp: # see if the input ends with "nsfw" show_nsfw = inp.endswith(" nsfw") # remove "nsfw" from the input string after checking for it if show_nsfw: inp = inp[:-5].strip().lower() url = base_url.format(inp.strip()) else: url = "" show_nsfw = False try: data = http.get_json(url, user_agent=http.ua_chrome) except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) data = data["data"]["children"] random.shuffle(data) # filter list to only have imgur links filtered_posts = [i["data"] for i in data if is_valid(i["data"])] if not filtered_posts: return "No images found." items = [] headers = { "Authorization": "Client-ID b5d127e6941b07a" } # loop over the list of posts for post in filtered_posts: if post["over_18"] and not show_nsfw: continue match =["url"]) if == 'a/': # post is an album url = album_api.format( images = http.get_json(url, headers=headers)["data"] # loop over the images in the album and add to the list for image in images: items.append(image["id"]) elif is not None: # post is an image items.append( if not items: return "No images found (use .imgur nsfw to show explicit content)" if show_nsfw: return "{} \x02NSFW\x02".format(web.isgd("" + ','.join(items))) else: return web.isgd("" + ','.join(items))