Edited Snowy Evening plugin.

This commit is contained in:
Luke Rogers 2013-02-07 11:50:33 +13:00
parent 971e8e4066
commit 8d8260a2f7
1 changed files with 15 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1,39 +1,25 @@
from util import hook, http, text
import json, urllib2
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
snowy_re = (r'(?:snowy-evening.com/)'
'([-_a-zA-Z0-9/]+)', re.I)
def stripStrongTags(text):
return text.replace("<strong>", "").replace("</strong>", "")
def snowy(match, nick="", reply=""):
soup = http.get_soup("https://snowy-evening.com/" + match.group(1))
header = ''.join([unicode(tag) for tag in (soup.h2)]).replace("<span>Issue Details</span>", "")
print(tag for tag in soup.find_all('p'))
info = ''.join([unicode(tag) for tag in soup.find_all('p')[0]])
if info.isspace() or not info or info == "":
info = "No details found"
stuff = soup.find_all('li', {'id':'proj-current'})[-1]
owner, name = stuff.find_all('a')[-1]['href'].replace("https://snowy-evening.com/", '').split('/')
reply("Project %s by %s: Issue %s - %s" % (name, owner, header, text.truncate_str(info, 150)))
stats = soup.find_all('ul', {'id':'stats'}, text=True)
priority, number, type, status, age, name = soup.find_all('strong', text=True)[:6]
data = {
"priority" : stripStrongTags(''.join(priority)),
"number" : stripStrongTags(''.join(number)),
"type" : stripStrongTags(''.join(type)),
"status" : stripStrongTags(''.join(status)),
"age" : stripStrongTags(''.join(age)),
"name" : stripStrongTags(''.join(name))
reply("This issue has a priority of \x02{priority}\x02. It's age is \x02{age}\x02 and it is a \x02{type}\x02 and was created by \x02{name}\x02. It's status is \x02{status}\x02.".format(**data))
except Exception:
owner, name, id, blankSpace = match.group(1).split("/")
soup = http.get_soup("https://snowy-evening.com/%s/%s/%s" % (owner, name, id))
header = soup.find('section', {'class': 'container'}).header.h2(text=True)[1].split(" ", 1)[1]
reply("Project {} by {}: Issue #{}: {}".format(name, owner, id, text.truncate_str(header, 150)))
stats = soup.find('ul', {'id':'stats'}).find_all('strong')
if len(stats) == 6:
priority, number, type, status, age, assignee = [i.contents[0].lower() for i in stats]
priority, number, type, status, age = [i.contents[0].lower() for i in stats]
if status == "assigned":
reply("This issue has a priority of \x02{}\x02. It's age is \x02{}\x02 and it is a \x02{}\x02. This issue is \x02{}\x02 to \x02{}\x02.".format(priority, age, type, status, assignee))
reply("This issue has a priority of \x02{}\x02. It's age is \x02{}\x02 and it is a \x02{}\x02. It's status is \x02{}\x02.".format(priority, age, type, status))