# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for Beautiful Soup's tree traversal methods. The tree traversal methods are the main advantage of using Beautiful Soup over just using a parser. Different parsers will build different Beautiful Soup trees given the same markup, but all Beautiful Soup trees can be traversed with the methods tested here. """ import copy import pickle import re import warnings from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.builder import ( builder_registry, HTMLParserTreeBuilder, ) from bs4.element import ( CData, Doctype, NavigableString, SoupStrainer, Tag, ) from bs4.testing import ( SoupTest, skipIf, ) XML_BUILDER_PRESENT = (builder_registry.lookup("xml") is not None) LXML_PRESENT = (builder_registry.lookup("lxml") is not None) class TreeTest(SoupTest): def assertSelects(self, tags, should_match): """Make sure that the given tags have the correct text. This is used in tests that define a bunch of tags, each containing a single string, and then select certain strings by some mechanism. """ self.assertEqual([tag.string for tag in tags], should_match) def assertSelectsIDs(self, tags, should_match): """Make sure that the given tags have the correct IDs. This is used in tests that define a bunch of tags, each containing a single string, and then select certain strings by some mechanism. """ self.assertEqual([tag['id'] for tag in tags], should_match) class TestFind(TreeTest): """Basic tests of the find() method. find() just calls find_all() with limit=1, so it's not tested all that thouroughly here. """ def test_find_tag(self): soup = self.soup("1234") self.assertEqual(soup.find("b").string, "2") def test_unicode_text_find(self): soup = self.soup(u'


') self.assertEqual(soup.find(text=u'Räksmörgås'), u'Räksmörgås') class TestFindAll(TreeTest): """Basic tests of the find_all() method.""" def test_find_all_text_nodes(self): """You can search the tree for text nodes.""" soup = self.soup("Foobar\xbb") # Exact match. self.assertEqual(soup.find_all(text="bar"), [u"bar"]) # Match any of a number of strings. self.assertEqual( soup.find_all(text=["Foo", "bar"]), [u"Foo", u"bar"]) # Match a regular expression. self.assertEqual(soup.find_all(text=re.compile('.*')), [u"Foo", u"bar", u'\xbb']) # Match anything. self.assertEqual(soup.find_all(text=True), [u"Foo", u"bar", u'\xbb']) def test_find_all_limit(self): """You can limit the number of items returned by find_all.""" soup = self.soup("12345") self.assertSelects(soup.find_all('a', limit=3), ["1", "2", "3"]) self.assertSelects(soup.find_all('a', limit=1), ["1"]) self.assertSelects( soup.find_all('a', limit=10), ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]) # A limit of 0 means no limit. self.assertSelects( soup.find_all('a', limit=0), ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]) def test_calling_a_tag_is_calling_findall(self): soup = self.soup("123") self.assertSelects(soup('a', limit=1), ["1"]) self.assertSelects(soup.b(id="foo"), ["3"]) def test_find_all_with_self_referential_data_structure_does_not_cause_infinite_recursion(self): soup = self.soup("") # Create a self-referential list. l = [] l.append(l) # Without special code in _normalize_search_value, this would cause infinite # recursion. self.assertEqual([], soup.find_all(l)) class TestFindAllBasicNamespaces(TreeTest): def test_find_by_namespaced_name(self): soup = self.soup('4') self.assertEqual("4", soup.find("mathml:msqrt").string) self.assertEqual("a", soup.find(attrs= { "svg:fill" : "red" }).name) class TestFindAllByName(TreeTest): """Test ways of finding tags by tag name.""" def setUp(self): super(TreeTest, self).setUp() self.tree = self.soup("""First tag. Second tag. Third Nested tag. tag.""") def test_find_all_by_tag_name(self): # Find all the tags. self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all('a'), ['First tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_by_name_and_text(self): self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all('a', text='First tag.'), ['First tag.']) self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all('a', text=True), ['First tag.', 'Nested tag.']) self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all('a', text=re.compile("tag")), ['First tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_on_non_root_element(self): # You can call find_all on any node, not just the root. self.assertSelects(self.tree.c.find_all('a'), ['Nested tag.']) def test_calling_element_invokes_find_all(self): self.assertSelects(self.tree('a'), ['First tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_by_tag_strainer(self): self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all(SoupStrainer('a')), ['First tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_by_tag_names(self): self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all(['a', 'b']), ['First tag.', 'Second tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_by_tag_dict(self): self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all({'a' : True, 'b' : True}), ['First tag.', 'Second tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_by_tag_re(self): self.assertSelects( self.tree.find_all(re.compile('^[ab]$')), ['First tag.', 'Second tag.', 'Nested tag.']) def test_find_all_with_tags_matching_method(self): # You can define an oracle method that determines whether # a tag matches the search. def id_matches_name(tag): return tag.name == tag.get('id') tree = self.soup("""Match 1. Does not match. Match 2.""") self.assertSelects( tree.find_all(id_matches_name), ["Match 1.", "Match 2."]) class TestFindAllByAttribute(TreeTest): def test_find_all_by_attribute_name(self): # You can pass in keyword arguments to find_all to search by # attribute. tree = self.soup(""" Matching a. Non-matching Matching b.a. """) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(id='first'), ["Matching a.", "Matching b."]) def test_find_all_by_utf8_attribute_value(self): peace = u"םולש".encode("utf8") data = u''.encode("utf8") soup = self.soup(data) self.assertEqual([soup.a], soup.find_all(title=peace)) self.assertEqual([soup.a], soup.find_all(title=peace.decode("utf8"))) self.assertEqual([soup.a], soup.find_all(title=[peace, "something else"])) def test_find_all_by_attribute_dict(self): # You can pass in a dictionary as the argument 'attrs'. This # lets you search for attributes like 'name' (a fixed argument # to find_all) and 'class' (a reserved word in Python.) tree = self.soup(""" Name match. Class match. Non-match. A tag called 'name1'. """) # This doesn't do what you want. self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(name='name1'), ["A tag called 'name1'."]) # This does what you want. self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(attrs={'name' : 'name1'}), ["Name match."]) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(attrs={'class' : 'class2'}), ["Class match."]) def test_find_all_by_class(self): tree = self.soup(""" Class 1. Class 2. Class 1. Class 3 and 4. """) # Passing in the class_ keyword argument will search against # the 'class' attribute. self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('a', class_='1'), ['Class 1.']) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('c', class_='3'), ['Class 3 and 4.']) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('c', class_='4'), ['Class 3 and 4.']) # Passing in a string to 'attrs' will also search the CSS class. self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('a', '1'), ['Class 1.']) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(attrs='1'), ['Class 1.', 'Class 1.']) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('c', '3'), ['Class 3 and 4.']) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('c', '4'), ['Class 3 and 4.']) def test_find_by_class_when_multiple_classes_present(self): tree = self.soup("Found it") f = tree.find_all("gar", class_=re.compile("o")) self.assertSelects(f, ["Found it"]) f = tree.find_all("gar", class_=re.compile("a")) self.assertSelects(f, ["Found it"]) # Since the class is not the string "foo bar", but the two # strings "foo" and "bar", this will not find anything. f = tree.find_all("gar", class_=re.compile("o b")) self.assertSelects(f, []) def test_find_all_with_non_dictionary_for_attrs_finds_by_class(self): soup = self.soup("Found it") self.assertSelects(soup.find_all("a", re.compile("ba")), ["Found it"]) def big_attribute_value(value): return len(value) > 3 self.assertSelects(soup.find_all("a", big_attribute_value), []) def small_attribute_value(value): return len(value) <= 3 self.assertSelects( soup.find_all("a", small_attribute_value), ["Found it"]) def test_find_all_with_string_for_attrs_finds_multiple_classes(self): soup = self.soup('') a, a2 = soup.find_all("a") self.assertEqual([a, a2], soup.find_all("a", "foo")) self.assertEqual([a], soup.find_all("a", "bar")) # If you specify the class as a string that contains a # space, only that specific value will be found. self.assertEqual([a], soup.find_all("a", class_="foo bar")) self.assertEqual([a], soup.find_all("a", "foo bar")) self.assertEqual([], soup.find_all("a", "bar foo")) def test_find_all_by_attribute_soupstrainer(self): tree = self.soup(""" Match. Non-match.""") strainer = SoupStrainer(attrs={'id' : 'first'}) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(strainer), ['Match.']) def test_find_all_with_missing_atribute(self): # You can pass in None as the value of an attribute to find_all. # This will match tags that do not have that attribute set. tree = self.soup("""ID present. No ID present. ID is empty.""") self.assertSelects(tree.find_all('a', id=None), ["No ID present."]) def test_find_all_with_defined_attribute(self): # You can pass in None as the value of an attribute to find_all. # This will match tags that have that attribute set to any value. tree = self.soup("""ID present. No ID present. ID is empty.""") self.assertSelects( tree.find_all(id=True), ["ID present.", "ID is empty."]) def test_find_all_with_numeric_attribute(self): # If you search for a number, it's treated as a string. tree = self.soup("""Unquoted attribute. Quoted attribute.""") expected = ["Unquoted attribute.", "Quoted attribute."] self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(id=1), expected) self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(id="1"), expected) def test_find_all_with_list_attribute_values(self): # You can pass a list of attribute values instead of just one, # and you'll get tags that match any of the values. tree = self.soup("""1 2 3 No ID.""") self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(id=["1", "3", "4"]), ["1", "3"]) def test_find_all_with_regular_expression_attribute_value(self): # You can pass a regular expression as an attribute value, and # you'll get tags whose values for that attribute match the # regular expression. tree = self.soup("""One a. Two as. Mixed as and bs. One b. No ID.""") self.assertSelects(tree.find_all(id=re.compile("^a+$")), ["One a.", "Two as."]) def test_find_by_name_and_containing_string(self): soup = self.soup("foobarfoo") a = soup.a self.assertEqual([a], soup.find_all("a", text="foo")) self.assertEqual([], soup.find_all("a", text="bar")) self.assertEqual([], soup.find_all("a", text="bar")) def test_find_by_name_and_containing_string_when_string_is_buried(self): soup = self.soup("foofoo") self.assertEqual(soup.find_all("a"), soup.find_all("a", text="foo")) def test_find_by_attribute_and_containing_string(self): soup = self.soup('foofoo') a = soup.a self.assertEqual([a], soup.find_all(id=2, text="foo")) self.assertEqual([], soup.find_all(id=1, text="bar")) class TestIndex(TreeTest): """Test Tag.index""" def test_index(self): tree = self.soup("""
Identical Not identical Identical Identical with child Also not identical Identical with child
""") div = tree.div for i, element in enumerate(div.contents): self.assertEqual(i, div.index(element)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, tree.index, 1) class TestParentOperations(TreeTest): """Test navigation and searching through an element's parents.""" def setUp(self): super(TestParentOperations, self).setUp() self.tree = self.soup('''