Revert "add ctcp version check and kick the logbot clients"

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Florian Schlegel 2015-02-19 16:21:14 +01:00
parent 121715115a
commit 433d97d276
1 changed files with 0 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -162,16 +162,6 @@ def topic_update(info, conn=None, chan=None):
if new_topic != topic:
conn.send("TOPIC %s :%s" % (chan, new_topic))
def handle_join(info, input=None, conn=None):
conn.ctcp(input.nick, "VERSION", "")
def handle_ctcp_rply(info, input=None, conn=None, nick=None):
if input.lastparam == "\1%s\1" % "mIRC v7.22 Khaled Mardam-Bey":
for chan in conn.channels:
conn.send("KICK %s %s :bad version" % (chan, nick))
def e332_update(info, conn=None, chan=None):
"""e332_update -- run after current topic was requested, runs worker tasks too"""