diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1df327 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# How to contribute + +I like to encourage you to contribute to the repository. +This should be as easy as possible for you but there are a few things to consider when contributing. +The following guidelines for contribution should be followed if you want to submit a pull request. + +## How to prepare + +* You need a [GitHub account](https://github.com/signup/free) +* Submit an [issue ticket](https://github.com/anselmh/modx-boilerplate-evo/issues) for your issue if the is no one yet. + * Describe the issue and include steps to reproduce if it's a bug. + * Ensure to mention the earliest version that you know is affected. +* If you are able and want to fix this, fork the repository on GitHub + +## Make Changes + +* In your forked repository, create a topic branch for your upcoming patch. (e.g. `feature--autoplay` or `bugfix--ios-crash`) + * Usually this is based on the master branch. + * Create a branch based on master; `git branch + fix/master/my_contribution master` then checkout the new branch with `git + checkout fix/master/my_contribution`. Please avoid working directly on the `master` branch. +* Make sure you stick to the coding style that is used already. +* Make use of the [`.editorconfig`-file](http://editorconfig.org/) if provided with the repository. +* Make commits of logical units and describe them properly. +* Check for unnecessary whitespace with `git diff --check` before committing. + +* If possible, submit tests to your patch / new feature so it can be tested easily. +* Assure nothing is broken by running all the tests. + +## Submit Changes + +* Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository. +* Open a pull request to the original repository and choose the right original branch you want to patch. + _Advanced users may use [`hub`](https://github.com/defunkt/hub#git-pull-request) gem for that._ +* If not done in commit messages (which you really should do) please reference and update your issue with the code changes. But _please do not close the issue yourself_. +_Notice: You can [turn your previously filed issues into a pull-request here](http://issue2pr.herokuapp.com/)._ +* Even if you have write access to the repository, do not directly push or merge pull-requests. Let another team member review your pull request and approve. + +# Additional Resources + +* [General GitHub documentation](http://help.github.com/) +* [GitHub pull request documentation](http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/) +* [Read the Issue Guidelines by @necolas](https://github.com/necolas/issue-guidelines/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details +* [This CONTRIBUTING.md from here](https://github.com/anselmh/CONTRIBUTING.md)