import random from util import hook, http, web metadata_url = "{}" base_url = "" search_url = base_url + "/searches" random_url = search_url + "/surprise" # set this to true to censor this plugin! censor = True phrases = [ u"EAT SOME FUCKING \x02{}\x02", u"YOU WON'T NOT MAKE SOME FUCKING \x02{}\x02", u"HOW ABOUT SOME FUCKING \x02{}?\x02", u"WHY DON'T YOU EAT SOME FUCKING \x02{}?\x02", u"MAKE SOME FUCKING \x02{}\x02", u"INDUCE FOOD COMA WITH SOME FUCKING \x02{}\x02" ] clean_key = lambda i: i.split("#")[1] class ParseError(Exception): pass def get_data(url): """ Uses the omnidator API to parse the metadata from the provided URL """ try: omni = http.get_json(metadata_url.format(url)) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: raise ParseError(e) schemas = omni["@"] for d in schemas: if d["a"] == "": data = {clean_key(key): value for (key, value) in d.iteritems() if key.startswith("")} return data raise ParseError("No recipe data found") @hook.command(autohelp=False) def recipe(inp): """recipe [term] - Gets a recipe for [term], or ets a random recipe if [term] is not provided""" if inp: # get the recipe URL by searching try: search = http.get_soup(search_url, query=inp.strip()) except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: return "Could not get recipe: {}".format(e) # find the list of results result_list = search.find('div', {'class': 'found_results'}) if result_list: results = result_list.find_all('div', {'class': 'recipe_result'}) else: return "No results" # pick a random front page result result = random.choice(results) # extract the URL from the result url = base_url + result.find('div', {'class': 'image-wrapper'}).find('a')['href'] else: # get a random recipe URL try: page = except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: return "Could not get recipe: {}".format(e) url = page.geturl() # use get_data() to get the recipe info from the URL try: data = get_data(url) except ParseError as e: return "Could not parse recipe: {}".format(e) name = data["name"].strip() return u"Try eating \x02{}!\x02 - {}".format(name, web.try_isgd(url)) @hook.command(autohelp=False) def dinner(inp): """dinner - WTF IS FOR DINNER""" try: page = except (http.HTTPError, http.URLError) as e: return "Could not get recipe: {}".format(e) url = page.geturl() try: data = get_data(url) except ParseError as e: return "Could not parse recipe: {}".format(e) name = data["name"].strip().upper() text = random.choice(phrases).format(name) if censor: text = text.replace("FUCK", "F**K") return u"{} - {}".format(text, web.try_isgd(url))