from util import hook import re import random larts = ["swaps 's shampoo with glue", "installs windows on 's machine", "forces to use perl for 3 weeks", "registers 's name with 50 known spammers", "resizes 's console to 40x24", "takes 's drink", "dispenses 's email address to a few hundred 'bulk mailing services'", "pokes in the eye", "beats senseless with a 50lb Linux manual", "cats /dev/random into 's ear", "signs up for AOL", "enrolls in Visual Basic 101", "sporks ", "drops a truckload of support tickets on ", "judo chops ", "sets 's resolution to 800x600", "formats 's harddrive to fat12", "rm -rf's ", "stabs ", "steals 's mojo", "strangles with a doohicky mouse cord", "whacks with the cluebat", "sells on EBay", "uses as a biological warfare study", "uses the 'Customer Appreciation Bat' on ", "puts in the Total Perspective Vortex", "casts into the fires of Mt. Doom", "gives a melvin", "turns over to Agent Smith to be 'bugged'", "takes away 's internet connection", "pushes past the Shoe Event Horizon", "counts '1, 2, 5... er... 3!' and hurls the Holy Handgrenade Of Antioch at ", "puts in a nest of camel spiders", "makes read slashdot at -1", "puts 'alias vim=emacs' in 's /etc/profile", "uninstalls every web browser from 's system", "locks in the Chateau d'If", "signs up for getting hit on the head lessons", "makes try to set up a Lexmark printer", "fills 's eyedrop bottle with lime juice", "casts into the fires of Mt. Doom.", "gives a Flying Dutchman", "rips off 's arm, and uses it to beat them to death", "pierces 's nose with a rusty paper hole puncher", "pokes with a rusty nail", "puts sugar between 's bedsheets", "pours sand into 's breakfast", "mixes epoxy into 's toothpaste", "puts Icy-Hot in 's lube container", "straps to a chair, and plays a endless low bitrate MP3 loop of \"the world's most annoying sound\" from \"Dumb and Dumber\"", "tells Dr. Dre that was talking smack", "forces to use a Commodore 64 for all their word processing", "smacks in the face with a burlap sack full of broken glass", "puts in a room with several heavily armed manic depressives", "makes watch reruns of \"Blue's Clues\"", "puts lye in 's coffee", "tattoos the Windows symbol on 's ass", "lets Borg have his way with ", "signs up for line dancing classes at the local senior center", "wakes out of a sound sleep with some brand new nipple piercings", "gives a 2 guage Prince Albert", "forces to eat all their veggies", "covers 's toilet paper with lemon-pepper", "fills 's ketchup bottle with Dave's Insanity sauce", "forces to stare at an incredibly frustrating and seemingly neverending IRC political debate", "knocks two of 's teeth out with a 2x4", "removes debian from 's system", "uses 's iPod for skeet shooting practice", "gives 's phone number to Borg", "posts 's IP, username, and password on 4chan", "forces to use words like 'irregardless' and 'administrate' (thereby sounding like a real dumbass)", "tickles until they wet their pants and pass out", "replaces 's KY with elmer's clear wood glue", "replaces 's TUMS with alka-seltzer tablets", "squeezes habanero pepper juice into 's tub of vaseline", "Forces to learn the Win32 API", "gives an atomic wedgie", "ties to a chair and forces them to listen to 'N Sync at full blast", "forces to use notepad for text editing", "frowns at really really hard", "jabs a hot lighter into 's eye sockets", "forces to browse the web with IE6", "takes out at the knees with a broken pool cue", "forces to listen to emo music", "lets a few creepers into 's house", "signs up for the Iowa State Ferret Legging Championship", "attempts to hotswap 's RAM", "dragon punches ", "puts track spikes into 's side", "replaces 's Astroglide with JB Weld", "replaces 's stress pills with rat poison pellets", "replaces s crotch itch cream with Nair", "does the Australian Death Grip on ", "dances upon the grave of 's ancestors.", "farts in 's general direction", "flogs with stinging neddle", "assigns all of the permissions tickets on the BeastNode support system to ", "hands a poison ivy joint"] slaps = ["slaps with a ", "slaps around a bit with a ", "throws a at ", "grabs a and throws it in 's face", "holds down and repeatedly whacks them with a ", "prods with a flaming ", "picks up a , and whacks with it", "ties to a chair and throws a at them", "hits on the head with a "] items = ["cast iron skillet", "large trout", "baseball bat", "wooden cane", "CRT monitor", "physics textbook", "television", "five tonne truck", "roll of duct tape", "book", "rubber chicken", "fire extinguisher", "heavy rock", "chunk of dirt"] @hook.command def lart(inp, me = None, nick = None, input=None, notice=None): ".lart - LARTs a user of your choice" inp = inp.strip() if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()): notice("Invalid username!") return if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself": msg = 'slaps ' + nick + ' in the face!' else: msg = re.sub ('', inp, random.choice(larts)) me(msg) @hook.command def slap(inp, me = None, nick = None, input=None, notice=None): ".slap - slap a user" inp = inp.strip() if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.-\]\[]*$", inp.lower()): notice("Invalid username!") return if inp == input.conn.nick.lower() or inp == "itself": msg = 'slaps ' + nick + ' in the face!' else: slap = random.choice(slaps) slap = re.sub ('', inp, slap) msg = re.sub ('', random.choice(items), slap) me(msg)