from util import hook, http import csv import time import StringIO gauge_url = "{}" api_url = "{}.csv" steam_api_url = "{}/?xml=1" def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False def unicode_dictreader(utf8_data, **kwargs): csv_reader = csv.DictReader(utf8_data, **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: yield dict([(key.lower(), unicode(value, 'utf-8')) for key, value in row.iteritems()]) @hook.command('sc') @hook.command def steamcalc(inp, reply=None): """steamcalc [currency] - Gets value of steam account and total hours played. Uses """ name = inp.strip() try: reply("Collecting data, this may take a few seconds.") http.get(gauge_url.format(name), timeout=15, get_method='HEAD') request = http.get(api_url.format(name)) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError): return "Could not get data for this user." csv_data = StringIO.StringIO(request) # we use StringIO because CSV can't read a string reader = unicode_dictreader(csv_data) # put the games in a list games = [] for row in reader: games.append(row) data = {} # basic information steam_profile = http.get_xml(steam_api_url.format(name)) data["name"] = steam_profile.find('steamID').text online_state = steam_profile.find('stateMessage').text data["state"] = online_state.replace("
", ": ") # will make this pretty later # work out the average metascore for all games ms = [float(game["metascore"]) for game in games if is_number(game["metascore"])] metascore = float(sum(ms))/len(ms) if len(ms) > 0 else float('nan') data["average_metascore"] = "{0:.1f}".format(metascore) # work out the totals data["games"] = len(games) total_value = sum([float(game["value"]) for game in games if is_number(game["value"])]) data["value"] = str(int(round(total_value))) # work out the total size total_size = 0.0 for game in games: if not is_number(game["size"]): continue if game["unit"] == "GB": total_size += float(game["size"]) else: total_size += float(game["size"])/1024 data["size"] = "{0:.1f}".format(total_size) return "{name} ({state}) has {games} games with a total value of ${value}" \ " and a total size of {size}GB! The average metascore for these" \ " games is {average_metascore}.".format(**data)