'''brainfuck interpreter adapted from (public domain) code at http://brainfuck.sourceforge.net/brain.py''' import re import random from util import hook BUFFER_SIZE = 5000 MAX_STEPS = 1000000 @hook.command('brainfuck') @hook.command def bf(inp): """bf -- Executes as Brainfuck code.""" program = re.sub('[^][<>+-.,]', '', inp) # create a dict of brackets pairs, for speed later on brackets = {} open_brackets = [] for pos in range(len(program)): if program[pos] == '[': open_brackets.append(pos) elif program[pos] == ']': if len(open_brackets) > 0: brackets[pos] = open_brackets[-1] brackets[open_brackets[-1]] = pos open_brackets.pop() else: return 'unbalanced brackets' if len(open_brackets) != 0: return 'unbalanced brackets' # now we can start interpreting ip = 0 # instruction pointer mp = 0 # memory pointer steps = 0 memory = [0] * BUFFER_SIZE # initial memory area rightmost = 0 output = "" # we'll save the output here # the main program loop: while ip < len(program): c = program[ip] if c == '+': memory[mp] += 1 % 256 elif c == '-': memory[mp] -= 1 % 256 elif c == '>': mp += 1 if mp > rightmost: rightmost = mp if mp >= len(memory): # no restriction on memory growth! memory.extend([0] * BUFFER_SIZE) elif c == '<': mp -= 1 % len(memory) elif c == '.': output += chr(memory[mp]) if len(output) > 500: break elif c == ',': memory[mp] = random.randint(1, 255) elif c == '[': if memory[mp] == 0: ip = brackets[ip] elif c == ']': if memory[mp] != 0: ip = brackets[ip] ip += 1 steps += 1 if steps > MAX_STEPS: if output == '': output = '(no output)' output += '[exceeded {} iterations]'.format(MAX_STEPS) break stripped_output = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1F]', '', output) if stripped_output == '': if output != '': return 'no printable output' return 'no output' return stripped_output[:430].decode('utf8', 'ignore')