import re import random from datetime import datetime import tweepy from util import hook, timesince TWITTER_RE = (r"(?:(?|[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/status/)([0-9]+)", re.I) def get_api(bot): consumer_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("twitter_consumer_key") consumer_secret = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("twitter_consumer_secret") oauth_token = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("twitter_access_token") oauth_secret = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("twitter_access_secret") if not consumer_key: return False auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(oauth_token, oauth_secret) return tweepy.API(auth) @hook.regex(*TWITTER_RE) def twitter_url(match, bot=None): # Find the tweet ID from the URL tweet_id = # Get the tweet using the tweepy API api = get_api(bot) if not api: return try: tweet = api.get_status(tweet_id) user = tweet.user except tweepy.error.TweepError: return # Format the return the text of the tweet text = " ".join(tweet.text.split()) if user.verified: prefix = u"\u2713" else: prefix = "" time = timesince.timesince(tweet.created_at, datetime.utcnow()) return u"{}@\x02{}\x02 ({}): {} ({} ago)".format(prefix, user.screen_name,, text, time) @hook.command("tw") @hook.command("twatter") @hook.command def twitter(inp, bot=None): """twitter [n] -- Gets last/[n]th tweet from """ api = get_api(bot) if not api: return "Error: No Twitter API details." if re.match(r'^\d+$', inp): # user is getting a tweet by id try: # get tweet by id tweet = api.get_status(inp) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: if e[0][0]['code'] == 34: return "Could not find tweet." else: return u"Error {}: {}".format(e[0][0]['code'], e[0][0]['message']) user = tweet.user elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', inp) or re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', inp): # user is getting a tweet by name if inp.find(' ') == -1: username = inp tweet_number = 0 else: username, tweet_number = inp.split() tweet_number = int(tweet_number) - 1 if tweet_number > 300: return "This command can only find the last \x02300\x02 tweets." try: # try to get user by username user = api.get_user(username) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: if e[0][0]['code'] == 34: return "Could not find user." else: return u"Error {}: {}".format(e[0][0]['code'], e[0][0]['message']) # get the users tweets user_timeline = api.user_timeline(, count=tweet_number + 1) # if the timeline is empty, return an error if not user_timeline: return u"The user \x02{}\x02 has no tweets.".format(user.screen_name) # grab the newest tweet from the users timeline try: tweet = user_timeline[tweet_number] except IndexError: tweet_count = len(user_timeline) return u"The user \x02{}\x02 only has \x02{}\x02 tweets.".format(user.screen_name, tweet_count) elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', inp): # user is searching by hashtag search = if not search: return "No tweets found." tweet = random.choice(search) user = tweet.user else: # ??? return "Invalid Input" # Format the return the text of the tweet text = " ".join(tweet.text.split()) if user.verified: prefix = u"\u2713" else: prefix = "" time = timesince.timesince(tweet.created_at, datetime.utcnow()) return u"{}@\x02{}\x02 ({}): {} ({} ago)".format(prefix, user.screen_name,, text, time) @hook.command("twinfo") @hook.command def twuser(inp, bot=None): """twuser -- Get info on the Twitter user """ api = get_api(bot) if not api: return "Error: No Twitter API details." try: # try to get user by username user = api.get_user(inp) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: if e[0][0]['code'] == 34: return "Could not find user." else: return "Unknown error" if user.verified: prefix = u"\u2713" else: prefix = "" if user.location: loc_str = u" is located in \x02{}\x02 and".format(user.location) else: loc_str = "" if user.description: desc_str = u" The users description is \"{}\"".format(user.description) else: desc_str = "" return u"{}@\x02{}\x02 ({}){} has \x02{:,}\x02 tweets and \x02{:,}\x02 followers.{}" \ "".format(prefix, user.screen_name,, loc_str, user.statuses_count, user.followers_count, desc_str)